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  1. Now while I certainly understand both sides of the argument my problem comes with the lack of appreciation for those on console. Had TFP come out and said while we cant give you the pc version for free we will provide all console players witha discount with proof of purchase of the console version. It wouldn't be exactly what we all wanted but at least show they cared where as all we've been told for nearly 2 years is blame TT or IG. I understand they are not a console developer but we did help grow their game for free, so we should at least be given an olive branch. What angers me is that we've been ignored and given bs answers. I understand during the initial breakup and auction of TT they can only say so much but there is far more that could and should have been done for us that they are fully capable of. I was going to be a happy purchaser of the PC version but due to the lack of appreciation for us ( console gamers ) I'm not sure if I'm willing to ever give TFP anymore money even though I love the game.
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