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Posts posted by Mechanimal

  1. Loving all the new assets, but the permanently open and therefor unusable containers, like fridges, stoves, etc... hate it. Like why not just reclose the door if we put stuff in it instead of turning everything into an un-interactable prop? I'd always setup in kitchens for example, putting food in the empty fridge, campfire on stovetop with storage in stove... ugh, as much as I want to play A21 it has already ruined my motivation to continue at all. Noticed the Neebs crew are also not big fans of the change in their video. Guess I'll wait and see if anyone fixes it with mods before I play again.

  2. 11 hours ago, faatal said:

    Maybe, but that does not make it look better all by itself. Players like myself still want to point in any direction while on the ladder, so you will see what exactly? My gun pointed away from the ladder with my torso twisted backwards? Zombies need to be able to attack in any direction yet still be hanging on the ladder somehow. There is no good solution for the direction issue, which is why some games lock feet/hands/camera while climbing, which always feels like garbage, just so it looks nice.

    Yeah this is tricky to pull off. Another game I play a ton(Star Citizen) is working on a way to do this, as well as vaulting and climbing animations, and have even showed some promising clips of it all working well, like being able to look around and even fire a weapon while on a ladder, as well as jump off and onto ladders at different points, slide down it, etc... alas it is not in-game yet(SC is infamous for this), so...

    But it did look like it worked well, it's just really complex setting up all the character rig constraints for all situations. Plus to make things even trickier that overall game environment has varying levels of gravity, and EVA animations, to figure out. But it could be a year or two, or more, before it is in our hands to play with and test. 

    ANYWAY... I used to check in on this forum daily, but it's been what feels like forever. How's progress on the next update going? I miss this game.

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