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  1. Hey gang! Lurker, but relatively comfortable modder here. Man I love you guys. And a grateful shoutout to xyth for the tutorial videos. So far, my xml are pretty night and day different from the vanilla game. Highly expanded progression and skill trees, etc. I recently made a couple of katanas in different colors with a Hamon pattern and level of detail I’m pretty happy with in game. Using hold type 17. Works a charm. I also put together a bunch of new items using repurposed meshes and custom icons etc. for meeting the requirements to make the katana, making tamahagane, collecting rayskin for the handle from “A better life’s” lovely Stingrays etc. I’ll throw up some screenshots if desired. One victory I am highly satisfied with is putting together some rare super bosses like the “Busty Behemoth”, (Thanks to the Zombie Transmogrifier of course), basically superpowered stripper zombies that range from 3-10x the size of normal zombies and drop busty behemoth blood which is required for crafting a crimson handled katana, because I am a nerd I am still having a lot of trouble managing to get custom items ported into the game however. It seems to be a crap shoot most of the time. I am using the right version of unity, I believe, 5.3.8p2 I am using the most current SDX. The two katanas I ported in were done using copies of the katana sample with the names of the mesh changed from “michonnekatana” to “aaronkatana” and “hannahkatana” and in the xml: “#aaronkatana?katana” and “#hannahkatana?katana” and they work swell. I have little idea what are the important aspects however. Repositioning items in unity seems to have no effect. They simply enter the game the same way no matter what I do thus far. What I name the mesh or the empty game object I place it in seems unimportant. Only that I tell the xml to look for what I name the final result. Likewise, scaling the item once it’s been placed seems completely ineffective, only changing the “import scale” before I put it into a scene. Many, many items when imported simply show up as *leather*? Or some similar texture being held in the player’s hands and swung around like a jackass. While I’m of course capable of making simple mistakes. I am highly meticulous, and have tried and retried a few hundred times with various items. So I’m leaning more towards ignorance than syntax errors. I would be tremendously grateful for a better understanding of what may be at play here, or some more rigorous tutorials. Thoughts?
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