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Everything posted by shakikoko

  1. So another question with how do I skip to white river citizen 1 after crafting bedrolls? I guess I really don't understand how it should work <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']/reward[@type='Quest']/@value">quest_whiteRiverCitizen1</set> I tried using remove earlier and it just doesn't load the mod. <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']/reward[@type='Quest']/@id="quest_whiteRiverCitizen1" />
  2. right. is it because they are 2 different item rather than 2 of the item in 1 group?
  3. ah ty dukew74. It has to be from where it actually is "effect_group/passive_effect" and not "property".
  4. Hmmm. First time modding and this doesn't work. <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolChainsaw' and @name='meleeToolAuger']/property[@name='MagazineSize']/@value">5000</set> this is what it shows on my F1 console. The guy in page 4 with the jar works fine. :/
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