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Everything posted by goldenfyre

  1. lowered the setting to mark it work .but its the first time i have had this issue ,find it kinda funny that my pc cant handle the monitor .it would be funnier if I had not seen for a fleeting momment how nice it could look and how much its going to cost me to catch up the the monitor.but thanks
  2. Game Version: (A21 b3xx)current OS/Version: Windows 10 pro CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz System Memory: 16 GB GPU Model and VRAM: nvidia geforce 730 4 gb Screen Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Video Settings: Medium Game mode: single player only Did you wipe old saves? yes Did you start a new game? yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? I was ,not after reinstall EAC on or off on .tryed off no difference Status: NEW? just shy of 5000 hour of play issue is new to this week Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1)removed mod and cleared data (all) 2)uninstalled and reinstall x3 3)changed setting to low ,changed graphics card setting 4-5 differnnt way I goofed and added a mod on 04/29/24 mid play throught.it corrupted the save and created major lag.I have been unable to get the lag to go away .I tryed removing all ,clearing all data ,auththenicating install ,unstalling strough steam reinstalling and and authentacating ,manually uninstalling and seaching my hard drive for all refernces to game and removing them .then restart and reinstall .setting the game to lowest setting .none of this worked and the as of 04/28/24 the play was working fine
  3. I need help with Nitrogen and combo pack. I had both working on my gaming pc when it crashed. I had to the hard drive replace (extended warranty) but had to reload everything. tested the game in Vanilla the then tried to reload nirtogen and Combo pack 45 I did before and its messed up. I get a vanilla map or a combo pack map with no vanilla building and empty spots where the preview says they should be. uninstalled and went back to the video to check my work .same results .went to youtube for another Video "7 Days to Die Alpha 19: Nitrogen + Combopack 46 {Download, Config + Use *UPDATED TO USE V46*} no change.so.....HELP!
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