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Posts posted by Catdaddy

  1. My hardest modded game has BM off with wandering hordes of 30-55 every 12.5-37.5 real minutes. Day = Run + Feral Sense on. Totally unpredictable, MUCH harder than a planned BM event once a week. On the rare occasion when I use traders, these hordes can make it hard to complete missions. I often run for my life, and they chase me relentlessly. 

  2. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    By the way, there is a separate forum section for pictures and videos from playthroughs: "Images and Videos"


    I know this is off-topic, but this comment confused me. No BFD, just a headscratcher...


    All of the images in this thread are related to this thread. Are you suggesting that the images should be posted in a separate thread, in a different section, outside of the topic they are illustrating? Or are you suggesting that he makes a second thread just to showcase these menu shots? 


    Either way, that is weird as hell, but thanks for the clarification. 

  3. 52 minutes ago, User said:

    Very random and unimportant question: But have there been any changes to the creative menu? Like adding a quality selector, for instance.


    Edit: Another question I have is about block health values. I've noticed a lot of blocks with weirdly high or low HP values proportional to what they are. For instance, cloth mattresses with more hp than cupboards and cabinets. Are these things on the radar? Just curious. Not an issue or anything, just sort of interested in the thoughts on it. This also includes stuff like the leather chests with really high hp.


    In your example, the mattress is composed of cloth, a needed material, so it has normal HP. The open cupboards are simply in the way. No one using them as a wood source. I never remove cupboards unless I am replacing them, so I think their low HP is a convenience, much like the damaged blocks, provided for those of us who want to do some remodeling. 

  4. 17 hours ago, seven said:

    It would be nice if the default settings weren't the most insecure.


    The "Secure" storage defaults to unlocked. Maybe they have stats to support that decision too?


    15 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    The game is likely played by the majority in a co-op setting with people who pay attention to the settings they are configuring.


    This a security feature. The default should protect those NOT paying attention. Those already paying attention won't be bothered nearly as much as the inattentive guy who just got robbed.

  5. 22 hours ago, peters874635464 said:

    im fr considering to learn coding just because i love the game and cant stand the fact that it couldnt be more poorly optimalized.

    I think you should go for it. Thank you for caring so much. 

  6. 1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

    More likely because it would allow you to bypass land claim blocks.

    Only if designed that way, right? LCB already can regulate block damage, making your base invulnerable to other players. How hard could it be to have LCB also disallow lockpicking in MP? I really don't know...



  7. What hype? It's been mostly silent around here for a while, compared to previous cycles, and the tone has changed. This forum was more fun a couple of years ago. It feels like less damns being given, but I am a confirmed pessimist, so I'm sure everything will be "fine" in the end. Yea, boyeeee!



  8. I love this feature. I would not want it to go away. I often play BM every night and I use it to progress quickly in early game. I log in and out several times during those first nights. Otherwise, the BMs are slow and boring for the first week or so.


    If needed, you can just turn BM off before you log back in. After sunrise, log out and turn it back on. This is safer than tinkering with the game clock.

  9. I love No-Trader runs. I just add recipes for all non-craftable items.


    For me, the back and forth of the trader system is the most tedious and gamey aspect of vanilla. Just let me take all the missions and go about my business. I'll be back in a week or whatever. Or give me a time limit, or a zone to clear. Anything but this travelling the same road over and over, checking in between each job. I hate it a lot. 


    In my perfect game, there would be no traders. All POIs would be Clear and Fetch missions, triggered when I step on the property, one-and-done. Buried Supplies missions would be migrated to the Treasure Map system. Kill the zombies, collect all the MacGuffin parts, save the world. In the final scene, I'll be flying my gyro out of the death zone, homeward bound, when I get clipped by the air drop plane and go down in flames. 



  10. 10 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I never understood the point of most DDOS attacks.


    We can only speculate, but in a situation like this, revenge is a likely motive. This person was ridiculed or spoken down to or simply disagreed with, and their ego can't handle it. 


    If this imagined offense had happened at work or school, this is the same person who would show up later with a rifle. 

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