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Posts posted by archergod

  1. On 10/18/2023 at 9:45 PM, faatal said:

    There is a lot of work to do.

    I agree, and I am excited to see all new things added to game. and Frankly A21 is good enough for me to wait for A22 for sometime.. so take your time and make much better version as always.. Thanks for your great work. 

  2. On 10/13/2023 at 12:25 AM, Fanatical_Meat said:


    Reddit says A22 will arrive in December with the console update.

    I am pretty sure it won't be coming this year.. they are good some new addition as of now.. which are great .. so it take time to cook.. 

  3. I try to do Shotgun factory twice in my game and when we enter the building and reach ground floor warehouse it has activate Key switch to open warehouse loading area with truck, but it doesn't open that metal door where conveyer belts are. In old version that gate was open by default and we enter there. There are couple of other door been non activated. (in version 324) I just now see a video while searching what I am doing wrong and see this video ( https://youtu.be/RXeIKbzDmD4 ) about 3/4m they open that gate (in version 317) is that intentionally closed and new path is created or is it bugged? I see couple other video of 324 where that gate didn't open for other players as well. 


    I am using vanilla game in single player if that matters. 


    also I am not sure if I had bad luck or what, but some quest just don't end. In another Tier 6 Infestation quest it shows marker at underground space (in hospital where 3 chest in room) I went to that room it spawn Z there and I kill it but marker didn't disappear I dig the whole area in 5x5 around marker but nothing happens and I have to abandon that quest like for messiah as even after clearing all room since not all trigger are fired it doesn't register them as win. 


    I love all those extra zombie but this trigger to wake them up is just so badly implemented, stealth has no value, trigger are making quest no fun, when you get everything but because you didn't trigger some zombie area they won't complete and trigger are not visible obviously to activate them. and that yellow dot just stuck. they are not at all natural game play fit. 


    Stealth is like moody, once all10s of zombie just keep sleeping and once even if you are in other room they all get active and attack . If you use guns even in forest reason they call screamer and they break half the door and some trigger just fails as result of it. 


    Sometime game feels like developer just want player to die and their skill doesn't matter. Game's motive is Survival not zombie fighting, if we need zombie fighting we rather choose a game with bigger gun and 1000s of zombie attack our base. Please don't divert from basic concept of game. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    I'm not really concerned about cloth, nor would I consider it any incentive to try the alpha of A21.1 rather than wait for stable.  In the end, such a change is just another hit against crafting.  They raised duct tape and now cloth in recipes, making crafting even less desirable.  It seemed like a good change having the magazines as I found myself wanting to craft, unlike in A20.  However, once I realized the changes to the recipes, it was no longer of any interest to me.  I'm actually crafting even less in A21 now than in A20 because even things I used to craft just aren't worth crafting anymore.  I really don't see why they think that making people want to craft by adding magazines (which worked at least to a point) would go well with changing recipes to be more of a grind and hassle.  In the end, I think they'll have even fewer people who want to craft than before.  Just a guess based on my own views, though.

    I agree, I often just wait for finding good item in Tier loot (like 6 quality) than craft my own tools or guns. the only thing I do crafting is concrete mix or gun in long run. rest is all useless to craft.

  5. Where is Dev Diary for A22, we already see Tweets about it.. time to get new thread no? 

    btw A21 is killer.. I try infestation tier 6 (shotgun factory) .. I got confuse on path to explore building.. it was clear before but now I reach 2-3 times places where I cannot figureout the path and end up digging walls and stuff get myself kill in process as I open wrong door too soon. 

  6. Okay, I get a chance to play new Experimental, few things I am not sure if are bugs:


    1. When the latest 317 update came in it wiped my Skill point allocated already, and magazine read before it. I have to restart new game 

    2. Performance is laggy. I have 1660 GTX, on Core i7 A20 give good 100+ FPS on settings (medium) I play, but now it jump between 14 to 50 and become so unplayable at time. 
    3. I was cleaning this room and I see 3 Z coming to attach me (as it was level 1 house end loot) So I close the door between them and me, and before I can make switch to my pipe machine gun. and hit between door (as they break part of it). my player is dead. there were not feral and I am sure they hit me from behind closed door  (same way we use to hit them from ages) ..

  7. On 11/24/2022 at 3:39 AM, Roland said:

    Roadmap to Gold are the minimum features that still need to be implemented before Gold. Learn by Reading is the planned final version for crafting recipe acquisition so it is unlikely to change. But who knows?

     Learn by Reading is already listed as an implemented feature of A21. Hence, it is not listed on the roadmap of future features that still need to be implemented before gold. Learn by Reading is very likely going to be the final version of the crafting part of the game. 

    I am not sure if Learn by Reading is good option, but it is changed quite a few time in past and really love to see it been fixed at least for few years before it is changed. 

  8. I see a "Roadmap to Gold" is published, does that mean "learn by reading" will be part of gold? as this change few times in past, so anything can come back or will it still change going forward or uncertain. Do we lock features for A21 yet? 

  9. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Enjoy is the wrong choice of words here. I would rather call it utilizing. And yes I have crafted large parts of my gear in A20. I fully crafted my iron armor and later my steel armor before replacing the steel armor with looted Q6 steel armor pieces. I also crafted my steel sledgehammer and pump shotgun. The latter is why there aren't many lanterns left in my hometown.


    And no, I didn't recraft the armor or the weapons in different quality levels over and over again. I didn't have enough parts for that.

    For me it is always loot, by the time I collect parts I already get level 6 from loot. So why bother crafting at all. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Roland said:


    There has been no A21 video footage yet for anything. You haven't missed anything yet.

    Can we get just that part .. if not "Will reveal when time come thing" just curious now new water looks.. :)

    26 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Point is imagine any other business using that line. How would it make you feel?
    Imagine depositing a check and when asked at what time will the funds be available they said “When it’s done”. Personally I’d be pretty @%$#ed off that is literally the worst answer to a question.

    Why the pimps spout this term when you know you’d never use it in nearly any other context or even face to face with another person is beyond me.

    I have same issue with TFP at start, but slowly I realize they are enjoying development and game themselves. they love this game. And with that Passion it is understandable they do not have hard deadline for users. Also the game they are developing has its own challenge with provided hardware they are not easy to solve. So it is not possible to always remain true to deadline. It is more of R&D stuff then commercial HR Payroll/Ecommerce website development. 


    Trust the team they are doing what they can to release soon. Also it is good they do not have those hard deadline, otherwise I won't get 5 different game in 5 different version. I am happy that I play this game, more happy that I see how complex software are developed.

  11. On 11/14/2022 at 8:17 AM, FinkPloyd said:


    In Project Zomboid if you die you become a zombie, so to get your stuff back you have to find your previous zombie self and kill it.

    Do we have this feature in 7DTD yet? it will be awesome ... 


  12. On 4/1/2022 at 12:39 AM, faatal said:

    The number of bandits that are spawned at any one time. Say a bandit takes x2 the performance of a zombie, then I would not want more that half of them in the world compared to the number of zombies a computer can manage and still have a reasonable FPS. Now that does not mean the world will have bandits everywhere. That depends on game play goals. I would like bandits to be rare, because this is a zombie game and 99% of the population is dead or a zombie.

    I agree, I do not want too many bandits, but maybe group of 3-4 occuring once in a week or two make it more interesting for me.

  13. Is there anything we can do about the Shape Menu, We can check shape of item in our belt. But the other day, I need a shape from wet concrete and I was not sure if the shape is available in which item, so I have to cook it to see what shapes are available in that? but if we can tell which shapes are available before we cook will save lot of time and resources for players.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    Any word on Spiders being able to climb again, or being able to do anything unique? They are not really a threat at the moment imo beyond their annoying hit box. It'd be cool if they got a ranged web stun attack or something if the wall climb is too much work

    They are fun to kill in air. Their animation when you shot him during jump is cool.

  15. 13 hours ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    I actually really agree with this. Attributes were a multiplayer-centric imposition on EVERYBODY playing single-player. Is it just me, or did the free-form leveling and leveling-by-doing of Alpha 16 feel more satisfying all across the board than leveling in its current iteration? I mean yeah the linear path of basing up near a trader and repeating quests is fun for a while, but after a time I just start craving the freedom of prior game builds. Now every run I do is the same; I even specialize into Strength every time, and just base up at the trader and do quests. Agility is almost - almost - as good as Strength. You have Run & Gun and plenty of firearms, and can kite sprinters with bleed damage. But Strength is objectively superior, even with Parkour considered. I play Insane Nightmare now, to offset the intense boredom of the game's general experience. It's the same every time, but at least it's difficult, and my chance of success is so low that I can never get too bored of how they redesigned progression. Chaotic loot, man... Imagine that, going into a tool store and finding tools made of Iron or Steel. The game used to be so good. But they didn't think too much about how these changes would effect the game... They've spent nearly a decade in alpha and I think they're losing their collective creative vision. It's a dumpster fire now

    I start playing after like 6 months, and yes it might feel repeat of last iteration you do, but don't we are same guys who play Mario for ages doing same round? Need for speed is still a car racing .. isn't it that boring? even pubg isn't it same first person shooting.. I mean common on 2 new weapon here and there and it is same as playing Delta force back in 1990's2000's? 


    My point is all game are limited who vast they are, you can experiment with setting and try different level, or add mods. even if they add 100 more zombie or 200 new items or maps, the base remain what it is, Survival game... Having said that, I love the game in a16 (when I original start it), and I love it in a19 .. it is same time pass game for me. Sometime I play on Servers.. sometime I play single player, trying different mod, vanilla. 


    Not all game support mod natively, if Developer team add modding then it is one of the FEATURE for player to use... if you don't use it, then it is waste of tech put in by team. 

  16. 23 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    I'd remove multiplayer entirely... what do you need friends for when you have NPCs? :caked:

    Multiplayer game is good, but if feature is not working there, but single player can have that feature. Then why not release feature for single player only, and improve and release for multiplayer when it can be ready? At least 10% -30% of community will get something to play extra? 

  17. 2 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    They said they hope to release the drone in a20, yes.

    In the video they showed, it worked just fine for single player, but I believe it was too much of a bug pile on the multiplayer side to release it in a19.

    Maybe it is time they release some item for single player only and remove it from multiplayer?

  18. I am playing a map and I set my base between three town, and to my surprise I found not a single Trader. I believe this game provide one trader per town, and not finding a trader is surprise for me. It seems those trader building (as some single building outside towns are there) were got replaced during map generate with some POI prefeb buildings, like I found a Military camp 500m outside town, i never saw that in vanilla game. Is this a WOW feature or I am just unlucky?

  19. I'm Surprised that the game even runs ... The Vanilla version ..



    Windows Recommended

    •OS: Windows 7 or Higher

    •Processor: 3.0 Ghz Quad Core CPU or faster

    •Memory: 12 GB RAM

    •Graphics: 2 GB Dedicated Memory

    •Direct X: Version 10

    •Network: Broadband internet connection

    •Hard Drive: 4 GB available space

    •Sound Card: Direct X compatible


    AND being Modded you need at least the RECOMMENDED if not more ... Mod's put a whole Lot of strain on a system.


    You would be surprise, that I once run the Server edition of game on Core2Duo with 4 GB RAM, ofcourse it was server only, and doesn't render the UI, but I use it to play 2 player game with my friend over lan, so we have server running with 4GB, and 2 clients connecting it.

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