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Posts posted by Bulldog44

  1. This is common, happens to me all the time. What you do is the host starts 7 days, then the guest doesn't start until building environment shows up on hosts screen. Then invite, should work. If not, go to settings, network and test network connection, it will make sure ( which it already is ) that you are connected to the PSN. Should work. 

  2. 15 hours ago, FeaRmyFactoR said:

    I do Watch News Thank you Very Much 

    That Comment Was Weak 

    Yeah it was, but I was trying to point out in the most simplistic way that your issues, that we all agree upon, have been pointed out and answered for quite some time. Also while adding a slight bit of jest. The whole TT bankruptcy punched a big hole in the game sadly and while there is a new one in development I am not nearly as enthused as I should be. 

  3. On 3/23/2023 at 7:58 PM, SylenThunder said:

    They literally cannot touch the current store version of it, and do not have access to the original code used for the console version of the game even if they could.


    You armchair developers are really tiresome sometimes.  You might want to educate yourself on the reality of how things are before making pointless suggestions.

    I was totally unaware of this when I posted my thread wondering it. I assumed when the Fun Pimps settled things with TT that they gained ownership of everything but my ignorance of the situation lead me to that thinking. 

  4. 5 hours ago, SylenThunder said:


    It is not possible. TellTale made sure of that.  This is covered in great detail in a couple of threads and Stickied posts around here.

    Ah ok thank you for the info. As usual I guess I should have searched for said info. 

  5. I am totally ignorant of video game development, as well as a plethora of other topics, but perhaps someone here could explain something in regards to it.  Hopefully, within the next year, there will be a console release for the updated 7 Days to Die. I have watched many videos of the PC version of the game and how the overall path of the game differs from what console players have. Crafting on console versus looting/points on PC to get better weapons/equipment/items. And don't get me started on the stupid buy some candy and you can jump off a 30 story building and walk away unscathed stuff. I personally prefer the spam crafting approach multitudes more than the PC way. I am wondering how difficult it would be for the console team to take the current console version and update it in certain areas. For instance, making the POIs in Navezgane available in all random gen maps, reducing the amount of water on maps , adding some new POIs, zombies, and vehicles, and making the wasteland/dead zone a bit less instant death. I am not saying they shouldn't create the new version for the console I just wonder how much effort it would take for them to update aspects of what we currently have and of course, they could/should charge for it. 

  6. I recently played one, should have saved the co-ordinates and I apologize for not doing so. It had at least 8 traders, a few cities and a good mix of biomes. Wasteland/DeadZone were in the North West and a bit in the South East. Doubt I will replay it soon ( deleted the map ) but if someone wishes to and posts the locations, good for you. map name is CrazyBeyatchz , south east above some dead zone is good forest, west you get a mix of biomes including burn zone. North East is mostly snow biome and two traders. 

  7. On 11/14/2020 at 1:43 PM, NiteVIper said:

    I was goofing off with a map awhile back named WorkingStiff and it so far seems like a promising map, its been some time since ive been on 7d2d because ive been so busy with another game, only play 7d whenever my game is down for MA or has a really huge patch and i dont have anything else to do lol 

    I only play the game 99% of the time with friends online. Please feel free to divulge any POIs and other info on that map. I will try to do the same on one that my buds and I are playing. We had one going and I made a stupid mistake ( we play if you die, you choose if we start over or a new map ) and I died so I named it "I ****ed up" Only one capital letter and you must guess the *'s. Not a deep riddle, so far at least 5 traders , I believe 4 towns/cities plus Zero Zero a little bit of dead zone ( aka wasteland ) but good biome mix. We settled just SE of Zero Zero. 

  8. I would like the Garden of Eden info please. My 2 buds and I are playing Ghostlight and liking it a good bit. My problem is I get so bored ( no matter the level really ) because once ( and this happens more often when you team up ) you get to a certain point it becomes boring. I know we could do a every man for himself approach but then we would probably get ticked when we start attacking each other's camp. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Hoots said:

    First what makes a map good to you?  Everyone has different opinions.  


    I will list my good maps for you. Just remember map names are case sensitive, so if  I type a capital  letter in the name you have to use it also!


    Garden of Eden

    11 towns, 3 crossroads, 11 traders


    All Alone

    11 towns, 4 crossroads, 13 traders




    10 towns, 4 crossroads, 15 traders




    11 towns, 6 crossroads, 10 traders




    10 towns, 4 crossroads, 8 traders.   This 1 has 3 hub cities

    Fair enough question, I would say i consider the features all of the maps you mentioned would qualify as good maps for me. Traders are perhaps my most sought after then towns, I play co-op with 2 friends so we try to locate as many key places as possible. I have played 2 of those maps nefore ( AA and Iri) I think I tried Ghostlight as well but am not certain. Either way thank you for sharing those with me and the others. If I come up with any that have similar towns and traders I will post them as well.




    EDIT: I also consider a good map to be one with not a HUGE amount of "dead zone" or what others I think call wasteland...dogs and mines 

  10. Thank you TFP, I bought this game many moons ago and have gotten a ton of fun out of it and caused many of my friends to buy it as well. It has honestly been one of the best game investments for me ever. I appreciate that y'all have the rights and hope you get back your investments a thousand fold. When I heard news about the announcement of course I had hoped for better but feared for worse. Realistically I understand your decisions and while I agree with others regarding a desire for DLC, if not I will still be satisfied for a new game in the future. Thank you for updating us after going through the attorneys and tons of paper work and giving us a heads up.

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