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Everything posted by Caique

  1. Great ideas for a great game Rail system - Tracks: 2 forged Steel + 30 wood + 12 nails per => (workbench) ; - Minecart Wheel (part): 160 Iron => forge + anvil - Minecarts: 4 Wheels + 20 forged Iron + 16 springs + 12 mech parts => workbench * does not move by itself, only with gravity; - Hand-pump Minecarts: Minecart + 2 handlebars => workbench * Used as a low tier cart which uses player stamina as fuel to move. Slow and cant hook other carts. - Steam locomotives: minecart + forge + bucket + headlight => workbench * middle tier with low speed, medium horse power, low fuel efficiency; - Gas locomotives: cart + generator + headlight + bucket (or gas barrel) => workbench * middle top tier, High Horse Power, mid speed and low efficiency, good for cargo carts - Eletrical locomotives: cart + battery bank + generator + headlight => workbench * top tier, mid to low HP, High speed, top efficiency. Horse Power = Watts in terms of engines, same as generators are working Cargo Cart: cart + box => workbench * as more carts attached and more slots in it are with itens the more HP and fuel required.
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