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Posts posted by crazywildfire

  1. Yeah... the question was asked at pax east and 2 different answers was given. It might be one way at launch but by the time crossplay happens it will be something different. Idk like I said 2 different answers was given for this question. 

  2. On 3/26/2024 at 7:13 AM, SylenThunder said:

    Roland confirmed in the same thread over on the Steam forum that split screen would not be coming to the new version for consoles.




    Yeah... they confirmed awhile back it wouldn't be as well. I would have to remember where they said it as it was a few ago. But either way you have the link where Roland said it. 

  3. 3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    To my knowledge they were hoping to get crossplay, but nothing specific beyond that had been announced.

    Last I had heard was that it would not be crossplay at release, but would be later or when the game is finished. I did not see PAX, so my information is not related to whatever statement was made there.  Happen to have a direct quote or video?



    Idk remember. It was asked yesterday stream and he said it will not be crossplay on release date.



    My comment about the confusion part was from a bit ago that someone asked on the forums. Roland replied saying they had the green light to do it... but he didn't say it was green light on release.... someone was just saying about sony and Microsoft have to approve crossplay and his replied was it was green light for it. 


    Back on A21 dev stream the pimps mentioned cross play but they didn't think it would be on release. They  said release it would be like the old version with like 4 players to start. That later would be crossplay with PC or something..... when Roland said it was green light I was more or less curious if it changed to being crossplay day one.... after yesterday pax east stream the question was asked and answered so it has been confirmed it will not be on release date.


    I don't remember the time stamp but I would say between 1 hour and 40 min into the vod and 3 hours and 30 minutes. Somewhere between that of DollishDes stream. I think Alen ( name and spelling might be wrong on his name apologies) said it.



    Edit: if I can catch her live today I'll ask the question if they have a somewhat ETA for crossplay and see what the response is. If they can answer that is. 


    Edit again: asked and the answer is they have no ETA at the moment. 

  4. On 3/18/2024 at 4:02 AM, Outlaw_187 said:

    So I assume they have the series S or X Xbox? I don't think PlayStation does cross play or I could be mistaken. 

    My console playing has taken a deep dive and I never really did get much into online play. Not paying an extra fee just to play online, that's such a jip!! 


    So the answer was given during pax east. On day one of release it will not be crossplay.... I mean they said this before as well but I think my confusion was that it was said they got the green light to do crossplay. So wasn't sure if that was meaning it changed or not. Anyway but they said it will not be ready on release day. 

  5. 12 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    And it explains why they have had to move worlds in orders of optimization if they are trying to get it to run on the S. 


    Remember that 7 Days is CPU-bound and relies a lot on the processor.  Now look at the difference in specs.
    Compare Xbox Series X vs Xbox Series S Consoles | Xbox


    I'm not disagreeing with you... was just sayin they are ones saying it with it being on S. So if it isn't going to be then can't blame people thinking it is going to be. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

    So I assume they have the series S or X Xbox? I don't think PlayStation does cross play or I could be mistaken. 

    My console playing has taken a deep dive and I never really did get much into online play. Not paying an extra fee just to play online, that's such a jip!! 


    I wasn't talking about older version. I said I don't gotta go buy a PS5 to play with them.



    They have a PS5... Playstation 100% does crossplay on a few games. Based on the info given it is unclear ( unless I missed something and it changed) if it will be ready for crossplay on day 1 of release. But apparently they already got the green light for cross play for when it is ready. But that the way I have been reading into it. Maybe I read it wrong. 


    Real fast one quick example... SoT and Grounded are coming to PS5 next month. Both of those will be crossplay. Several other games are as well. Just giving a quick example real fast. 

  7. 14 hours ago, Outlaw_187 said:

    Oh I'm still here but I have since moved on to pc. I sold my PS4 disc version a few years ago when I made the jump to pc. 

    I'm super stoked it's coming to new generation consoles although I have yet to get one. 

    This awesome game deserves to be enjoyed by all. Can't wait for its release!!



    There goes the neighborhood lol.... I'm still here but console forums went dead a long time ago lol. Understandable but still. Only have 3 console friends that not upgraded to pc yet lol so they are hyped and with crossplay I don't gotta get a ps5 to play with them lol. 

  8. Yeah... so much stuff doesn't look or function the same way. Gotta remember old version was on A14/A15 with a little sprinkle of A16. The current version is going to be A22. So no way to transfer saves nor would you want to really. 

  9. On 3/7/2024 at 7:32 AM, Gamida said:

    I thought I read somewhere on here that the console version was A15 with a sprinkle of A16 thrown in.

    It is actually A14 mixed with A15 with a sprinkle of A16. 


    Most xbox players the game is unplayable. Chunks constantly reset that reset base and stuff. So I'm sure they will be really happy with what they are getting. Even Playstation players I see will be happy. Years of the same broken version that only 3 extra friends can join the game would have anyone wanting something new. As much as I don't like a lot of the changes but i adapted and modded some stuff. But even without modding I'll take the current version any day vs the old console version. 




    As far as the topic goes. I look at it this way. The closer to beta/gold it gets the less and less is added. At some point you gotta stop adding lots of stuff and start focusing on optimization and performance. 



    Edit--- as far as modding goes. As long as it is server side only mods. Servers should be able to make some xml changes and console still be able to join. I'm sure console will not be able to get overhaul mods or client side (maybe) still will be able to do some small mods. A lot better then older version as well. 

  10. 22 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Am I late to @%$#ing about permadeath not wiping ownership of chests and stuff?


    I not tries update yet. Probably shouldn't even type this until I do but meh... I imagine if you started a a group and you placed the land claim and such down and you die and lost ownership then all chest and doors would be locked and others in the group are locked out of everything. So they are screwed just because you died. 


    With that said it could be handled where it just passes on to whoever is in group or whatever. But at the same time unless you specifically put rules on yourself not to do it. What is to stop you from getting invite back to group and everything back to the same. So at that point why bother coding it. 


    For people that do single player obviously the above means nothing. So idk they could do it for that purpose. Or at least do settings or something. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Jimzawy said:

    Turns out that when using Note

    Well, you did not pose any stupid question here, in fact I did recheck what I did, and turns out that the notepad++ changes I made needed to be saved manually in order to take effect, coz everytime I reopened the reciepes.xml I saw my changes there, but they were highlighted and not taking effect, I suppose hitting the save icon made the changes take effect? I am no coder and I did use mods and edited configs before, but I guess I never noticed that,

    Regarding my world, I am playing single player, local server, navezgane map, and I have 5-6 mods, Oaks cookers mod is one of them, but so far no interference
    one more remark though, after successfully changing the snow mod, now I see 3 bottled water recipes, 2 with murky water, and one with the snow one, there is a repeated water from murky water recipe (same ingredients), its not causing any trouble, its just annoying to look at, so dont mind it this remark if its gonna be troublesome to figure out, and thanks again for the follow-ups


    Cool, so you got it working now from the sound of it.... as far as your other problem, idk it might be connected to one of your other mods. It definitely isn't connected to this mod. So not sure what to tell ya on that one. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Jimzawy said:


    Thnx a bunch for the reply CWF, changing the recipes.xml in the config is the logical solution of course, but I tried it,  in the old and a new world, but it did not change the recipe in-game, still one snow for one bottle in 5 sec, I dont know what I might be missing


    Did you try putting a new campfire down after you made the changes? That most likely is the problem.. if that isn't it I'm really not sure. It works for me doing what I said.


    These are probably stupid questions but I don't know you or  the information so gotta ask them.... if on a server you are updating the server file with the changes? If solo/playing with friends off your PC or you joining your friends world that they are running on their PC that you/ your friends pc ( who ever is running the world ) is updating the file with the changes made? Online server or hosting yourself/a friend the mod is getting put into a mod folder in the correct place right? Like I said probably stupid questions like this probably isn't your first mod to the game but as said idk you or the information so just making sure....... if this is all done and checked then my only guess is putting down a new campfire and seeing if that works. 


    Oh one other thing you are leaving the " " before and  after the numbers right? As well as making sure a space is between the text of the next code? 

  13. @khzmusik this probably isn't in your interest but just curious. How hard would it be to make it where all cars act like the police car? Like you would have to lock pick them to get into them or beat on them like the police car. If beat on them then you have that % chance for alarm to go off and spawn zombies. Now this might be where it gets tricky idk. But keeping the emergency vehicles with the sirens but changing the siren on regular vehicles to like a horn constantly goin off like a regular vehicle does. Making it like idk like 30% chance of them going off but also adding to it say like idk 15% chance a screamer being part of the group of zombies that spawn lol..... 


    Now I know just adding the code of the police car to all cars and even adding screamer to it probably wouldn't require it being a C# modlet even though it probably look silly with sirens goin off on a regular cars and the flashing emergency lights lol.... but I assume changing the sound to a horn alarm and not having the flashing emergency lights  might make it C# or at least some if it like the changing sound? Or what about using a sound already in game like the vehicles horn just on more of a repeat for X amount of time..... idk it all sounds good in my head but not sure how hard it would be to mod something like that. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Jimzawy said:

    This thread caught my attention while looking for realistic and survival mods, and may I say, I appreciate all the ideas behind the mods you are creating, I also read the "mostly dead" manifesto, It should be a constitution for any realistic "open world survival craft", I liked the part about overcoming helplessness and eventually losing the immersion in the character/world built, and that's exactly how I felt with these games and I appreciate you putting it in words, I guess Devs will always want to cater to the masses, thus would make grindy mechanics instead of innovative and problem solving ones to avoid intimidating new playes, I don't know

    I mean of course they going to cater to the massive. They gotta sale the game not just to a hand full of hardcore players. That called smart business. One of the main reasons why they decided to make it pretty easy to modify the game. I mean for the most part. I'm no coder but learned to do little things. The ones that know wha they doing seem not to have like to much problems compared to a lot of other games. 





    To the perma death blood moon thing a few post above... I'm pretty sure if you die and don't move the rest of horde they will not attack anymore. They only will start attacking if they see you or hear you again. 

  15. Question.. I might be blind and over looking lol.... is the trader Smoke stack in any of the building recipes you have or is it left out? If left out would that be some you would add or no? 


    2nd question.. in creative menu I see multiple color flags. But I seem to only see like 2 flags with 2 options in regular menu. Think they just the vanilla flags not part of your mod. Does any of the block options in your mod have the other color flags?..... like I said I might be blind and just didn't see it lol. 

  16. 45 minutes ago, Jimzawy said:

    Hey pahbi, nice mods, I'd like to change the snow to water recipe as well, I want to increase the time and amount of snow required, however I am not sure how to do it, I dabbled with the recipes.xml in the config but I didnt see the a change ingame, mind you, its an old save

    It shouldn't matter to an older save.... at the very worse you might have to craft a new campfire and place down. I don't think you do but like I said at the worse.


    As far as the change. If you talking about snow into water mod. Open his mod folder called snow_to_water.... open config folder.....then open recipes folder ( in notepad or notepad+ or whatever you use to edit folder).... when you do as you will see this mod doesn't have much info just a few lines. In the recipe line kinda middle area you should see craft_time "5" ( change the "5" to whatever you want so "60" would be 1 minute, "120" would be 2 minutes and so on..... the next line should start with ingredient name. The last thing should show count="1" .... change that to whatever amount you want. Mine I did count="500" so it takes 500 snowballs to make 1 bottle. And the time I did craft_time="600" so it takes 10 minutes to craft.


    Made it that way so it still pushes the server to use dew collector but also allows other ways as well. 


    Hope this helps. 

  17. Nice, I'm using some of your mods. Great job. You do like 5 seconds though huh lol. Hope you don't mind I'm do a few edits to that and some other stuff. Like getting bucket back for water. I know it makes sense but I want it to cost to make so you still use the dew collector. I also raised the time it takes along with added more time to snow to water and how much snow to make 1 bottle....


    now this one is going to take a few but the craft magazines. Goin to make it 300 seconds to craft and more resources. I wanna add another resource or 2 as well but I'm having issues thinking of something. Any thoughts? Was thinking maybe duck tape and maybe paint for like the colors of the magazine or something. 


    Great job for real. Solo I wouldn't mind all of it just on a community discord server so don't want things to easy ya know lol. 

  18. 19 minutes ago, ktrain said:

    Just saw this a minute ago, 10 slot dew collector, haven't tested it yet :)





    Nice, glad someone could figure it out. I gave up. But then again I'm not like that good at doing stuff like that unless it is pretty basic stuff. 


    Also see it is for both client and server side. Not that is a bad thing just defiantly probably why I couldn't figure it out. Probably something a little out of my reach of things I know how to do. Maybe one day lol.

  19. I'll probably do the rain collector one. I was looking into trying to mod it. More so to add more slots instead of 3 slots. But couldn't find anywhere to do that so I think it is hard coded based on what others have said. 


    So was talking to someone in a community I'm in on discord. Considering we couldn't figure out how to add more slots. He came up with another idea. So he made it to where you can upgrade the dew collector by combining dew collectors together. So 1 is just basic with the blue tarp, combine 3 of them together and when placed it will have a silver tarp, combine 9 and place down will have a gold tarp. Each upgrade is a little faster fill rate. As well as each upgrade will add a water bundle to each slot considering we couldn't figure out how to add more slots but you can make it do a bundle so when you open it then it will have more then 1 bottle water in it..... the reason for this is to keep servers from having to many dew collector farms that may or may not contribute to lag issues.


    I do like the sound of what you have though. So will give it a go. 

  20. Thanks a bunch... see if I can remember what we did on A20 dead is dead to drop backpacks on a server. Think we did something else I can't remember. I'll have to see my notes when I get home sometime this weekend.  


    I was just sayin by the way... so don't tell me yet. Let me see if I can figure it out lol.

  21. Question... I looked for a long time seeing about changing the dew collector slots from 3 slots to 9 slots. Am I missing it or is 3 slots hard coded?  If it isn't could your working sinks be turned into 9 slots? Or is this a change if can be done wouldn't no longer be considered server side only type of things?

  22. 12 hours ago, Prydonian said:

    Three months?  I hadn’t heard that one.


    It was said. But as said they say one thing but it will probably be at least double that and that is at least. Why I said 6 months in that statement. Either way my point to the guy was he talking about A20 not having a future so was pointing out A21 doesn't either in those terms. At least besides all alphas do have a future pushing closer to a finished game.

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