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Posts posted by Aero

  1. Is there still a bug in the current version where you can just lose your (in this case) minibike and drone?


    I stopped the game at a POI for a quest and now I loaded the game again and both are gone?


    I did nothing weird last time playing, quit the game normally etc.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    He's right though - the nerd armor is just.. ugh. TFP should just get rid of it.

    But Jost Amman is right, it's a taste thing.


    So just because YOU don't like it, it should be removed. The fact that they made the time to make this armor proves that there are people liking this.

  3. I haven't made any steel tool, spear or weapon this playtrough.


    Everything I use right now is tier 5 or 6 and all of them I got in loot or from a trader as a quest reward. And I got them wayyyy before I could make any of them myself.


    And no, I didn't use any skillpoints to change anything for looting etc.


    So it's fun that I can craft a tier 5 steel spear right now, but I have a tier 6 one for a very long time already.


    Other example, I didn't spec into shotgun at all. At some point I got a tier 6 auto shotgun as a trader reward. I don't think I could even make a lvl 1 at the time.

  4. 17 minutes ago, q123 said:


    For any chance, do you have a drone? If yes, than it's most likely this issue:


    Not sure if it is fixed in A21.1...

    Maybe you are able to manually fix it with deleting your "drones.dat".

    THANKS for this!


    I guess that was the problem, because without the drones file, everything works like it should be again. Weird bug.


    Thanks again!


    But, since I don't want to completely give up on finding the drone:

    With the file still there, I used Debug menu to teleport myself back to the PIO that I cleared for a quest, because all went to @%$# when I drove back to the trader. When I got there, everything was fine again with the FPS, but no drone. Then I used the fly mode to go to the trader again to see if the drone was anywhere on the route there. At some point, all when wrong again FPS wise. Used teleport again to the PIO and FPS was fine again.

    Guess the drone is truly lost for me.

    Time to spawn in a new one.


  5. I got some weird bug/glitch that f'ed my savegame it seems.


    I was just driving on my motorcycle over mountains etc. and all of sudden the game became very choppy/laggy (very few frames).

    But for some reason I was driving insanely fast on my bike, like 10's of meters in a sec from standing still, but again, very very low frames.


    So I quit the game, restarted my computer and the bug is still here... so I guess it's in my savegame...


    Anyone had this and is there a fix for it?


  6. 35 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    There is a known bug that can happen in POIs but doesn't always happen.  It is related to POIs that have a Restore Power quest as a quest type even though you're doing a different quest type at the POI.  The temporary workaround until they fix the problem is to destroy the broken button or the generator that is near the broken button and the door will open or the gas will shut off or whatever the button controls will happen.  Unfortunately, the buttons have a lot of HP.  Just be sure not to destroy the block holding the button because a button that just falls and breaks won't trigger the door.

    Yeah, did that the first time, because destroying the block was a lot faster, but nothing happened. Then I read somewhere else that you really need to destroy the actual button.


    But that comment was from someone well over a month ago, even before stable was out. Strange that this is still not fixed. Maybe with 21.1 that's coming out (but I don't think I see it mentioned in the Fixed part).

  7. Are more people having problems with the buttons not working in Fort Camo and the Shotgun Messiah factory (and maybe more PIO's)?


    I'm playing the factory right now and like with Fort Camo, I see the buttons, but they do nothing, but one seems to operate a door and the next one is I'm guessing for stopping the fire.

  8. I have an idea for an extra option at the trader. Don't know if somebody ever posted this idea on this forum... but... here it goes.


    When I have made a base at some town, at some point you also go to other towns with other traders and quest there a bit.

    At some point you have a lot of stuff you want to bring back to your base, but does it all fit for one trip? Most of the time for me, it's a no...


    Now for the idea.

    Wouldn't it be great if you could send a package (for dukes of course) with your stuff to another trader (one this is much closer to your base)? Or vise versa, if you want to move your base, send all your stuff to the trader where you want to start your new base.


    And let's say it takes at least a full ingame day for it to arrive?

  9. Why is it with each update, we take a few steps forward, but for some reason we also always have to take some steps back gameplay wise... guess now upgrading of blocks has to take a few steps back...


    I really don't understand why time has to spend on changing things for something that works, instead of using that time for adding new things or improving existing stuff.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Danidas said:

    Item stats are random in set ranges with a good bit of overlap between quality grades and tiers. As it encourages you to always be looking and shopping around for a better tool even with a quality 6 steal tool. Which is something that is often over looked with people being quick to replace gear for higher quality ones and scraping/selling/droping everything else with out giving their stats a single look. Since they assume that all quality X tools are the same and always better then anything with a lower quality.


    That stats are random within their lvl is fine, great even. That does encourage you to check the stats if it has the same lvl.


    I had lots of times finding the same lvl tool or weapon and checking the stats. A number of times the stats of the new item were better and I switched them.


    But when I find a higher lvl tool or weapon, it should ALWAYS be at least 1 point better in the stats then the max stat of the lower lvl one.


    Because what now? Do I need to spam craft steel shovels in the hopes of making a better one? Wasn't spamcrafting removed from A15 -> A16?...


    Not to mention that it takes alot of the steel tools parts that I rarely find (but I do got a couple of hundreds of military armor parts for some reason, like so much more then any of the other parts I find, nicely balanced)...

  11. Is this really how RWG works in A19?... like some weird island of forest and the other biomes in a circle around it? Always?


    And it seems that in alot of the RWG maps there seems to be little to no spawning of real cities etc. in the other biomes.


    So, there is no real need to go to any of the other biomes.


    They have really taken weird steps in RGW... sad to see it...

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