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  1. What's the typical timeline until a21 comes out of experimental. Trying to take my vacation around the 1st week of that coming out so I can play all week lol
  2. Hey all, just wanted to ask a couple questions. I've been playing with a few mods recently and have been interested in making a couple of my own lately. Although I have no experience with such things, i was wondering if there were any tutorials or youtube videos that would break everything i would need to know down, and if it was something i could do in game or if i would have to use unity. I've been extremely interested in making mech suits for 7 days that would work like vehicles with different tiers (scrap mech, iron mech, steel mech and space mech) I'm sure it'll be hard work and take me awhile seeing as i have 0 experience, but it's definitely something im interested in, and and help would be appreciated. thanks
  3. Been awhile since I played 7dtd, noticed they have drones now that do everything from attacking, healing and storing loot for you, and while thats cool and all, what was the FP's reasoning for including the drone in the 1st place? Would it not have been better (and make more sense) to just have gone with a companion animal like a dog/wolf etc, and have it do the same things (except healing of course). I mean, in a zombie apocalypse it would be pretty inconceivable for a normal person (who didnt take years in engineering courses) to create a contraption even remotely close to a drone as effective as that, but its completely within reason for anyone to find a pup and train it to fetch, guard, attack etc. The animal could've been programmed just like the drone, minus the flying capabilities of course (unless you had a bird companion) and done almost everything it does already I'm just curious as to why they decided to go that route, if they've ever stated why, and if companion animals will ever be introduced into the game.
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