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Posts posted by spacepiggio

  1. 14 minutes ago, spacepiggio said:

    Haven't looked at the crash report yet, windows 11 high end laptop blue screen caused by EAC while playing the game, anyone else?

    Memory leak came to mind until I read it was EAC program...back to the game & playing stable build & if it happens again then back to Far Cry 6 until you fix it...

    Recent activity

    July 5, 2023 - Wednesday

    Blue Screen Error - July 5, 2023 11:12:01 AM

    Bug check code
    Bug check parameters





    Just now, spacepiggio said:

    Recent activity

    July 5, 2023 - Wednesday

    Blue Screen Error - July 5, 2023 11:12:01 AM

    Bug check code
    Bug check parameters





    It said EAC as cause on reboot

  2. Haven't looked at the crash report yet, windows 11 high end laptop blue screen caused by EAC while playing the game, anyone else?

    Memory leak came to mind until I read it was EAC program...back to the game & playing stable build & if it happens again then back to Far Cry 6 until you fix it...

  3. 4 hours ago, icehot said:


    Yeah I'm not sold on the water/dew thing either, any survivalist would have a water container... An obvious solution is to not allow water to stack more than 1 (water is heavy IRL), most other survival games you'd have 1 or 2 water containers in your inventory.  Or perhaps allow boiling the buckets of water (that way it's also a bit later game before you'd even get a bucket).

    Yea...my only complaint too going for the realistic & keeping the game fun & limiting the inventory of unnecessary items like jars & cans.

    It's a survival with not any survival items you would actually use in the real world yet keeping it fun & simple. Look at actual survival & adapt them with existing tools or mods.

    I would like to have the backpack to have a mod for carrying a small amount of water like a hydration bag & maybe use the helmet mod to filter the water in the bag. I would like to see a canteen or cup to drink out of or a mess kit for eating & drinking maybe & to top it off we still want zip lines & a Katana from that antique store.

  4. On 6/27/2023 at 2:19 PM, spacepiggio said:

    Wasn't even looking at that, I'm only going by recent activity compared to 12 days of testing & by reading the known issues. I've seen some builds go stable pretty quickly & I think this 1 will be stable soon, just a gut feeling on problems I've had playing & reading the list.

    Knew there was an update coming soon...guys never listen...still predict an early Stable Build...fingers crossed

  5. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    No. It's actually a feature of A21. In my opinion not a great feature but it is a according to the developers a feature.

    Kind of like a stray outpost & fits a single player or nomad playstyle, I like it

  6. 27 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    testing_trunk has nothing to do with the experimental nor the public branch... testing trunk is the next alpha. testing_branch is the experimental internal testing.


    sorry to burst the excitement bubble. :)


    Wasn't even looking at that, I'm only going by recent activity compared to 12 days of testing & by reading the known issues. I've seen some builds go stable pretty quickly & I think this 1 will be stable soon, just a gut feeling on problems I've had playing & reading the list.

  7. 13 hours ago, Riamus said:

    That is someone who has been part of testing a mod for quote a while now, even in A20.  It won't be released until stable.


    I don't see any reason why they can't let those interested know how it is working on A21.  It is a third party and not TFP so it isn't hurting anyone's game or updates to the game or balancing of the game who isn't going to play on those servers.  Those who like those servers would want to know the status even if the rest of us really don't care.

    That's not the point at all because its a sandbox game & the intentions of the pimps was to leave this game to the community for modding anyway.

    It really sounds like he is making complaints that this XP build should support more than 8 players witch has always been the limit. I never ran more than an 8 man server but I had friends that did. I mean we are still in Alpha & the guidelines for testing & reporting bugs is not to exceed the parameter's listed by the Dev's. Witch they suggested not using creative menu or playing the game any other way than it was intended. We have always waited for a Stable Build for any long term gameplay & testing of mods.

  8. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    TFP surely won't do anything about the balance. But there is a difference between having to install a cryptic mod that modifies low-level stuff in the game and depends on one talented guy who could loose interest in supporting the mod at any time, and a rather "simply" XML balancing mod for servers lots of people could write.



    I'm sorry but...aren't we still in XP? I thought we were still testing & looking for bugs. Maybe wait for the Stable Build before adding mods & running massive servers or even complaining about your mod not working. Let them fix the game so we can get a stable & we all can play & complain about something else that will @%$# us off down the road.


  9. 32 minutes ago, Philipp said:

    I have the feeling, that food / Drinks are no problem since day 1.


    I find way enough cans / water. 

    Sell some junk I find without rly searching for it, do 2 Missions and have always enough money to buy more food / drinks. 


    So in General, I dont have the feeling that theres a "food Problem" I Need to fix myself within a few days to survive. 


    Do you experience the Same guys or is It just me? 


    Yea...it didn't take long for me to figure out water & food updates & I didn't have a struggle with anything but the water filter. You have to buy it & my play style usually ignores the Trader after the beginning quest. I usually play a Nomad survival theme & live off the land mining & scavenging plus you are constantly fixing fortifications for hordes so I don't have time for quests.

    I found starting a camp near water to drink out of & I noticed the water towers have water in them again so I look at early game like this now.

    @%$#s & Giggles, you can't avoid getting the @%$#s early game until you learn some recipes & get the water filter from the Trader. It's what I like most about the early game & after I get the water going its easy early game to crouch around on a bright early night & hunt chickens & rabbits for collecting the food you will need to start some mines.

    I'm really liking this build, really playable & still has that chill up your spine effect going on...stable build coming soon I hope so I can really start playing.

  10. Day 4 on this new update & 1 Mechanical Part, that's it 1 whole part so at this rate I can make a wrench in 12 more game days...something broken? 

    It's morning I'm hitting up some more car's & gas stations then going to the trader & see if he sells them so I can start salvaging.

  11. Water early game is a struggle if you're not close to a river or lake so I think we should put water back in the toilets. Not for harvesting like we used to but when you're ready to die of thirst you should be able to bob for turds in the toilet. If it's die or drink @%$#-water would I might just want to die, but it is a survival game.


  12. So far I like it, no more freakiin jars, cans & bird nests exploding but we should get more feathers because we can't destroy it for more now. I am still trying to figure out where to best find the water filter since it's not craft-able & will really suck if you have to buy 1. Water looks really freakin good but can we tackle that constant concussion syndrome that has always plagued this game.

    Overall keeping the survival theme alive in this build for sure & having to go find a puddle of water to lap out of like a dog is again, awesome. I have always wanted survival gear in the inventory like a swiss army knife or canteen like military mess kit to eat or drink. But survival early game is brutal & I keep my world small in the XP versions for new players I suggest no lakes or mountains. Since these builds come very frequent until it's stable I create small worlds in RG. Since you start with little to no stamina I eliminate lakes & mountains & keep the world small since you rarely have time to level up & get vehicles or bases before another build comes. I use XP to figure my early game tactics for the new changes to the game. I do do a build where I use CM & explore the inventory & drive all the new toys before a stable build.

    I am really impressed how this game is still as scary as that first time I spawned in the wasteland & a dog killed me. Spooky as hell still...

  13. 2 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

    I didn't watch any of the streamers; I have my own playstyle - like everyone else has theirs.

    Didn't want to have the A21 experience spoiled - I want to discover it all on my own.

    So anxious to try out all the new changes. I'm 6.2K hours in and foresee doubling it.

    7DTD just doesn't get old.

    I usually don't either but I took a peek, just wanted to look at the water mechanics & all they talked about was how much content that..."No Man's Sky" had,

    never liked the game...drop the XP Kraken...chaos

  14. I finally was able to get a connection & I have not had this problem again yet. I die in game after a patch I'm back on Day 1 in survival mode again. Map locations are gone & I'm still on Day whatever when I respawn after dying. I venture back to my base & it's still there, chests are broken & locked. Ill repost I just started a new game & well see how things go by Day 7 when I die & respawn, or the next Patch.

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