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Posts posted by Weazelsun

  1. Interesting idea. I could see this bartering being expanding onto the trader specializations. Like perhaps Trader Bob would be willing to barter away an engine for medicine. Or Trader Hugh wants an engine + oil in exchange of giving you some ammo, cause he needs those items for his ammo making press. 

  2. Another prefab I'm working on. Well not a prefab but moreso a field. A chicken field where the chickens have murdered again!? https://imgur.com/a/CYYYTxl





  3. On 11/30/2023 at 7:31 PM, Ezzat said:

    I was curious We have chickens of all sizes attacking us??? and killing us LOL in the game just curious if you made all the animals like chickens attack you on sight ??? LOL Its funny as hell but really sucks when your first starting out LOL I mean I can understand dogs bears buuuut....just curious :)

    They're finally getting their revenge!

  4. Man, that would be useful for prefab makers and could also be used as another type of environmental danger that has to be dealt with. Imagine entering a burned out POI and you come across a burning vehicle. Maybe there would be a water pipe nearby that have to interact with to extinguish the burning car to progress further into the POI.

  5. One thing I have noticed specifically for me, is that the game does seem to have a high chance of club skill book even when not specced into it. That's just sometihing personally for me. I do like the fact though, that I can cheese the game in a sense? Like on the multiplayer server I play on, I had the admin the wipe my character and start back at level 1. Well, this is more of a biome-loot multiplayer in effect. But, I do like that by putting points in specific skills and staying in the snow biome. I've basically managed to get lots of skill books to unlock stuff. Like, I decided to spec into the stun baton and have managed to find a tier 3 stun baton just recently. 

  6. Yup, yup. I'm still amazed how world generation doesnt make roads that connect every city/ town. Like there have been times I'm looked at a map preview and noticed there are two towns literally a stones throw apart. But, the game decides to not connect them with an asphalt road. 

  7. My google-fu isn't strong for this one. Specifically, I am looking for a mod that alters the vanilla clear quest to make kill x instead. Reason why I'm looking for such a mod is because I play on a multiplayer server that uses such a mod and I want to look more into what it specifically changes. Since apparently the mod dev states, "Clear quests are unreliable on heavy pop servers. This makes them kill count based instead." 

  8. 46 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Defaults. I did write a mod that decreases heat produced by dew collectors due to the screamer-parties they caused, but I played vanilla before writing the mod I did normal without too much trouble.

    Wait, what? Dew collectors actually increase heat? TIL. I personally haven't expereince that yet. But, now knowing this makes me giddy.  

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