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Posts posted by Splitknuckler

  1. Did the POIs reset? I'm pretty sure I had a farmhouse hooked up with advanced campfire, forge and loot. Came back to it after update and it was back to day one status

  2. Can anyone recommend me a good seed for 3.1? :p thanks :smile-new:


    - - - Updated - -


    The seed kage848 suggested is freaking AWESOME! It is (case sensitive!):




    It's literally like you walk out of one town and stumble into another! Great POIs, etc. Thinking of turning the sky diner into a forge base

  3. I was JUST coming here to ask about the traders.... glad it was addressed. Jax, maybe you could lock selling certain items behind barter? I hate leaving behind an hdtv or a level 76 shotgun because they're worthless. So maybe you have to hit level 10 barter to sell guns, level 20 to sell tvs, computers, etc? Idk just an idea.

  4. That's what I'm assuming after playing a bit longer. I'm level 20 and on day 20 and the difficulty of dealing with regular zombies seems to have leveled out a bit. The bulletproof crows and pigs are still irritating as hell though.


    I would like to know where the files are to edit some of the values though, because I took a peek and couldn't find them.


    I think g4k or kage stated that was originally what jax set out to do. Hitting a raven 4 times with a .44 is NOT realistic. But it IS a challenge lol

  5. I think people need to realize who the mods are aimed for, and choose according to their play style. If you are experienced, looking for hardcore challenges and prefer looting over building, ravenhearst or starvation. If you want a more laid back approach, try wotw. If you want a middleground, I'd say undead legacy maybe?



    And why did i just go to the store and buy spicy chips, Twinkies and cheese itz??? Damn you, Jax!


    - - - Updated - - -


    That's a dumb argument. The mag round aren't precious because they don't do ♥♥♥♥. There is no reality where a crow should take that much damage to bring down. I was surprised to find out it's not even a "zombie crow" just a regular ass one. Like I said before, I MOSTLY like the mod, I do not like the artificially inflated difficulty. I don't find it particularly hard, just tedious. Shooting a pig in the face 10 times with shotgun is not "difficult", it's unrealistic and tedious.


    And I haven't had an issue with twine either, I just think if you're going to shoot for realism, don't gate things off just for the sake of making the game needlessly difficult/tedious/drawn out. This is basically the closest thing I've seen to Cataclysm DDA, which is awesome and should be looked at as a model for a realistic zombie survival game.


    I totally understand your case, btw. I don't think jax was going for 100% realism though. I heard he was aiming to create a challenge for experienced players like him and his friends (initially).

  6. Yes, major things are locks by levels. Iron tools lvl 30, steel tools lvl 60. Advanced workbench replacess vanilla workbench (the basic workbench just duplicates your inventory crafting, to free your inventory for people who mass craft). Adv.workbench requires construction skill 30 IIRC, is it also lvl locked?


    About crafting twine: Jax made it loot-only to force people to go out and scavenge. So it is not going to be craftable. Best places to find twine are kitchen counters. In vanilla we learned to ignore basic housing, now we clear kitchens with a fine comb. Also a chance to find wrenches and other tools in kitchen sinks. Also twine can be found in many other places, in trash and on zeds, but for me kitchen cabinets are the best.


    Exactly. Twine has never been a problem for me bc I sweep houses entirely. TFP are trying to get us back in houses by giving them a dungeon crawl in A17. Jax succeeded in reviving old POIs by adding twine. Omg I can't wait to see ravenhearst in a17! I might need a divorce lol

  7. Hey guys, apologies for this not being an entirely ravenhearst-related question, but if ANYONE can answer, it's this group:

    I'm going on a long plane trip soon. I want to bring my gaming laptop and play 7dtd (preferably w/ ravenhearst). Is there a way to play this offline? Vanilla and/or mod (through mod launcher)?


    Forgive my noob status! I was great with computers 10 years ago lol. I just recently switched to pc from console SOLELY to play 7dtd

  8. I have to agree with the general consensus here: if we have to restart, that's fine. We all appreciate and admire the hard work you guys are doing. Also appreciate the transparency and keeping us up to date. Those are things some game devs lack these days *cough* kefir *cough*

  9. Urgent Message For All Players


    There is a major issue with the mod right now that has servers resetting days, and massive amounts of world and poi sleeper errors that can cause save world corruption. This has NOT hit SP yet, but we fear that it may. We did extensive testing but this kind of error seems to be hit and miss and has to do with long term games going upwards into day 21 and above. We know this is VERY disappointing to hear but i feel it is best to be honest. Right now the mod is VERY unstable.


    We will be taking the weekend to gather more data on a fresh server run to ensure this issue does not happen again. If anyone would like to join in on the tests and has a server they wish to test run this out on let me know. I can NOT confirm stability. We have not found the issue just yet but are closer. We need fresh data from a normal play to achieve this.


    As of now this mod is PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK until we can figure out why this is occurring. This is heartbreaking for me. But I can assure you we WILL get to the root cause of this and we WILL be back stronger than ever. Please be forewarned that when this does fix, MP servers WILL require a full wipe and SP games are NOT guaranteed to be safe from this either. We DO appreciate any further info anyone can give on this if you have it.


    The issue appears to be with sleeper volume in some POI. Which poi we can not deduce just yet. We are trying, and we have several people on this. We are getting closer, but we just need time to gather data from normal play sessions.


    If it has to do with sleeper volume, maybe check out the paintball poi. I was absolutely MOBBED in this POI on day 5. No wandering horde passed through, etc. They were all sleepers. And I mean MOBBED. Esp near the bathrooms

  10. I love everything so far. The balancing is exactly the pace I want for this game, the challenge is perfect, POI's rock. Only complaint thus far: 8 foot tall zombies are a bit unrealistic lol.

  11. I was killed day 1 by a pig. Not a boar. Or a wolf. A pig.


    Man I love this mod!


    P.S. I won't spoil this, but kudos to whoever created the jumpscares in certain bathrooms. ;-)

  12. Quality Joe goes up with player level now NOT scavenging, Thats HARSH hahaha


    Really? I guess that is a good thing...as long as it's not ridiculously balanced (like waiting until lvl 100 to get the last tier)


    I'm off work in 3 hours... then it's ravenhearst time! Can't wait... I've been looking forward to this more than A17

  13. Issue has been fixed guys


    So VERY sorry about that. I had inserted a "." in the launcher title for 3.0 and it does NOT like periods. You are now good to download. You will see new title names in the launcher so just install from those new titles and everything will run. Tested and Approved.


    Again I am very sorry. No excuse for these issues.


    Well, let me be the first to tell you, my wife is having her "." and I do NOT like them either lol. So I understand

  14. - - - Updated - - -


    We are aware of the Launcher Install issue and we are currently testing a fix. Stand by for further info. We WILL get you guys playing shortly


    You rock, man.

  15. I had a few loading errors... chicken coop, metal spikes, etc. But yes, I officially have it on my launcher! Thank you again jax. I might pull an all nighter and use a personal day at work tomorrow lol

  16. Hello, does anyone know of any seeds (Xbox One) with tall vertical cliffs to build a base in? All I've ever found are slight hills, and if I do find the tall sheer cliff face, it is right next to the Hub city with all the dust blocking view.

    Ps4secondtry has a lot of cliffs. It is what skippy is using on his playthrough

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