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  1. My biggest issue with triggers is stealth. I've purposely stayed away from POI's that have "trigger" rooms and the like as they completely render any stealth build useless. Even if you have max skills, T6 Padded, magazines, all the stealth bells and whistles, these triggers set off "alerted" zeds every time...making such a build useless. And I've been finding more triggers lately. I'm not a GunzBlazin! type of player(Only ever really have a gun for horde night, rest of the time it's knives and X-Bows,) but more and more it would seem the POI/Level design is trying to force that style of play. Not a fan.
  2. My secondary or side idea to go along with the above, is to change the Tower Defense aspect of the game. Since the maps we get are a single area, don't start with any traders. Build a basic compound and "find/rescue" the first trader. After they move into the compound, every seven days, the hordes attack and you have to defend the compound/trader. After that, you can "find/rescue" the other traders(one of each type) and expand the compound. The first trader just sets up basic shop, each following trader adds to the compound, including potential wall/tower guards(?) for protection from random wandering zeds. After you "find/rescue" all 5 traders...well...much like current late game, just repair, upgrade...wash/rinse/repeat. Though, with the wall/tower guards, if any are lost, you can go out and "find/rescue" new ones...definitely have a limit on how many, but could be an interesting resource. Always irked me that we can have a basic wood/cobblestone base set up across from the trader compound, that obviously has a heat generation higher than we do, but the zeds always only go after the player. Would make more sense if they went after the compound and you had to defend it.
  3. So, I was streaming 7DaysToDie yesterday, again having the thought that we never see any empty Trader Outposts that we can raid/take over. I remember an overhaul mod(don't remember which one) that had some of the older TO's infested with Zeds and spiders...was really cool. No trader protection, fully destructible/lootable, etc. I had a thought... The beginning Trader the starter quest sends you to...once you do enough missions for them to give you Opening Trade Routes...Instead of sending you to another Trader, it sends you to an abandoned/infested Trader compound you have to clear. Fully lootable/destructable...at the end of the clear an option pops up...either summon a Random Trader to the location(arrives and sets up shop 7 days later - fully built/repaired - Trader Protection is the POI/Compound size centered on the trader) or claim it as your own(Destroy or repair at discretion. No Trader protection.) Subsequent Opening Trade Routes from the Starter Trader or from newly established Traders does the same quest line...some higher tier(higher tier mission/clear/zone leans to that Trader having/selling higher tier gear, etc.)
  4. In my single player, when you enter debug mode and go to the menu, there is a time speed multiplier slider, default to 3x speed that I usually bring down to 1x. I'm running a dedicated server for my family, but cannot seem to find the same setting anywhere. Is there a way to access and/or remove that multiplier on a server? Not a fan of setting a time frame in the serverconfig.ini only to have the time sped up without being able to turn it off.
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