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Posts posted by 3razar3

  1. I've been attempting to get the new version working on a hosted server for a while but it appears to stall on startup (the single player works fine for me).


    The server console just says this:




    Has anyone else had success with it?


    i have read several people talking about issues during cell generation is this where this is occurring? if not, the mere mention of <filename unknown> suggests to me that not all files have been copied over correctly.. have you tried Khaine's suggestion?

  2. CRPgnut is correct, go to the first page of this forum to get the discord link you will get answers there MUCH faster.


    I am running the new 5.3 as soloplay and havent had any issues yet so far aside from the fact that it IS much harder now... not for the weak by any means

  3. No news about 5.3 ? its been days now weeks we see streamers going on test servers and still not even a post or a peep. I dont mean to be rude but just to have some followup or feedback about whats happening about a Mod that I love :)


    to quote the age old saying "It'll be done when its done"


    that said i have heard tell that it is very close to being finished.. for up to the minute information though you should join Dwallorde's Discord Channel as it is updated CONSTANTLY

  4. So I am relatively new to this mod. I was wondering if we can actually make all components to go into the HD chainsaw and auger or if we still have to scavenge for the parts and blades for each.


    I saw something craftsble in the work bench for them but I thought that may be just to upgrade them.


    yes, they are all craftable after you complete the class-tree

  5. I was on day 67 with still no tradesman class fragment © but 10+ of every other class fragment. Very annoying.


    had the same problem.. i think i got my class C fragment around day 39, but still I had to go to like 10 different traders plus 6 class traders across that timespan before i got one.. the availability rate for that particular fragment must have issues

  6. Yeah, but I'm old. 54 in a few days and I've been using computers to communicate since mid-80's. Rusty and Edie's BBS anyone? :)


    I love the Sailing Ship POI! It always has a working workbench and often a working chemistry lab. I try to find one of those and set it up as a base. The sails always fall after a few days but they rarely do much damage to the rest of the ship. Since it is high off the ground and has 6000 point blocks at the base, it makes for a great home. If you haul enough dirt it even seems stable enough to grow a garden up top; at least once the sails fall. I'm not sure if the sails would damage the garden, but no sense in taking chances.


    46 years old here bud, and one of my closest friends is 47 and turned me on to this game, another friend of mine is in his 50's who streams the game in the UK. I think there are a lot of us Old Timers playing this game tbh. I was an Avid BBSer back in the 80's not aware of the one you mentioned but I used to be a ranking member on BBSes all over the world ofc my favorite were always the Commodore64 boards that ran CNET or ImageBBS software due to the colors and the animations you could do on them :)

  7. I have recently had an issue with a Trader that worked just fine during the first 14 days but afterwards you get kicked out no matter what time of day you attempt to enter. Trader Jimmy is a ♥♥♥♥ and all but banishment from the store is a new one on me XD

  8. I am loving war of the walkers mod and have played only 1 map. Does anybody have a good map I could try? Prefer one without lots of water. Thanks


    i screenshot this earlier as it is the seed i am currently playing on.. if you check the description it gives you all relative details including seed name and the location the screenshot was taken.. it's a great location, two Trader Bob's practically next to each other as well as a pirate ship and a class trader very close by : https://imgur.com/a/5MV3IeC


    - - - Updated - - -


    Hmm, it mentions bandits and stuff, but I've never faced any. I have the game set to 4 zombies for horde night, but I've never seen a bandit. I do get random NPC's that attract all the nearby zombies for me. I can just walk behind those and get free kills for my counter :) I haven't seen any named zombies either so maybe my mod is broke. However, I'm only on day 4 or so, level 18. Maybe they come out later?


    Bandits are in the wastelands only ;) they arent a lot of fun either as they never miss when they shoot. Named zombies ( Boss Zombies ) will appear later in -which is good as they can be a lot harder to kill-

  9. game crashes when launching with the launcher. sometimes i can walk around a bit then the game crashes. ive validated cache reinstalled the game reinstalled the launcher. and i get the same problem. any help at all would be great ive been trying to get the mod to run for days. ive tried different mods and get the same issue.


    reinstall.. i have had this issue a few times in the past.. just reinstall til windows gets it right.. it isnt the mod its windows


    - - - Updated - - -


    ..and i mean reinstall windows... it isnt the game, its windows

  10. Hi again Dwallorde- Again, I just want to say VERY nice mod! I am curious about a couple of things, though. I'm playing 5.1.7 with BBM and everything runs fine, but I noticed there seems to be fewer NPC's roaming and I haven't come across any roaming traders in 5.1.7.


    Secondly, I've been playing this mod since 5.1.1 and have NEVER run across any bandits. I know there were a couple of releases with them, but we're rolling minibikes all over the map, both on road and off and still no bandits.


    Any thoughts?


    Bandits are *ONLY* in the wastelands


    5.1.7 reduced frequency of both the NPCs and the bandits but rest assured they are in there.. and quite frankly count your blessings on not encountering bandits as they are dead-shots, if they can see you they can shoot you and one bullet will kill regardless of the gun-type they are firing (I have even witnessed them kill a server admin while he was flying and in god-mode)

  11. This is a very unusual issue. Let's see if we can figure it out.


    Re-trigger the problem through the Mod Launcher. Then, go to the View Menu, and click on Log Files. You'll see two options in the drop down box, one for 7d2dlauncher.txt and output_log.txt. Click on the output_log.txt, and then Upload Log button. It will give you a pastebin.com link. If you can copy that link here, I'll take a look for you.


    actually i experienced this on both of my computers the VERY FIRST TIME after each clean install, however i also found the solution:


    annoying as this may be, just load up the game and go do something for a while... let it load in the menu and just wait it out.. eventually it will load all the way in and you can use the menu like normal.. play the game everything will be fine... next time you load up the game the lag will be gone, menus will work like normal... this only happens the first time, just be sure to let it load all the way in otherwise it is going to do this until you do.



    Sounds like entityclasses.xml didn't copy over. Or at least something isn't installed correctly.


    my server admin has reporte the same issue on our server, i havent been on myself yet so i cannot confirm, but he said he played for 5hrs and didnt see a single zombie....

  13. for those of you asking questions, while this is a perfectly good place to do so, i would suggest joining the official Discord server (link in header post) as you will get a faster response

  14. i havent encountered the first part, but the second half isnt something to be concerned with i do not think.. you need to take into account that this mode is comprised of other people's contributions. SDX is developing parts for other mods than this one alone, those resources appear to be visual effects, nothing thats going to throw this game into a failure The word "Spectrums" alone suggests a lighting efffect. Having personally been through the SDX git, i can tell you that they are developing Unity themselves and these resource references are MOST LIKELY tying into one of SDX's other projects. It is entirely possible that they may come into play for version 5.2, but as there is an SDX developer actively contributing to this mod (Sphereii) I would wager that if these "errrors" were something to be concerned with, he would have made Dwallorde well aware.

  15. Github has been updated with missing files. Nexus is just about done uploading last file.


    Sorry guys for this.


    it's all good Dwalle, all progress has flaws along the way.. keep up the good work

  16. has anyone noticed that bandits can kill player even though they are in godmode? also while they take forever to kill a zombie they can one shot any player they can get line of sight on even ones riding minibikes

  17. use the Git folks.. honestly in my opinion people that need instructions on how to use stuff dont deserve stuff


    - - - Updated - - -


    With the Backpack Mod when you log out of game items that are in the extra bottom slots dissapear when u relog back into the game, is this a known bug or does it mean the dll is not installed on the server properly?


    here is a thought... dont log out with a full backpack



    oOo (doctor is hurts when i bend my arm this way.. dont bend your arm that way idiot) oOo

  18. love the work you are doing Dwalle, I was the ringleader for the Dark-iCE WoW private server project back in the day so i know how rough it is to coordinate updates (especially if you do not have a team which i was fortunate enough to have) you are doing great with this modpack keep up the good work and don't let anyone's bug reports seem like complaints or rush-orders, take your time and keep it steady; as i said you are doing awesome man

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