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Posts posted by SMiThaYe

  1. Since BMT mentioned issue with wall safe on existing save, I went to custom PIO Burger Shakes and although I didn't get any errors for lockpicking it did remove all the blocks facing sides around the safe ( image ) while other side looked normal, it left the block health on screen until I restarted game ( image ). I suspected this may happen once blocks are changed on explored regions but this was changed for the best in 1.09, loving the updates and hence why I'm starting over.


    Edit: Sanzombierocker goes invisible, the same behaviour as I reported for Sanzombiekim where its full-on invisible and texture flickers in - image. Nothing in the log for this.

  2. Thanks for looking at those issues JaxTeller718.


    From one of your previous post, you mentioned other little fixes too and making custom icons or using default ones later down the line. Pointing this out in case you miss it or to save you some time:


    1. Typo and missing icon on "stregthened minibike seat" - image - In Localization.txt there are two occurrences of this misspelling of strengthened which are on line 6052 and 6591.
    2. Space between description "It gets t he job done, but it degrades twice as fast." for Iron Shovel on line 5499
    3. List of items I've come across so far with no description: Oil Refinery, Stone Crossbow Bolt ammo, Lucille, Skinningknife2, Apple Cider, Bowl of Chili/Pasta/Soup/Stock, Chicken Soup, Chunky Beef Soup, Lamb Soup, Pea Soup, Tunasandwich, Bacon Egg Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Windmill, Azalea, Arch_3M (4 entries), Curtain Bottom1 Sheet3, Curtain Top1 Sheet3, Ember Pile1/2/3/4, Hanging Moss, Ice, Zombiepinup01/02/03/04, Trapfall, Blueberryjam, Soy Beans Seeds, Creamed Corn, Apple Pie, Breakfast Meal, Dinner Meal, Grilled Steak, Hamburger, Honey Ham, Mushroom Soup, Omelet.


    Inside the 7 Days To Die/Data folder if you make an empty folder called UMATextures the game should generate the needed textures for the Trader Caitlin.


    The mod sounds great BTW Jax!


    Nice, thank you for your tip, will do that asap :) Edit: Worked a treat, the two UMA errors are gone as textures were indeed generated, folder now has 6 textures :D

  3. Bit of an exploit with old wooden chairs (oldChair), hitting them twice with axe yields 3 wood AND you can take chair intact meaning you can rinse and repeat. Only useful for very early game as its quite tedious but because this mod is very slow it could be abused when resources are tight especially when you can line up a hundred chairs at once.


    This was mentioned on the second page about weather not affecting the player, in "Ravenhearst SDX SP 21 Day Blood Moons Weather Disabled" version of the mod, weather changes temperature for the player bottom left.

  4. Fresh install/new save of mod which loads 7DTD a lot faster with Refresh Mods Automatically ticked in launcher, thanks for the update.


    Mod: 21 day blood moons weather disabled


    1) A couple of red lines in log referencing missing UMA textures and DirectoryNotFoundException: one being ...\Data\UMATextures\TraderCaitlin_0_d.png and the other ...Data\UMATextures\zombieStripperDrunk_0_d.png - relevant section of log via pastebin. In Data folder I have Bundles, Config, Prefabs, World, coming to 1.44 GB total. Going to continue playing.


    2) Console popped up on this error in red later on as I heading towards a city.


    ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.Parameter name: index
     at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Vector3i].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBlockTicker.NZ (.Chunk , System.Random ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBlockTicker.YZ (ArraySegment`1 , System.Random ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at WorldBlockTicker.Tick (ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks, .EntityPlayer _thePlayer, System.Random _rnd) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    3) Noting that a lot of sleepers are spawning in inside partially cleared custom PIO and so many I can't deal with them and clear it. Pastebin link for this. PIO is McDowel on seed dexterra, 1440S, 150E. Gamestage is 3.

  5. Z going invisible: Sanzombiekim character did show correctly with full texture for a second then went invisible then partially as shown in this image. Output log didn't show any bugs in regards to this but the huge output log is here, unzipped it's 86MB for 32 minutes played.


    Due diligence before I install any mod or part-take in every experimental: I wipe the game completely (having already removed profiles, savegames, regions, etc) and delete folders, no other mods are installed to any location. Once installed again I verify then launch game, quit out and launch 7D2D mod launcher where I installed this mod. If you think I need to take further steps or again clean reinstall mod I'll be happy to do so.

  6. Game is going well in first 7 days, bar one death by huge white Z in the forest, enjoying the challenge. Appreciate the work put into this big mod, too many good things to point out, ok a little one is vastly reducing grass in biome and now I see a lot more and do more :)


    Bit of feedback: Installed with mod manager and verified, upon checking the log there are SDX errors which could be harmless - installing manually has the same result. SDX in log also reports various missing files and assets unable to locate them.


    Animations in the game cause "Line:37" to repeat when checking Z state frequently, had to delete a log that was 240MB in size after 2 hours or so. Animation log starts on line 2017 onwards where it keeps repeating. Log zipped via mediafire.


    Edit: My class is Survivor - Wood railing is listed twice - image - and doesn't require an Advanced Workbench to make, you can make it on your person and both listings require 3 wood. Perhaps the description is incorrect as other wood items are craftable without workbench and doesn't state it requires Workbench.

  7. Been a while since I played this mod and decided to try it once again. Playing for the past couple of days and finally killed a wolf but the meat received was raw chicken, same with the snake.


    Entities noted with ChickenRaw were: animalWolf, animalDireWolf, animalSnake.


    A quick look at entityclasses.xml shows meat naming follows that of the animal, ie BearMeatRaw, perhaps have WolfRaw, SnakeRaw for individual recipes?

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