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Everything posted by Ghostlight

  1. I've been messing with A20 for some time. With many restarts on the 6k pregen map just to get the feel of the new early game and test stuff. I have since then began 2 proper playthroughs: single player and another one with my usual group on the same map. Some weird stuff is going on... Every time I start anew on that map, I spawn in are more or less the same place, near the same town and within view of the trader in that town. Every time. Is that a bug? Or something about you will always spawn within a few hundred meters of a trader now?? But it gets weirder. Because I had the 2 play throughs on the go with the same spawn point, I went straight to the exact same house I had in the first one to make my initial 1st night hole up place on its roof. In my earliest play though, while I was sheltering in that house spending the first night crafting and cooking, a wolf turned up and fought with a couple of zombies wandering outside. Well on the second play through, exactly the same thing happened. A wolf turn up at the same place and same time during the night and fought with some nearby zombies. How?
  2. I always build my first simple live-in box base on a road. Usually a nice big crossroads somewhere near or in the first town I plan to loot. This comes from habit as in older alphas, zeds used to (by accident or otherwise) dig holes under your walls and surrounding spikes if you built on grass. However in A20 building on roads is proving problematic as it seems like the markings on roads (white lines, yellow lines etc) are now actual objects lying flat on the road and thus occupying the block right on top of the road surface??? This prevents me from laying a block on top of any road marking. What the heck?
  3. Very good question and very hard to answer. I would always look at infinite ramps and stilt bases as cheese because to me those exploit the AI's failings (rather than USING the AI's behaviour to my advantage as limdood described above in his approach). So putting stuff between us would be fine.
  4. With 3 of us playing and 24 zombies per player on blood moon and max difficulty, they eventually will once GS is high enough, I think.
  5. Not useless. Remember I plan to not engage the horde while sitting on this massive thing. They will therefore slowly and surely destroy it as they will be able to smack on it for the entire night (6 game hours on my server) with no player intervention. Hence a lot of the cube will certainly be destroyed. Therefore it's 1000 blocks in a solid cube formation to ensure enough of it is not destroyed, and thus guaranteeing it will not collapse under us. My other thought would be a square pyramid, pointed at the top and 45 degree ramps making up all 4 sides. I'd be inside it, access via a tunnel from underground to a hatch some distance away. Again, I will not be engaging them. I've never seen them dig down on a 45 degree slope before, however all my previous pyramids have had an opening tunnel on one side to funnel them into a long kill corridor inside the pyramid, so I am not 100% sure of this idea working. Sorry but are you claiming this would work for a day 300 horde on highest difficulty? I doubt it personally, and that is what we'll be playing. With many many thousands of hours under our belt with this game we do really know exactly what we are doing. We simply have never tried a run where we deliberately did not NOT wipe out the entire horde every bloodmoon up to highest gamestage possible, that's the new part of the planned experience. Sounds great but way more elaborate for what I am looking for. I mean if I wanted to destroy the horde, I know right now exactly what to build, but it would be a major construction project that we simply won't have the time to invest in this time round.
  6. Has to be a large concrete building? Would a typical house not work? I'm based right beside this huge water tower looking structure (with COC written on the side) how about that? Or if I just built a huge, solid concrete (and later steel) cube, say 10 x 10 x 10, and just nerd pole up and sat on top of that? Perhaps with an iron cage on top so I can fight Vultures from within it and ignore non-flying zombies completely. (I'd have a wee hollow in top so cops cannot hit me with spit?
  7. I got a Cop on day #1 last night. How the heck did that happen? (Was in a POI) That is working as intended. Boars are pacifist unless you attack them. Dogs should attack on sight though (and they do attack me). Not sure why yours suck.
  8. This is a terrible idea, unless it were implemented as an option. Not everyone wants to engage and fight the horde. Some people might just want to devise ways to survive it through non-combat means. This should be a perfectly viable approach.
  9. So I am coming back to the game after an absence since A19 came out, having played thousands of hours previous to that. Normally I build massive complex bases to combat and kill the horde on blood moon. This time around, my usual friends are now fathers and have little time to play, and I have a lot less free time myself. Long story short, if I get back into A20 I can no longer be bothered building such elaborate bases this time (never thought I'd say that). I am therefore looking for other ways I might handle horde night, if I no longer obsessively care about killing them all and just want to survive. I don't want to turn the blood moon off as the game needs that panic night for long term interest. So what's the best approach? Ride around all night on a bike? Head to a building away from my simple live-in base and hide on a roof till it's all over? Something else? (though I refuse to exploit the AI with an infinite ramp, if that is still a thing) Also, can anyone advise of the actual mechanics here when you do not kill the horde. I have Max Zombies set to 24 as I always had. So will I get 24 zombies spawned in and that's it? Then they will run around wrecking the POI I am hiding in till morning? Will all 24 still be there in the morning? Will the rest of the horde spawn in if I start killing them? Many thanks!
  10. I think everything and anything a player can devise to handle horde night should be allowed. Making changes to the game specifically to shut down any popular strategy (beyond exploits) is not a good idea. Look at Demolishers. They single-handedly took a ton of very fun base designs off the table. Also why can't I ride round on my mini-bike to avoid the horde? I've not heard that before. Can someone tell me... 1) Which file has that setting to control zombie count and respawn in the open world (it's been so long since I played) 2) How to edit a post on these forums. 😕
  11. I completely agree. This has always been a problem in recent alphas, and I have always had to change the XML files to add many more zombies. The thing is, these settings need to be dynamic and dependant on gamestage (if that is still I thing, I just reinstalled yesterday and haven't played much yet). At the start of the game, the numbers are more or less OK. But later, with an established base and good gear, you want a TON more zombies in the world, just to keep it fun and interesting. I remember in alphas from waaay back being genuinely scared to enter big towns early because the number of Zs in the streets was very intimidating.
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