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  1. it is clear you have no understanding of how game development works or in 7 Days case how content progresses onto the console version. suffice it to say that corrupted saves happen in every game and that these corruptions happen for numerous reasons and are not limited to the developers skills or ability to produce a functioning game. even big companies like Bethesda and Activision have corruption in saves they are different however to a game like 7 Days. it can also come down to individual console units and how the console saves progress, it can be the communication between servers on Microsoft's notoriously ♥♥♥♥ servers. the Developers have no control over what Microsoft/Sony does with their company they can only at most submit error logs and details issues with suggestions on how to fix the problem. im angry too, i have had MD5 happen at least 25 times if not more not only on single player but with friends too, i remember me and my 3 other friends spent nearly 2 weeks day in and day out working to make an epic castle base only for an MD5 to happen right as we finished. we essentials burned away 2 weeks of out lives sacrificing sleep and sanity to get it done and its just gone. you need to think and research how a game specifically works and is developed before you go ripping into CS (Clare) and the devs who probably sacrifice way more time and effort than we ever do to create and fix a game for us to enjoy without charging us $50 for a DLC every 6 months like other games.
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