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Posts posted by Tin

  1. [SUG]: Place stone ore to get the general shape you want. Then grab a stone ax and break it down to "carve it" more precisely.

    Pro: Will be able to actually sculpt it pretty well, just using a stone axe (pending ofc on your artistic abilities), and how much time you want to put into it.

    Con: If players have a tool in hand (axe, pick, or like), they will see that the stone is already damaged when looking at it up close.

    Pro: Stone is already damaged so players can harvest some rock from it quickly, if they are in need of it.


    edit: Cool prefab. Looking good.:thumb:


    edit2: If you don't want to do a statue? maybe a indoor fountain? plus it would be a temp place to get some water. <- haha never mind about the fountain sug. I didn't read down far enough :D 

  2. Also scrapping bullet casing gives unit_brass


    Maybe try validating all your files, then try just add in the creature pack by itself?

    Then start a new game, new profile and everything, to remove any doubt.

    All I am saying is: I am not having any issues regarding scraping items.


    edit: haha or try what Sphereii asked first ;)

  3. Hello, I am playing the DF Medium map. I have looked for days and cannot find either bunker location. Can anyone assist me with the map coordinates of the entrances?


    If you are desperate, you can probably open the world folder and go through the poi list file and find their coordinates.

  4. i search 2 hours Clay dont find it and i see no Animals only Horse where can i find Animals for Leather


    You mine for clay like ores, 1 level down in gravel spots.

    Animals.. IDK I just know things are still being balanced.


    edit: wut ExeBT

  5. @Tin Thanks! I've forgot to mention about that problem. I don't know why, but empirically we know completely flat terrain prevents hub/ biome/ deco generation.




    Nice, how is the hub generation going?


    hehe yep!

    I don't know yet, just getting it to stompyNZ for more testing on his end and myself. :)

  6. Looks nice. Works better performance than I've expected.


    For some feedback, including bug report, which place is nice? here or discord?


    I used your tweak to flatten the center.

    A couple of things though:


    1) You really don't want to use a "Constant" but use an actual flowing frequency (FastNoise, Billows, etc,.)

    2) A Constant will initially show the biomes but as you go to the ground it does some funky stuff. It'll eat all your decorations for the biome and/or will change the biome to dirt.



    Just by using my initial landBase modules it'll work just fine. In my case "LandClamp"



    <!--<module name="constant5" type="FastBillow">
    <property name="constant" value="5"/>
    <module name="centerFlatten" type="Select">
    <property name="controlModule" value="distanceOut"/>
    <property name="sourceModule1" value="scaleBiasOutput"/>
    <property name="sourceModule2" value="[color="#FFFF00"]landClamp[/color]"/>
    <property name="bounds" value="-1000000 ,1000"/><!--0 to 1000 is flat-->
    <property name="edgeFalloff" value="100"/><!--900 to 1100 is transition area-->


    Either way nice work and find! Just needed a bit of a tweak is all. :)

  7. Are towns really rare? I traveled quite a distance and haven't found one.


    Depending on your seed you 'May' get a small town at "0, 0" but other than that you have a plethora of poi's at your disposal.

  8. curious guys could my comp run this mod on minimum settings?


    Operating System

    Windows 10 Home 64-bit


    Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz 64 °C

    Wolfdale 45nm Technology


    4.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 531MHz (7-7-7-20)


    Hewlett-Packard 3048h (XU1 PROCESSOR)


    DELL 1704FPV (1280x1024@60Hz)

    DELL 1704FPV (1280x1024@60Hz)

    2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 (ZOTAC International) 62 °C


    465GB Seagate ST3500413AS (SATA) 39 °C

    465GB Seagate ST3500630NS (SATA) 45 °C


    All you can do is try. It would be an interesting experiment either way.

    My gut tells me "No, probably not" but you never know. At least you don't need to buy it, before you try it ;)

  9. Okay, need some input from folks.


    I've been told there is some lag/stuttering. I tested this out on my machine and confirmed it. I've also confirmed it's especially bad near cities and not quite as bad in the wilderness.


    Right now, the work-around seems to be "stop running and let the world load." I have a suspicion that, if I increase the distance between cities and POI's, then it might help.


    But I also know people wanted stuff closer together. Soooo... what do people think I should do on this issue?


    Spreading the city/towns further apart won't really solve the issue, it'll just make it happen with more time in between since it'll take longer to reach the new locations.

    Things you can try to help limit the load lag:

    Increase the street length by 1 to help separate the building more (may require re tweaking of the rules to make it look good again).

    Make your city/towns less compact.

    Add more prefabs that don't have sleeper volumes into the hubs.

    Lower the sleeper spawns a touch for each prefab.

    Increase the sleeper spawn delay in the gamestages.xml

    Limit tall and or large area prefabs more.


    Basically you won't fully get rid of the load lag but you can calm it down some.


    Edit: regarding the sleeper volumes.. Rework them so it doesn't spawn everything at once. Break it up some into smaller areas (Will require a lot of work and might not be worth the effort).

  10. Will have to re-build the hornet asset file, but I can lower the sounds. Those are literally straight from the earlier alphas with no modification.


    Disappearing textures are a UMA issue, so try playing with your UMA settings. Sadly it happens with ANY UMA-based NPC?Zombie (like in WotW and occasionally Ravenhearst). I already reduced the size of the textures and then run it in-game on high. Haven't had any issues so far. :)


    Just a heads up for ppl seeing the zeds disappear in and out.

    Don't make video changes for the uma while playing the game.

    Exit the game, then restart.

    Go to the video settings, make the change, then enter the game again.

  11. Also want to add this vid I just made showing the error come up.




    Again, I cannot apologize enough for failing to mention the exact version of 2.2 I was using. I feel silly that I left that out and SO AWFUL that I may have caused a whole lot of extra work. :(


    No worries! ppl miss stuff it happens to us all :)

    The more info that comes out the easier it is to track down the issue.

    hopefully this gets your issue fixed quicker or at least shows a way to fix it and you can enjoy it the way you want it.

  12. Thank you for looking into it!


    For some more info, just in case: I'm in a Wasteland Biome right now, and I notice the invalid sleeper POI messages coming in near the Crack-a-Book HQ Tower, and the large Prison POI across the street from it. I'll see if I can get some screengrabs for you if you need them.


    Also, want to update here that I (again) completely deleted the 2.2 mod from modlauncher, reinstalled it, but then downloaded it directly from github and manually overwrote everything that modlauncher installed. Loaded up the game and got the same poi sleeper spawn issue. Here's the latest output log from that test: https://pastebin.com/fzFbyvgx


    First error that came up in your log:

    2018-03-28T11:30:38 101.826 ERR Loading and parsing 'entitygroups.xml' (Entity with name 'valZombieChildMale' not found)

  13. Jax, we’re running 3.0 and overall it runs well. We are only playing level 2 on the server as difficulty and the zombies are truly bullet sponges. Might be intentional but it makes it very much a grind. The other thing we noticed is the terrain. It might be due to our seed choice but I’m posting a couple screenshots because the roads are strange and many poi’s spawn on the tips of hills and mountains. We can live with it but never had a seed this crazy. Otherwise no issues to this point beyond that and it’s looking to be a fun time. Appreciate everyone’s hard work on this. We have played Ravenhearst full time since we completed Valmod. Not end game but got to a point we were no longer challenged. Don’t see that happening with this mod for sure.






    Most likely it's a seed you have used in the past and it's carrying some data from a past game with it.

    If you don't mind starting over:

    • Use a seed name you haven't used before.

    Or If you still want to use the same seed name:


    Go into your save folder for the game/

    • open it and find the RandomGen folder.
    • You'll see a folder with the game world name open that.
    • Then you'll see a folder labeled "HubCellData" erase it.

    Then exit out and start a new game with the same seed name.




    You're probably, from what I'm reading, Using an entity in your group list that can't be used in the wandering hordes and/or sleeper list.


    Like if you wanted to use a timid animal in your wandering horde you would need to make a new entity of that type and have it use the HostileTemplate give it the same AITask/Target as the timid/ plus give it a handitem.

    example: If you wanted a deer in your wandering horde.


    <entity_class name="animalStag2" extends="animalTemplateHostile">
    <property name="HasRagdoll" value="true"/>
    <property name="Mesh" value="Animals/Stag/STAG"/>
    <property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/>
    <property name="Prefab" value="NPC"/>
    <property name="Parent" value="Animals"/>
    <property name="AvatarController" value="GameObjectAnimalAnimation"/>
    <property name="Class" value="EntityEnemyAnimal"/>
    <property name="Weight" value="70"/>
    <property name="RotateToGround" value="true"/>
    <property name="IsEntityAnimal" value="true"/>
    <property name="PhysicsBody" value="Stag"/>
    <property name="Faction" value="animals"/>
    <property name="CanClimbLadders" value="false"/>
    <property name="HandItem" value="handAnimalWolf"/>
    <property name="AITask-1" value="Swim"/>
    <property name="AITask-2" value="RunawayWhenHurt"/>
    <property name="AITask-3" value="RunawayFromEntity" param1="EntityPlayer"/>
    <property name="AITask-4" value="RunawayFromEntity" param1="EntityZombie"/>
    <property name="AITask-5" value="Wander"/>
    <property name="MaxHealth" value="5"/>
    <property name="MaxViewAngle" value="180"/>
    <property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.7"/>
    <property name="ApproachSpeed" value="1.2"/>
    <property name="NightWanderSpeed" value="0.7"/>
    <property name="NightApproachSpeed" value="1.2"/>
    <property name="PanicSpeed" value="1.2"/>
    <property name="SurfaceCategory" value="organic"/>
    <property name="ParticleOnDeath" value="blood_death"/>
    <property name="SoundHurt" value="Animals/stagpain"/>
    <property name="SoundDeath" value="Animals/stagdeath"/>
    <property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="300"/>
    <property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"/>
    <property name="ExperienceGain" value="327"/>
    <property name="HasRagdoll" value="true"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="rawMeat" tool_category="Butcher" count="6"/> <!-- animalStag -->
    <drop event="Harvest" name="animalHide" tool_category="Butcher" count="6"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="animalFat" tool_category="Butcher" count="4"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="femur" tool_category="Butcher" count="2"/>


    I know you can't use:

    invisibleAnimal, invisibleAnimalHotsile, Bandit, Survivor in your sleeper or wandering horde setup.. well bandit and survivor you can but you need to do some funky setup to do so.

    But you might have a Entity or Entities in those group lists that can't be used.


    The "No valid sleeper block.." deal isn't anything to worry about, it's just letting you know a poi doesn't have valid sleeper blocks or any at all in it but you have a sleeper volume set up for the poi and it tried to find one but couldn't and is moving on. That message won't hurt anything nor cause any real issues other then ppl seeing the message in the 'dm' if they're looking for it.


    Hope that helps you narrow it down some..

  14. It looks fine in the xml... then again, I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for that's out of place.


    Deleted game mod from ModLauncher (I even uninstalled all of modlauncher and then reinstalled it just in case). Load everything back up, and then load up my saved game.


    Once I load in, I'm in an empty biome. Walk around a little bit just fine, but once the game tries to spawn some zombies, I get all kinds of errors. This makes me think it's a general spawning issue and not necessarily a WolfGroup specific issue. I don't know what's going on at this point - I have exceeded my programming and debugging skillset, unfortunately.


    More snippets of my output file mainly to show that it's not just WolfGroup


    2018-03-27T18:35:47 198.952 INF Spawning sleeper zombie from sleeperHordeStageGS110
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at EntityGroups.GetRandomFromGroup (System.String _sEntityGroupName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at SleeperVolume.WW (.World ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at SleeperVolume.Tick (.World _world) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at World.OMQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at World.OnUpdateTick (Single _partialTicks, ArraySegment`1 _activeChunks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    (Filename:  Line: -1)
    2018-03-27T18:35:48 200.303 INF No valid sleeper spawn locations were found, they are either all visible or are in solid space. Marking volume as cleared.
    2018-03-27T18:36:08 219.902 INF Time: 1.87m FPS: 60.00 Heap: 1111.7MB Max: 1111.7MB Chunks: 756 CGO: 666 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 11457.2MB
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.869 INF Disconnect
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.877 INF NET: Stopping server protocols
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.884 INF NET: UNET server stopped
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.942 INF NET: Untiy NW server stopped
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.942 INF [steamworks.NET] NET: Server stopped
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.943 INF [NET] ServerShutdown
    2018-03-27T18:36:16 227.944 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.546 INF Saving 386 of chunks took 383ms
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.552 INF [steamworks.NET] Stopping server
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.575 INF [steamworks.NET] Exiting Lobby
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.595 INF World.Unload
    2018-03-27T18:36:17 228.701 INF Exited thread thread_GenerateChunks
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.595 INF Exited thread thread_Pathfinder
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.596 INF World.Cleanup
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.609 INF Exited thread thread_Regenerating
    2018-03-27T18:36:18 229.609 INF Exited thread HQ
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.504 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.504 INF Cleanup
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.505 WRN Missing cleanup for XML: sounds
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 231.518 INF AchievementManager.Cleanup
    2018-03-27T18:36:20 232.134 INF OnApplicationQuit


    I'm not really familiar with "Rave" and how they have everything set up, I was giving you the 2 main goto files to look in.. I know they have a discord set up and it might be your best option since everything can gone through on the spot. It kinda looks like, just from what you posted, its that you may have an entity issue of some type. Could be in the entityclasses.xml could be entitygroups.xm or could be gamestages.xml. Or it could just be you have some files that didn't take when you d/l it and all that.

    I would probably jump on their discord and see if they are around, so you can get someone to go through it faster and on the spot. :)

    Hope it works out for you!

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