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Posts posted by Reytag

  1. On 8/15/2023 at 11:56 AM, Guppycur said:

    The "hissing" sound is sand movement, but those *should* be super rare.


    Large air intake filters?  Can you snap a pic?


    Also, the stills are spawning?  Def something I'll look at post coffee.  They shouldn't spawn at all. 


    I just tested a new RWG 2k desert only, no stills or intakes to be seen.

    My Theory, I had previously tested a RWG, the same save both with your previous and new mod versions.  Since you changed the sandstorm generator from block to entity type the log was full of replacement warnings, I think it was replacing those sandstorm blocks with the intake producing smoke block that I mentioned.  That and the stills that were originally there from the previous mod version were introduced back again (same save).  I could be wrong, just doing some quick logical deducting there.

    In the new RWG none appear, stills nor intakes.

    The hissing noise is apparent in the new rwg save as well, when you run forwards you hear it every 2-3 seconds, regardles of direction you run, with or without a storm happening.

  2. 13 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Hm, I test on a 2080 and didn't see those drops... That being said, once I made the changes I tested on a laptop with I think a 980m and it was fine.  Pretty sure it was a combination of the particles I lowered and the particle blocks I removed.  I had forgotten My first iteration had cactuses turn into sandstorms to simulate them, I had forgotten about that when I made the sandstorm entities, so you were dealing with both. 🙂 


    It seems better now in terms of performance for the sandstorms.

    I see lots of those stills spawning and what seems to be like large air intake filters in the desert giving off trails of smoke, that snake hissing sound is still there as well.

  3. 3 hours ago, Guppycur said:


    ...fixed, thanks for letting me know!

    *Fixed - Extinguisher action1 now extinguishes fires


    Hey would you mind asking your user with the most potato of a computer to test the desert mod again, and manually spawn in a sandstorm?

    I will ask them if they can do that, they aren't the most computer literate.

    Just FYI it also affected my PC with a 12700k and 3080, in the desert I usually get around 90 - 100fps at 3440x1440p with ultra settings.  In some storms that only dropped down to 80 fps but there was almost a persistent sandstorm around a certain trader that dropped me down to 15 fps.

    I will try it again soon and let you know.

  4. 12 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Removing it would be bad, but editing the entitygroups to remove the sandstorms (gupSandStorm) is going to be your best bet.


    If you take blocks and items out of a live game you're asking for trouble, but preventing an entity (sandstorms are entities) from spawning again is fine.


    Dust devils should only be heard from 15 blocks away but I'll check again next time I'm on the laptop. 

    I tried both removing the entities and setting their value to 0, the storms still persisted even over some time.

    The loud noise might be from the sandstorm.

    There is a snake hissing sound heard every ~20 feet or so when you walk in the desert with the mod installed.

    I had to remove the mod, I told all players to drop / destroy all mod-related items and move out of the desert, did desert biome chunk resets.  Seems to have worked.  Made backups of course.

  5. For MAGA, do you foresee any issues removing it from a server with play in progress, as in, issues with the save.  I am asking as players are mentioning large performance drops with the sandstorms and the dust devils suddenly becoming very loud.  These aren't things we can turn off on our end are they, I didn't see any config options in the mod.

  6. For a Better life is that supposed to dynamically spawn the fish in bodies of water in existing areas we have been before, only new unexplored areas or does it require a new world gen?


    Update: I see various aquatic creatures now spawning in rivers and lakes.

  7. 5 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    All of those don't work except Tags.


    Just add wilderness to the tag and it will spawn in wilderness 


    Really, wow, and most of those properties apart from the allowedbiomes I got from the a21 base game poi xml's.

    Thanks for the quick reply, I will start with the tag property and do some experimenting.


  8. Where can one find a list of possible values for each property?

    I have found interesting properties in the poi xml of both base game and third part poi's I am willing to explore but it's very inconsistent.


    For example there is:

      <property name="Zoning" value="" />

      <property name="AllowedTownships" value="" />

      <property name="EditorGroups" value="" />

      <property name="Tags" value="" />

      <property name="AllowedBiomes" value="" />


    My issue is for example if one wants a wilderness poi, so far I have examples where some people have wilderness in the "tags" section, others under "zoning", some in "allowedtownships".  It just seems very inconsistent and I also cannot find a source of all possible values for each header.  Makes learning how to do things properly difficult.  Is there an official source of material I am just not finding?


  9. I am trying to better place custom and third party mod prefabs in their appropriate biomes and zones.


    I was able to find out how to control the number of spawns of certain biomes but I have not found examples of how to control location or biome placent.


    For example in my rwgmixer.xml I have the following:
    <append xpath="/rwgmixer">

          <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="Svalbard_Seed_Vault" min_count="1" max_count="1" bias="10"/>



    Does anyone know how I would for example force that as a wilderness only spawn and also only in the snow biome?


  10. On 6/29/2023 at 8:54 AM, Scyris said:

    The bicycle droped from 10 m/s to 9m/s. I have both a20.7 and a21 b323 installed in diff folders so comparing the xml's yeah the bicycle was nerfed. Both in speed and torque from a20.7's version


    This is a21 b323 area involving max speed.


    <property name="motorTorque" value="500, 180"/>
            <property name="turboScale" value="1.5, 1"/>
            <property name="velocityMax" value="6, 4"/>


    I assume the numbers on left are when turbo is being pressed, while right is when they aren't being pressed. Actual max velocity is velocity max of 6 times the turbo scale in this case 1.5, so this makes it 9 m/s which is inline with what the speed in game says.


    This is A20.7


    <property name="velocityMax" value="5, 10"/>


    I assume here the lower number is non-turbo, while the higher number is when turbo is active. There is also no turboscale in a20.7, Also this is the torque in a20.7


    <property name="motorTorqueMinQ" value="1000"/>
            <property name="motorTorqueMaxQ" value="1000"/>


    I really do not understand the change in this xml, especially when the turbo scale and velocity max for other vehicles seem to almost match their a20.7 versions, other than the torque, the torque is lower on everything across the board in a21 b323. Seems like it was made over complacated for no real reason that I know of yet.


    No need to assume, top of xml has notes as to values, states: "motorTorque, velocityMax, turboScale are forward, backward, turboScale effects motorTorque and velocityMax".


    Using your values given:

    <property name="velocityMax" value="6, 4"/>

    Vehicle forward speed is 6, vehicle reverse speed is 4

    <property name="turboScale" value="1.5, 1"/>

    Vehicle forward speed with turbo is 6x1.5=9, vehicle reverse speed with turbo is 4x1=4.

  11. On 5/5/2021 at 11:22 PM, Boidster said:


    I suppose you could just put the whole thing in a loop. I'm keeping in this in batch language just cause that's the sample I started from, but really PowerShell would be better. The below script worked for me; only thing I changed were the paths in the 'start' command. Each time the server needs to be started you will get a new Cmd window opened.


    @echo off
      tasklist | findstr -i 7DaysToDieServer.exe
      if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto running
      echo 7D2D Server is not running, starting it...
      start "7 Days To Die Server" /d "d:\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server" "d:\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\startdedicated.bat"
      REM give it time to get started
      timeout 120
      goto delay
    echo 7D2D Server is already running...
    REM this is the wait between each check
    timeout /t 15 /nobreak
    goto loopstart


    This worked great for me, along with servertools (to handle the shutdown and many more features) I have an automated shutdown and restart system for our 7d2d dedicated server on windows (in general, not just for crash scenarios).

    I just changed the timeout to be longer, 60sec instead of 15, matter of preference is all.

    To avoid the extra cmd window for each server restart just edit the original startdedicated.bat that this batch script calls and change "pause" on line 83 to "exit".

  12. I have the same issue, since a20.4 I cannot find my server, what really get's me is I can see it from my a20.3 client but not my a20.4 client.

    serverconfig.xml has the region and language settings, it is also not showing up on my lan despite being on port 26900.

    Didn't have these problems with a20.3.

    Only direct connect works.

    The old server browser was quick and easy and worked, the new one is buggy and requires filters set just to see something, why.... 


  13. I too would rather it stays as it is, I have like 5 or 6 different 7D2D copies each with it's own different mod setup for various testing purposes, so much cleaner and easier to keep track of as it is now.

    I despise games keeping files in %appdata%, then you have to look whether its local, locallow, roaming, then you have to see if it's under the game name or the company name.

    Would like to know the actual reason for this change, or, at least keep the option to load from the /mods folder as it is now a permanent one, sure can't hurt anything.

  14. On 2/26/2022 at 7:20 PM, ElDudorino said:

    I've seen a few people bring up the black-and-white color scheme of this mod (technically of SMX) and ask how to change it.  I found it hard on my eyes and it was really hard to see certain items in my inventory, such as the screwdriver and sunglasses.


    For anybody who wants to change this, you can go into Mods\SMXlib\Config\XUI_Common\styles.xml and the file is chock full of comments to help you figure out how to customize the look.  Here are a few lines I changed:


    <style_entry name="smxlib_element_background"                        value="7,7,7,195" />
    <style_entry name="smxlib_element_backdrop_1"                        value="32,32,32,195" />
    <style_entry name="smxlib_element_backdrop_2"                        value="64,64,64,195" />
    <style_entry name="smxlib_element_separation_1"                        value="255,255,255,195" />
    <style_entry name="smxlib_element_separation_2"                        value="128,128,128,195" />


    Here I kept the RGB values the same but added a 4th number (alpha value) to make the black background semi-transparent, so you can see through it.


    <style_entry name="smxlib_slot_main_background"                        value="170,170,170,160" />
    <style_entry name="smxlib_slot_slot_background"                        value="170,170,170,160" />
    <style_entry name="smxlib_slot_item_background"                        value="170,170,170,160" />


    Here I changed the item backgrounds to a semi-transparent gray.


    You can see the result below.  Maybe you'll hate it and the point of this post isn't to say that this look is "better" but basically to tell you that if you want to change the colors in the UI, it's pretty doable.




    Nice tip, thanks, how did you alter the rows and columns and their size for your main backpack inventory, I would like to do the same as I use an ultrawide and could get away with viewing more without having to scroll so much, I started to look through the xml's but there are, lets say, just a few.

  15. @Damocles: Happy New Year!


    Two suggestions that would be awesome additions.


    1. First off something simple, let us place traders via a single pixel color like you do cities and towns, I currently always generate with no traders and hand place them otherwise they end up sometimes in clumps in one are of the map with other areas completely void of them.


    2. A little more involved. Just as you let us create our own heightmaps and masks that nitrogen can read it would be great if you could also let it read in a biomes.png file. In simple terms it would be used to generate the output and create the preview with our biome file, just helping us to share the preview generated with our custom biomes so other uses can better visualize the map with the correct biomes as we the creator intended.

    The more complicated part. Once you get biome specific poi placement incorporated (if you are working on that) then if used in conjunction with our own biomes.png this would allow much greater fine grain control in poi placement and assist greatly in creating maps with a high level of compatibility with mods like Darkness Falls that prefer certain POI's in specific biomes for gameplay mechanic reasons.

  16. Been playing on a 8k map for a month, almost two now. It's been great but we've been wondering if it generates a super corn POI since we've explored a good portion of the map and not found any of the POI with the super corn, can one be generated by nitrogen and just got unlucky?


    Sure, many prefabs might not exist on a random gen map, that's the deal with random gen, it's random.

    I'm not familiar with any prefab named super corn, my maps don't have any.

    Check the prefabs.xml in your nitrogen output, it's a simple xml / text file so you can search to see if the prefab you are looking for was actually added to your map.

  17. Sorry, I'm sure this has been asked before.


    What are Darkness Falls zones?




    It also seems to be when I make a world with darkness falls zones. When i load into the game, I have no cursor, can't even esc or anything? Is this a bug?


    Those are zones specific to the Darkness Falls mod. They are recommended heck required if you play that mod otherwise you will be missing out on a LOT of the mod's content.

  18. Biome looks good! I am changing the one from RH back to more vanilla-ish, the million static trees look too fake and lifeless. Ok for the charred and wasteland region but not the pine forest.


    Heightmaps are not hard, it's just a greyscale image, aim to work within RGB 10,10,10 - 250,250,250, just mess around, soon you will be creating cool things! I started trying to make continents like North America and Australia and I did, just that the elevation changes didn't translate well to actual gameplay so I ended up starting from scratch instead.

  19. Mhh so you technically just need a way to convert PNG back to .raw right?


    I mean there are converters for that online & programs but idk if its that simple


    I tried online ones, they didn't work, and I don't have photoshop, meh, will just work around it, the little island dots aren't that large and there are only a few, just wish that Nitrogen respected the mask completely.

    As you can see from the mask, nothing should be put in the water.


  20. Here is the last complete custom one we played on, was a lot of work but everyone really enjoyed the totally different landscape with a large city in the center of the crater in a charred forest biome.


    Mixed biomes made it really interesting and never boring with nice smooth biome transitions.


    I did however take several (not all) of the HDHQ biome modlets and modified them quite a lot to taste to get a truly unique look (unfortunately the pic doesn't do it justice)


  21. I'm not 100% sure but just copy the prefabs.xml from your current one and replace it with the new generated one coz the prefabs.xml has all the POIs + their Positions in them.


    Btw any chance your sharing the map when its done wanted to do a few SP runs for ravenharst since its out for A18 now and I really like your map ;)



    Also after you generate a new one maybe you should also take your old splat3.png and manually remove the roads or whatever you have in the water connecting the islands coz if you have the same POIs you want the same roads except the ones in the water right? Dont forget to run it through your Splatfixer tool aswell.


    Edit2: Not 100% sure it will work though coz during the generation nitogen plays with the terrain to place the pois and that might become an issue you have to test it out


    Hi there, the issue is that the dtm.raw contains the elevation changes to the land that were made to support the dotted roads out to the islands.

    I need to figure out how to edit the raw file directly or get Nitrogen to simply re-create one without the need to add anything to it, basically just take the import_hm.png and turn it into a dtm.raw, no other changes.

    The splat3.png just contains road info, not the terrain changes to support the roads underneath.

    I could probably offer the map, will just need to package it up and share it somehow, I haven't done that until now because my internet is, well, slow would be an understatement.


    P.S. I think you were editing your text as I was writing this, lol, I'll just post what i wrote anyway.

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