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Posts posted by icehot

  1. I'm getting errors from this in A21.1 (not tested in A21) running 2.2.0, and it doesn't seem to be doing the scheduled backups at all either:


    2023-08-13T16:37:23 320.697 INF Executing command 'backup list'
    Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-00000129730EF010.dll
    2023-08-13T16:37:23 320.719 WRN (ERR) [BackupMod]: An unexpected exception was occured during executing a command
    2023-08-13T16:37:23 320.723 EXC It's unable to find checksums.txt
    Parameter name: worldName
    Parameter name: worldName
      at BackupMod.Services.Resources.GetMd5HashForWorld (System.String worldName) [0x0007f] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoFactory.CreateFromManifests (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1[T] manifests) [0x0012c] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoService.GetWorldInfos () [0x0013c] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.LogAvailableBackups () [0x00000] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.BackupListInternal () [0x00000] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) [0x002c7] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
    Serilog.Extensions.Logging.SerilogLogger:Write(LogEventLevel, EventId, FormattedLogValues, Exception, Func`3)
    Serilog.Extensions.Logging.SerilogLogger:Log(LogLevel, EventId, FormattedLogValues, Exception, Func`3)
    Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger:<Log>g__LoggerLog|12_0(LogLevel, EventId, ILogger, Exception, Func`3, List`1&, FormattedLogValues&)
    Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger:Log(LogLevel, EventId, FormattedLogValues, Exception, Func`3)
    Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger`1:Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger.Log(LogLevel, EventId, FormattedLogValues, Exception, Func`3)
    Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerExtensions:Log(ILogger, LogLevel, EventId, Exception, String, Object[])
    Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerExtensions:Log(ILogger, LogLevel, Exception, String, Object[])
    Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerExtensions:LogError(ILogger, Exception, String, Object[])
    BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup:Execute(List`1, CommandSenderInfo)
    SdtdConsole:executeCommand(String, CommandSenderInfo)
    SdtdConsole:ExecuteSync(String, ClientInfo)
    UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(IUpdateSelectedHandler, BaseEventData)
    UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)

    2023-08-13T16:37:23 320.723 ERR Full exception info: System.ArgumentException: It's unable to find checksums.txt
    Parameter name: worldName
      at BackupMod.Services.Resources.GetMd5HashForWorld (System.String worldName) [0x0007f] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoFactory.CreateFromManifests (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1[T] manifests) [0x0012c] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoService.GetWorldInfos () [0x0013c] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.LogAvailableBackups () [0x00000] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.BackupListInternal () [0x00000] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) [0x002c7] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 



    plus, when trying to create a backup in game:


    2023-08-13T16:37:23 320.723 ERR Full exception info: System.ArgumentException: It's unable to find checksums.txt
    Parameter name: worldName
      at BackupMod.Services.Resources.GetMd5HashForWorld (System.String worldName) [0x0007f] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoFactory.CreateFromManifests (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1[T] manifests) [0x0012c] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Services.WorldInfoService.GetWorldInfos () [0x0013c] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.LogAvailableBackups () [0x00000] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.BackupListInternal () [0x00000] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0 
      at BackupMod.Modules.Commands.ConsoleCmdBackup.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) [0x002c7] in <c26c2529e60f4a6e94cd7a44379cd05c>:0

  2. Just now, Sephiroth87xz said:

    Game design don't work in this way.


    You can't have a system of the game break the progression and difficulty system.


    Is not a matter of opinion.


    Yes it is a matter of opinion, your opinion is that it's broken, mine is that it's not and is correct, infact it's also how I'd design it, because I understand risk/reward ratio.  The higher the risk, the higher the reward you should hope for.  Otherwise there's no point in it - that's what dictates motivation along with ambition.  Might as well get rid of the wasteland cos that offers higher rewards than you can craft too.

  3. Quote

    You should read all the comments.


    I have read all the comments, and I disagree with you.



    The problem is traders/quests/loot give higher quality/tier items than the perks i have.


    This show a real problem of balance of progression for traders/loot/quests which ruin progression and difficulty of the game.


    This is not a problem in my opinion, I think it's correct, it might be too much perhaps, but I think it's correct.  Traders SHOULD offer better items than you can craft yourself, not all the time, but definitely some of the time.



    Again you should read the comment of developer i posted, he said want to make tiers not overlap.


    I know this, and what they're doing here, is simply making sure that a tier 1 baseball bat is better than a T6 wooden club - that doesn't say anything to the fact that different parts of the game should offer different levels of reward.



    I think you not understand all parts of the game need a progression system balanced with the difficulty system of the game.


    I do understand this, but I don't think you're correct.  That doesn't mean I think it's perfectly balanced, just that I think the quests/traders should offer better items.



  4. 6 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Acquiring magazines is based on looting and quest rewards (and I think that's it), so the risk involved is of that level.

    What else would you expect?

    No it's not, you can go around looting mailboxes, trash, buying them, nerd polling to the end loot, cars etc etc.  I didn't say it was zero risk, and you should be crafting level 1 stone axes, whilst being offered purple steel axes at the trader, just that it shouldn't be equal.


    Infact it's a bit like why you'd have a chance at better loot from breaking into cop cars, or looting the wasteland - higher risk, higher reward, that's it really.  Now whether they've got the balance of risk to reward correct, that's another question, but I'm really pointing out to the people who think crafting should be the same or better than questing.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Time management is part of the game. Not everything needs to be about risk (even if it's fun).

    By your reasoning, cooking times, crafting times and leveling, should all need a risk factor or happen instantly?

    No that's not the point I'm making AT ALL.  There's levels of risk, and crafting is one of the lowest, and so should lag behind something that is higher risk/higher reward etc.

  6. 4 hours ago, meganoth said:

    "craft whatever you want"? No. A shotgun player with a quality 3 double barrel wants to craft anything above q3 and nothing below q3. And if he hasn't the magazines, he can't do that. And if you simply got magazines daily in your mailbox then it would be kind of automatic. But it isn't, crafting progress is randomized like everything else

    Come on, I did say in there that it's reliant on resources including the magazines - the point I'm making is that it's purely just time involved in that, not really much risk compared to questing.  It also sounds like in a lot of cases we're comparing MP to SP, I don't really play MP at all, so getting one quest reward per quest for me doesn't seem that bad - perhaps it is a much bigger issue in MP, I don't know?


    An example I could offer that is available to everyone to see, would be watching IzPrebuilt's latest series on youtube - it seems to me on there, his crafting ability is WAY ahead of what the trader is offering, just because he seems to be pretty damn good at cheesing almost all the mechanics of the game to his advantage including the magazines, he's being very strategic about point placement, double looting, and going to specific areas etc to get exactly all the magazines he's wanting - he's been crafting blue iron tools in yesterdays episode (I think it was by day 8 or 9), well in advance of what the trader has been offering, and he was also one of the people pushing for quest rewards to be good as well.

  7. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Your argument is the same argument he is using for crafting, if he never can craft a better weapon than he has, then there is zero point in buying or searching for magazines. We players get a lot of dukes from quests and there is no "going out of your way" to quest. Quests rewards are so good that there is no **in-game** reason to NOT do them, you have a good chance for OP items for nothing and on top the money to buy sometimes OP items from the trader stock. And with lots of dukes to spend buying is as cheap as crafting a good weapon.



    Yes I can see the comparison you're making there, but I would add to it, by saying that I do think the trader should be able to offer better things than you can craft - bear in mind, that you can craft whatever you want, whenever you like, dependant only really on your resources (which aren't difficult to get, wrench a few cars, loot magazines, do some mining - all very easy tasks)... Questing is more of a challenge, you are spending ammo, risking your life, taking time out of the day, and obviously getting paid for it, but you can still only select one loot reward for each quest (or two when a tier is completed - which btw I do think should be extended out, like a week of tier 1 or something - if they're aiming for around 4 weeks plus, then 1 tier per week makes some sort of sense with the tier 6 being the hardcore endgame to do after that time), and you're still limited to what you can buy from the trader either having it in stock, and the amount of dukes you've saved up, and perhaps some perks and other items to help make things more affordable.  So there's far more investment in that, so you'd expect something better.


    Now just to be clear, I'm not saying it's not unbalanced at all, all I'm saying is that it's not as dramatic as people are making out, I think it's more of a slight issue than a major one.  I'm also trying to give a counter balance to the argument, cos we've all seen it before, where some loud voices speak up in the forums, then something gets nerfed to hell lol.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Sephiroth87xz said:


    The problem is the trader have better thing than i can craft, in weapons or tools i don't even have points in skills or even learned from magazine.


    You can find quality 5 iron spear, without invest skill points or without learn magazine.


    All time invested on searching magazine for knife and points invested in agility and the perk of knife, was useless, the iron spear from trader was better.


    So why use skill tree and magazine when trader let you bypass all?


    Is a big unbalanced progression problem, because let you skip entire main parts of the game.


    A survival game of this type isn't something you should finish in less of few hours.


    And if Developers want players to reach this point in few hours then magazine system is bad balanced because is more slow.


    Considered the magazine system is their actual line of progression, where a developers said they don't want tiers to overlaps, is more probable traders/quests/loot to have problem of balance progression, because tiers not only overlap, but players can easily skip quality/tiers totally.


    Developers should add a sort of system(probably "internal") to have an effect similar of magazine have on crafting progression, but applied to traders/quests/loot.


    The actual one not work and create balance problem Developers have fixed with magazine system for crafting.



    From the way you've said this, you make it sound like you expect the trader to ONLY have items for your perk tree - like finding an iron spear made all your points in agility worthless, why does it?  You decided you wanted to use knives, not spears, so who cares what spear he has?  It hasn't stopped you aiming to be able to craft knives.


    Also if the trader only has stuff from your perks, to around the level of what you can craft, then there's zero point in traders - why would you bother with them?  You'd just craft the items because it's cheaper to do that than going out of your way to quest and earn money to get decent stuff.


    I've just spent the past two hours playing to day 17, in the intellect tree, and the trader has had some ok stuff, but nothing that's made me want to jump trees, I've just ignored those items because I'm focussing on the intellect style.  Rewards and items are also not that amazing that I'm seeing either.


    I don't see this as a big problem in the slightest, I've not been skipping parts of the game, I've been doing various bits of crafting, certain mods, some weapons, some armour etc.  I've been looting for some stuff, and buying other things - I've been basing my decisions on my character, and where I can currently get the best items.  Sometimes that's been crafting, other times it's been looting, other times it's been quest rewards, and other times that's been buying from the trader.  I don't see that as unbalanced, as I've been doing all of it.  And I still don't think I have anything really special or anywhere near end game.  He's had a steel club for sale recently, but why would I pick that when I'm playing for the stun baton, and all my skills are in that?


    And how do you know the magazine system is the full intended line of progression in terms of time?  You are making an assumption there.  What if it's exactly what I'm doing?,  Where I'm using a mixture of different parts of the game, to get whatever I need/want at that particular time.  I've only just got onto iron tools btw, which I think is reasonable, one I bought, one was a quest reward, and the other one I crafted.

  9. 15 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    If all quest rewards are based on the lootstage, you have the problem that you don't get a better reward for a T5 quest than for a T1 quest. So why spend time and ammunition on a T5 quest?



    Yeah this, so everyone will just do T1 quests all the time cos they're easy, whereas T5 quests you don't really get enough ammo back from what you spend out on already.  I think making each tier of quest longer than what it is would be a good start.


    But to go with what meganoth says, but in a slightly different way.  You could distribute the trader stage points, much like they do with the party XP distribution, so that each player receives a share of that total to increase the trader stage - that would slow it down for multiplayer, and also not let single player be so badly nerfed.

  10. 16 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Crafting being on equal footing would not mean a guaranteed level of magazines read, it would just define the average case. It is still random whether any of the weapons you want is ahead or behind the average.


    I agree that crafting just like looting is a relatively cheap method of getting stuff. On the other hand, if you get mountains of dukes then buying is cheap as well (cheap in the sense of not being a difficult decision).


    Day 15 is certainly a day when the player should have AK or double barrel shotgun and the occasional tier2 item like a pump shotgun, but I would guess you got all or nearly all of the good stuff from the trader and this "single source" of good stuff looks like a problem to me because it devalues crafting and looting.

    Many players especially in MP seem to have a lot of better stuff at that time though and the problem is all that advanced stuff comes from trader and rewards. 


    Agreed on the average thing, it doesn't negate the point that traders should be able to sell you better things than you can build yourself, and questing like in all other types of questing games should offer you something you actually want and not just junk - look at all the discussions for b317, when everyone was complaining all the rewards were a load of crap.


    There's also plenty I'm buying like food, liquids, ammo, cobble/concrete etc, so I can't just focus on saving every penny for the best weapon he offers - it took me several days of questing to save up what was needed to buy that pump shotgun - yes that one was from the trader.   The AK I looted.  Also something to consider here, is that I'm currently playing the intellect tree - they don't even have a gun you can spec into - so in that playthrough I'm entirely reliant on the traders/questing/looting to get anything good at all.


    During experimental I got to day 40 or so I think with b313 - and I was buying stuff and crafting stuff.  In single player it does seem ok, not perfect, but not far off either, like some people are saying it's a major issue.  I think it's more of a tweak than anything major, at least for single player.  I have no idea how you could stop people teaming up in MP, and just churning out 20 quests per day, that's no wonder the traders are showing them good stuff early on in that case.


    Doing tier 4 quests with rads coming in now, I also do need some decent weapons - and don't say the double barrel is decent, most people skip that if they can cos it'll likely get you killed when there's a lot of zombies.  Infact looking at it like this, perhaps it's the crafting side not keeping up with the rest of the game, cos I certainly feel with the enemies I'm getting that the equipment I've got to deal with them is about right.



  11. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    Realism ("other people selling to him") is a useless argument for this game if we talk about balancing. Secondly 2 to 3 weeks is less than 20 to 30 hours except with a longer day setting but he said he plays default. Now a magnum isn't endgame gun either, but steel melee weapons are and the pimps seem to target a longer playtime than say 4 weeks. My multiplayer group is at day 12 and already has an assortment of tier3 weapons and armor. Reaching quest tier3 with a group of players is a matter of a few days, giving out end-game equipment with such quests is a recipe for making the looting itself and crafting irrelevant.


    I agree that the trader should have stuff to buy, but that either has to be in the same random range like the stuff you find or craft. OR the amount of dukes (which you mainly get from quests) has to be reduced so you can't simply buy anything valuable that the trader shows.

    The quest reward of dukes needs to be one of the random choices, not on top of it, and needs to be reduced. Or maybe it could be removed completely and you only make money by selling the most expensive quest reward!





    Realism is part of the simulation of it though, we're "pretending" he's got his stock from somewhere, and not just magic, yes technically he didn't but still, in the story side of it, it makes some sort of sense.   Ok I did think this when typing out the timing bit, but 3 weeks is 21 hours, I'd hope I'm not on stone tools after that amount of time lol... I still think if crafting is ahead of trading/questing, then no one will bother to buy things, cos it's cheaper to make them - so you want some incentive to quest and/or buy things, so imho you do want them to offer better things than you can make yourself.  Otherwise what you'll probably see is people just going for the end loot again, and just looting mailboxes constantly to speed up their crafting, and never bother with the trading/questing side of things.


    Now I do agree it's a bit too fast, though with single player, I'm on day 15 right now since it went out of experimental, and I would say I have mid tier stuff, pump shotgun (which I bought for 10,000 dukes after using better barter, daring adventurer, sugar buts, and awesome sauce - so i had to invest to get that) and an orange AK-47.  I'm on tier 4 quests right now.  So yeah might be an issue with multiplayer, but single player seems ok, but like I said, I do think you go through the quest tiers a little quickly.


    I'm  also now starting to see radiated in the quests, so I kind of need those items now too.

  12. 2 hours ago, Sephiroth87xz said:

    Not really.


    I dont have any perk except the weapons one, food and inventory size.


    And trader inventory isn't linear, instead jump quality level and tier, giving to tier 2-3 quests already steel weapons, spear mostly of quality even 3-4.


    Same for loot, i have get pistol in the first week and magnum in 2-3 weeks.


    The situation is really unbalanced and not linear for trader/loot/quests.


    Must be alot more limited, because get steel weapons or firearms need steel to get created so soon, break totally the progression and difficulty of the game.


    Magazine progression is alot better, where you get to create steel alot more late.

    Yes this is the situation.


    Without magazine or perks, you get from loot high quality or high tier weapons too soon compared to crafting.


    This totally break the overall progression and difficulty of the game.


    I don't think this is that far unbalanced (maybe a little), like maybe you could spend a bit longer in each tier perhaps to drag the game out a bit longer...  But firstly I'd expect a trader to have better stuff than I can make myself, other people are selling to him and has other suppliers - if you can just make it all, why bother questing or using your dukes for anything?  Imho you want them to be ahead of the curve.


    Secondly, after 2 or 3 weeks, I think most players would expect to have some decent weapons by that amount of time - that's like 20 to 30 hours of gameplay, how long do you want it to last before you start getting decent stuff?

  13. 1 minute ago, spacepiggio said:

    Yea...my only complaint too going for the realistic & keeping the game fun & limiting the inventory of unnecessary items like jars & cans.

    It's a survival with not any survival items you would actually use in the real world yet keeping it fun & simple. Look at actual survival & adapt them with existing tools or mods.

    I would like to have the backpack to have a mod for carrying a small amount of water like a hydration bag & maybe use the helmet mod to filter the water in the bag. I would like to see a canteen or cup to drink out of or a mess kit for eating & drinking maybe & to top it off we still want zip lines & a Katana from that antique store.


    Yeah that was another thought actually, like 1 extra inventory slot just to hold a canteen for gathering water or something like that, but probably too far into development for that now.  Tbh I actually think the water balance is about right, it just seems odd from that realism perspective that a survivor wouldn't know how to get water, considering that's probably the first thing someone like that would learn.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Sephiroth87xz said:


    This is the problem of the magazine system and the reason why isn't working good.


    Slow the progression pace, but isn't in line with the progression pace of traders/quests/loot at least for weapons/tools, which is alot more quick.ì


    So i totally useless compared to traders/quests/loot.


    There is a unbalaced progression between two main systems of the game.


    Maybe developers want players to relay more on loot/traders/quests instead crafting for weapons/tools?

    But then i not understand why add magazines for unlock weapons and tools for crafting when they are useless considered the different progression pace.


    So is an error or developers intentionally want to have this unbalanced progression?


    This doesn't make magazines bad, it just means the balance is slightly off, and maybe needs a bit of fine tuning, that's all.

  15. 21 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    My impressions for A21 so far (after three starts in RNG worlds, about 15hours in total, last game moved over to stable, day 19 now)


    -Wow, the world looks absolutely awesome, much more vivid, so much love for detail, just great!


    -magazine system is fine for me, and seems to work pretty good.

    I like the slower progression pace, and there's always that "oh yeah just one more magazine and then I can finally..."


    -Overlap of weapon/tool damage is still not good I think, especially between tiers (stone/iron/steel)

    Now it happens a lot that your new tool, that you may have spent a good amount of resources on, proves to have just a higher impact on stamina use, but still requires the same amount of hits to destroy a block (because after the "last" hit it still has a very few HP left)

    Maybe make mods more effective with higher "tier/grade" stuff, to compensate this a little?


    Or make blocks with just a very few HP slowly degrade to 0 by themselves (like it is so much damaged and brittle that it slowly crumbles away totally).

    This would spare the player the last hit, he can get over to the next block and just let the block crumble by itself.

    And it would also add a task that the player has to look after the condition of his base more closely (and always have to have an amount of the necessary repair materials ready of course)


    -new water system with no (empty) jars still does not feel right in my opinion. Too much of a counter-intuitive "workaround", just to address the "problem" that the devs don't like that the players have their storage boxes full of water, whilst totally neglecting common sense.

    Yeah right now I live next to a little pond, but cannot collect water from it. So I'm having 6 dew collectors running right next to it, and these are generating glass jars around the collected fluid right out of nothing.

    Increasing "cost" of pure water and the main "products" of it (increasing cooking time of water, require more bones to make glue, require more glue to make duct tape,...stuff like that) would have been a better choice if you ask me.


    Or just the the player have all the amount of a material he wants, if he's willing to invest into it, would also be an option.

    Now I bet the people who had their forges running with hundreds of empty glass jars, today they have a huge "farm" of dew collectors running.

    Just different, not better I guess.




    Yeah I'm not sold on the water/dew thing either, any survivalist would have a water container... An obvious solution is to not allow water to stack more than 1 (water is heavy IRL), most other survival games you'd have 1 or 2 water containers in your inventory.  Or perhaps allow boiling the buckets of water (that way it's also a bit later game before you'd even get a bucket).

  16. To go along with the mod slot discussion, I think it's a good change and adds another reason to upgrade - I was actually thinking about this change a week ago or so, but I was also thinking it doesn't really make sense that the pipe weapons have any slots at all, for example I don't get how a professionally made silencer would ever fit onto something made of glue and pipes that you put together in your hands.  So I'd probably have made this change a little more extreme if it were up to me.

  17. 31 minutes ago, hiloboys said:

    Anyone else having issues with quest rewards for Tier III / IV? I havent had a good reward the entire time. It feels like what its offering me is Tier II at best. (wooden bow 2nd rank, skill books, 25 steel, Leather glove 2nd rank) All for a really hard Tier IV mission I just  completed, and all the rewards ive gotten so far have been similar including back in tier 3. It feels like the quest npc tier rewards after 2 go down the hill. (Only tested Trader Joel's quests though havent gone up a tier in the other traders missions)


    Yeah same with T5 too, not tried the T6's yet though.

  18. Just wanted to throw out a positive to this alpha (I took a week off work to play this, and have gotten to day 35 btw, so played a lot this week), just because I think a lot of people are complaining about the magazines predominantly... I've definitely come across bugs for sure, but it's experimental, and tbh for experimental, there's a lot fewer bugs than I thought there'd be, it's good!


    The graphics are incredible, the new stations, trader compounds, the POI's, yes the doors too lol.. and the RWG is all amazing!


    I also like that food/water survival is much harder, with water being scarcer, and cooking taking more realistic times, the early game was definitely a struggle.


    What I really wanted to talk about though was the magazines, and I wanted to throw out a positive comment for it.  I think it's good, it definitely helps with wanting to quest.  What I like about it, is that you know at some point you WILL get the recipes you want to craft the next thing, it also really paces the game out, and I think a lot of people being negative are perhaps just wanting to rush things along, and have augers by day 7 or something.


    I like to think about the character you're playing, like you're a survivalist, a bit of a camper or bear grylls type of guy, maybe have been in the SAS or something, and knows how to survive, and happened to have the right genetics to not get the zombie virus.  But beyond that, you're not going to know most things, even as someone into all that most people won't know how to craft IRL any of this stuff.  If this were a simulation of R/L then if you had those skills, you would still need to learn a hell of a lot to craft an AK47 or an Auger.  My first stop might be the local library in such a R/L situation.  But there'd be a tonne of books and info, that might not all be relevant.  You also would have zero idea of what you're going to find there, you'd just hope there might be something useful to help you out especially now there's no internet around.


    It just makes sense that you'd be learning what you can, but you'd be out there trying to find stuff to help you learn, and just hoping the right things come your way.  It's not some magical land where a postman delivers everything you ever needed to know about surviving the zombie apocalypse.


    I was quite sceptical about that system before I played it, but thinking about it along those lines, what do people expect?  Sit inside like a hermit all your life and in a world with no internet you wont learn anything.


    Other than some bugs and balancing things, I don't think I have a single complaint to make.  Imo, the game as it stands right now, makes a huge amount of sense.

  19. Just been building my new horde base, and wondered if the electric fence wires are meant to join from down the pole now?  Or is that a bug?  In A20, they joined from the very top,  most people probably don't notice this, but I have them placed lowered and now the zombies walk right over them :(


    Posting here, cos I really don't know if this is a bug/oversight/intended.


    Attached a pic of me experimenting to show it:




  20. Tbh, I have a 3080 Ti, and a 5900x cpu, and am using 144Hz monitors, most games on ultra I max that out which is what I'd expect with a PC that cost the amount this did.  This game though sometimes gets really low terrible FPS and stutters as it drops down.  This guy did a video on it here: 



    Something isn't right for the performance to be so similar between the hardware he tested, and I'd say the same as I upgraded from a GTX 1080, and my performance did not improve that much if at all.  For some reason the game is only using about 30% CPU and about 30% GPU, so there's plenty more head room in the hardware to get more performance.


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