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Posts posted by White-Gandalf

  1. My girlfriend and i have mostly similar PCs, running Windows 10 and using Nvidia GeForce graphic cards.


    While i can run 7DTD in borderless fullscreen mode using "twitch chat overlay" on top of it, my girlfriend lately (discovered just this week) became unable to do so. While having been able to use it beforehand.


    At the moment, i have nearly no clou about what may be the cause and how to react. If there is someone out there who has experienced a similar behavior, i would be glad to hear about it to compare circumstances and discuss ways to circumvent it.


    The only crucial difference between our systems is that i am belonging to people who common folks call "paranoid" concerning security measures. I have very strict rules on my PC's what accounts are allowed what actions, have a tight software restriction policy in place and am conservative in regard to updates of a running system. Thus, my graphic drivers are two years older than hers, my windows as well (my from 2019, hers from last month).


    THAT, however, usually comes out at MY PC being unable to perform certain actions (which is usually a (by me) wanted behavior). So i doubt that this detail could have something to do with the problem at hand.


    Is it possible that i have missed some settings in the game or game launcher? Or are there settings hidden in some config files that could have something to do with the "borderless fullscreen" control?

  2. My girlfriend today stumbled over a very strange behavior of her game: When she wears the "Night Vision Goggles" and tries to switch them on, her game reacts as if it were in Debug-Mode (which it is not - confirmed by me via steam watching her) and as if she had simultaneously clicked Hotkey "P" ("Detach Camera").


    Thus, when i set a game on my side into debug mode and then (and ONLY then) press simultaneously "F" and "P", i get the exact same behavior as her.


    With the exception of nigher her game being in debug mode nor her pressing multiple keys at ones.


    My hypothesis is that something in the games configuration has locked itself in a wrong state on her side.


    She gets this behavior on every game, be it a freshly started one or an old one (confirmed by me via steam watching her going into creative mode, taking a night vision goggles and putting it on, then activating it via hotkey).


    She can still use a normal helmet light the normal way.


    She HAS over the months experimented with key reassignments, so it could well be the case that she had reassigned the key bindings multiple times and that these settings were carried over from previous alphas.


    Is there anything she can do to reset her configuration (for example deleting a certain file or registry entry)? Nothing that we tried so far has helped.

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