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Posts posted by hotpoon

  1. On 5/21/2024 at 12:27 PM, DaVegaNL said:

    Roaming zombies, actually.


    Nowadays there's only a few when you walk around a city. In the past, that would have been a very difficult thing to do.

    Makes the world feel.. empty. Non-challenging. 

    Yes, I feel like they keep hiding the zombies away for performance so they can squeeze out better graphics, but if Minecraft teach us us anything, it's that millions of people will happily settle for bad graphics if the gameplay is good.  

  2. 2 hours ago, Roland said:


    A15? Seems to me the most pining is for A16 which the console gamers never experienced.


    I think that's because the game changed so drastically in A17.  A16 was still fun, but it introduced sleeper zombies which I don't care for. At least in A16, the sleepers weren't all hiding in the walls and rafters, but still.  A15 had the hub cities teaming with zombies. The game now, whilst much better looking feels empty and devoid of zombies.  

  3. On 2/11/2024 at 7:30 AM, NekoPawtato said:

    I think a big thing going for A22 will be console support. If waiting for the next alpha feels like ages, imagine having to wait through 7 alphas worth of content before being able to get the update (console is on A15 as far as I'm aware). I'd imagine there's more hype going for console players that don't have the PC version.

    If I’m correct the current console version is 15 which is the best version anyway. I foresee a lot of console users are going to be massively disappointed when they try the game in its current state and realise how much less fun the game has become.

  4. 6 minutes ago, seven said:


    Yes. It's twitch policy that the extension developer gets a 20% cut. And of course tfp is the developer of the extension.


    Previously integration did not require this new extension, it now won't work without it, so you're forced to use it and give to tfp to stay legal.


    What's more, even if I don't want to use any of the integration features as a viewer, you're stuck with giving tfp your twitch id, or you get a popup that keeps coming back. Well, I just blocked that crap and will never donate to a streamer through twitch integration.

    Thanks for the clarification. I think if that were made clear to streamers, none of them would use the integration. 20% cut of bits is nothing for TFP who are already multi millionaires, but it makes a big difference to streamers. Pretty unfair.

  5. I also prefer stupid zombies. I’ve had the opposite experience of unnecessarily long pathing. The other day I was on a building roof and took a shot at a bear, which immediately ran around the back of the building to the entrance, to break down the door, obviously planning to come up several flights of stairs and break through the roof to get to me. 

  6. 15 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    I'm still hoping for a full attribute rework, because they are pretty illogical as a whole, and confusing to players. My friend has 700+ hours in the game and still makes comments that leads me to believe he doesn't understand them lol.


    "I invested 10 points into strength, so I can carry more stuff!"


    Nope, you just do more headshot damage with shotguns for some reason


    "But I have 10 points in fortitude, so I'm a tank"


    Nope, you just do more damage with an m60 for some reason


    The names don't reflect anything relevant so they might as well just rename them to Perk Tree 1, Perk Tree 2,  Perk Tree 3 etc


    IMO Attributes as a whole need to be reworked from scratch so they actually make sense and reflect what is going on


    • Perception - Each point in perception should increase headshot damage with all weapons
    • Strength - Each point in strength should let you carry more items, basically just rebrand Pack Mule. That, or it should increase damage with melee weapons
    • Fortitude - Should increase your health / regen / or resistance
    • Agility - Should grant cardio or Parkour by default. Letting you run further or jump higher makes way more sense for agility than how much damage you do with a bow
    • Intelligence - Each point should do something like reduce crafting costs for all items, or work like better barter and grant selling boosts


    The benefits of the above is that first of all, none of your points are wasted. It would also let them move the weapons and perks to a logical place, like putting all the ranged weapon skills in Perception, while Strength got the Melee ones, and Fortitude got the Explosives, and Agility got sneak related things etc. It would also let them move the perks around that make zero sense, like why the hell salvager is in perception or farming is in fortitude


    Currently if you say "I want to do a playthrough using an m60 and a spear" you just . . . don't. The weapons are in two completely unrelated trees, and you'll be wasting your points on the attributes you are only getting partial value out of.


    It's even worse if you say something like "I want to jump really high while using a spear" because then you have to waste all your points on the agility attribute which grants you absolutely nothing per point wasted. Not a single thing, because you aren't using the "on perk weapon" the devs try to force you to use


    I'm in this exact situation right now where I want to have a small farm, which means I have to waste like 8 points into fortitude attribute (to get it to leve 5 or 6 or w/e) for zero return on investment, just to meet the criteria to get more food back from my farm.  I get absolutely no benefit from "headshot damage with an m60" because I'm not using an m60 or knuckles



    YES! I brought up similar sentiment when these illogical skill trees were introduced. In fact I recall a lot of people did, but from the few responses I saw, I got the impression the devs thought it would increase replayability to tie specific weapons to specific attributes, thinking people would have separate playthroughs for specific builds.  Like a 'perception' playthrough etc. I hope they don't still think that. Your system makes SO much more sense.  I really hope the devs will consider it.

    Also agree with the OP. The more I play with the magazines, the more I dislike it. Coupled with tying loot to gamestage, it forces a very linear playthrough having to unlock and use things in their 'correct' order. We no longer get the thrill of accidentally coming across a compound bow on day 2.  I know I might be in the minority, but I love the randomness of RNG.

  7. Last night I died due to my own stupidity, and then chose ‘spawn near bedroll’. I spawned on the road next to the POI and instantly died again for no reason. I have had this bug once or twice before in previous alphas, and other people i have spoken to say the same. Seems very rare, but it happens. Have any of you had this? Is this a known bug?

  8. It’s not that stealth is OP. It’s that sleepers make the game easy.

    I don’t spec into stealth at all but I can clear a poi with one shots from a distance while crouching because all the zombies are sleeping. If they were walking around, you’d have to watch your back and front constantly, even if you’re crouching, That’s how it was in A15. It was quite scary and thrilling. 


    The only thing that makes a POI a challenge now days is the occasional auto triggering wake up event, but those negate stealth altogether so are unfair on those who spec into it.

  9. The graphics (with the exception of the sickly looking character models and hairstyles, and UI that looks like it was design on Word) in this game has gotten better and better over the years, but the sounds are worse than ever. Especially the level up and party invite sounds - they have such a negative gong to them, it sounds like you’re being punished for something.  The pumps really need to hire someone who knows what they’re doing in the sound effect department.

  10. 12 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    ... The world still feels empty, ...

    Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think the game has gone downhill since A15.  In A15, we had hub cities and zombies roaming around everywhere so it felt alive. Then when they added sleepers in A16, it felt a bit empty because half the zombies were hiding in closets. It seems like every alpha since, they have been adding more and more into closets and less and less outside, so it just feels like a ghost town now.


    The other day, I fired up the A15 alpha and it was thrilling.  Knowing there's no sleepers, you don't know when you're going to go around the corner and walk into a zombie who is AWAKE and ready to end you. You can't just sneak around one-shotting all the sleeping zombies like you can now.


    Of course A15 also had other great stuff as well like learn by doing, lootable corpses, smell, gun parts, the wellness system. What a gloriously close to perfect alpha that was.  All they had to do was add more stuff, pretty up the UI, and fix the player models, and it would have been bliss.


    Since then it feels like the Fun Pimps Police just take away options to funnel people into how they think the game must be played.

  11. I recently logged in to 7 Days to Die to check out the new content and see I have a new Steam achievement "Meet Your Maker (Die 28 times)".

    Is this the dumbest achievement in the history of steam achievements?

    This is in fact, the very opposite of an achievement. 

  12. On 6/8/2022 at 2:06 PM, meganoth said:


    Fall damage is still there, but instead of outright killing zombies (which would be OP) the damage is one third of zombies health. That is quite good for a passive measure that also can be used to collect zombies for grenade or molotov bombardement and seriously slows them down in coming at you.



    If I can die from falling, so should zombies, even without spikes, but ESPECIALLY after going through the massive effort of digging the trench and chopping down a forest for the wood of the spikes, and then having to go and repair all the spikes afterward. 

  13. On 5/23/2022 at 8:06 PM, DarkWestern said:

    Interesting, you all hate it! I am pretty surprised to be frank. Well, I guess nevermind then, it seems unanimous. I thought it was a really cool and underutilized feature, but I guess you'd all rather it be removed entirely than even exist in the first place.


    Very interesting stuff! Thanks for all your feedback!

    I wouldn't take what the echo chamber in here says to be unanimous.  With over 10 million copies sold, there's all kinds of people playing with different desires. 


    I don't think it's a bad idea to have a skill like you suggest,. Don't know if I would spec into it myself, but that's because I subsist mainly on what I loot rather than harvesting/mining.  My husband would love it though because he is always looking for eggs and stuff to mine .


    It could even work with a hotkey - like you hold alt to see all the things you've tagged - similar to how you hold down alt to see loot on the floor in Diablo/PoE.

  14. Just saw this tweet: 


    From all the talk of new 'decorative' vehicles, I imagine this is just a prop, but people who aren't reading stuff on the forum (most people) won't know. Going on the wording of that tweet, they will think they can hitch a plow to it and ride over zombies (which would be cool). I foresee wailing and gnashing of teeth when they find out that was fake news.


  15. On 5/16/2022 at 10:38 AM, Novamourne said:

    All the things

    Well said. I agree on almost all points.

    Sounded fun in theory, but quests have ruined the game for me. Fully exploring a town is way more fun for me, but knowing I'm getting left behind while everyone else no-lifes the quests bothers me. It's the meta for multiplayer now.

    I didn't care for game stage when they added it, but tying loot to game stage was the worst idea. I'm a big fan of RNG, and not knowing whether you're going to get lucky and find a pink compound bow on day one was half the thrill. My last playthrough I knew I was only going to find stone crap even if I break into a safe, so why bother?  Kill zombies until the game stage gets higher and then go looting. That's sad.

    My husband and I really enjoyed LBD, though I think it was applied to too many things. I'd prefer LBD for attributes only, and uncoupling specific weapons from specific attributes. I hear a rework is on the cards though, so I guess we'll see.

    I don't mind screamers and heat maps, but I think high skill in sneaking should hide you from zombies, even on bloodmoon.

    I enjoyed gun parts but don't feel strongly about it one way or the other

    I like the gimmick zombies, but don't like the AI.
    For me the issue is the way zombies know the hit points of every block in the game and path to you via the easiest route. I'd be ok with one specific gimmick zombie (e.g. the one with the hardhat) to be able to have structural knowledge, but I expect the rest to rush at me via line of sight only. I also expect only the spider zombie (and maybe the cheerleader and skateboarder) to be able to jump far.  Currently they are all super jumpers which doesn't make sense.
    My fear is that the devs have realized that with the current fancy graphics they can never have a lot of zombies, so they are making them smart instead.  I'd rather have worse graphics and more zombies.

    I think NPCs could be a good addition, but need to be implemented well. 

    1. The game could benefit from end game content - maybe boss zombies in difficult areas guarding the best loot.  Think of Conan Exiles/Ark Survival Evolved/Valheim. These are fun to prep for, especially in multiplayer.

    2. All zombies should ALWAYS be searchable. If I have to expend a lot of ammo and risk my life for bloodmoon, it should be worth it for the loot.  


    3. There needs to be toggles for things that people are highly polarized about (example digging zombies). I don't care one way or the other, but for some people it's a deal-breaker. Just give an option to turn them off. Problem solved.

    4. I'd like a mode where you have to penetrate the brain to get a kill. You should still be able to do damage to anywhere in the body, but you should need a headshot/cut off head/bludgeon in head to actually kill it.  In State of Decay 2 it was absolutely hilarious to create zombie slugs by chopping off all their limbs.


  16. 4 hours ago, WilliamHeadings said:


    I strongly dislike that farming was nerfed. I think that you need to make it possible to get seeds from breaking wild plants. The over saturation of farms doesn't make up for the fact that you now farm at a loss. additionally i think if you changed the "living off the land" perc to give a 25% (tier 1), 50% (tier 2), and 100% (tier 3) chance of returning seeds when breaking plants it would be much more balanced. Farming now feels like a waste of time.


    Additionally i think you need to restore zombie fall damage. Zombies should die on their first fall if the distance is great enough. You cannot tell me that if a zombie falls off of a skyscraper they would get back up. Removing up to 33.3% of health per fall is completely unrealistic and one of my biggest complaints. This would restore pit fall bases.

    I agree with most, if not all of your points, but especially the above two.

    1) Since removing the wellness system, there isn't much desire to cook exotic high tier meals, so making farming even more of a bore than it already was isn't a step in the right direction. It's just not fun, at least not for me.

    2) Personally I think the zombies should only die from head wounds.  We should still be able to hit limbs in order to pop them off to make a pet zombie slug though :). But, if a zombie falls from high enough, his head should pop like a grape, and that should be instant death. That would be really entertaining, and a reason to build tall bases again.  I'm not a sociopath, I Promise. :)

  17. 2 hours ago, Marinxar said:

    Why can't we have a sense system, similar to Animal Tracker, that is enabled on lvl 5 Hidden Strike.  Not something that can be easily abused, since you have to invest heavily in to Agility to get it, but it would solve this problem. 


    I've experienced this problem in a T4 recently (the university, I think it was), where I'd snuck through the whole POI, killed everything and looked in every cupboard (because I'm a hoarder), but the quest indicated that I hadn't cleared everything. So I ended up running through every floor in order to make a noise, and that is when a couple of crawlers eventually fell through the ceiling boards.  I thought that was a bit annoying, and a waste of time.


    I've never been a fan of the sleepers at all. I preferred the liveliness of A15.  The hiding zombies make the world seem abandoned.  

    So for me the first prize would be to remove all the sleepers and jump scares. Of course, I highly doubt the devs will do that because they have clearly invested a lot of energy into turning every POI into a mini dungeon. So if that is the way it must be, then, I agree with the above quote.

    Edit to add:
    Another possible solution would be to mark off the last 5 zombies on the compass.

  18. 16 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Lets say A19 changed serverconfig.xml and therefore distributed a new file. But A20 didn't, so there isn't a new one included. Now someone playing A18 and suddenly deciding to play A20 would not get the change in A19. Bam.


    I actually think this could be handled better by the game, but likewise admins are supposed to know how to deal with config files depending on their distribution method.



    I'm not talking about A19 to A20 updates. I could certainly understand the config changing between major releases. I'm talking about setting up a server for A20, and then a minor update to A20 overwrites the config. We've run so many different game servers and 7DtD is the only one that does this. It really seems sloppy to me.

    16 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    which is far more important than the gpu in this game, hence your comment about running other games is really pointless.

    Your snide remark with nothing constructive to add is the most pointless of all.
    My PC runs Cyberpunk well and that's also very CPU heavy.

  19. On 12/24/2021 at 9:24 AM, SylenThunder said:

    Because for an update like a20, things change. Settings can get added or removed. This is considered a critical file, so it gets updated with the client. Server admins who know what they are doing never use default files for the start batch or config. It's expected for the file to be over-written with an update when a game is in Alpha development.


    Personally, I haven't noticed a massive drop.  Sure it'll get into the 50's or 60's sometimes, but it's still perfectly playable.  Maybe your settings need to be adjusted?


    Lack of optimization is expected in Alpha development. Spending more time on it than it takes to make it playable is a waste of developer time. Beta is when you start working on serious optimization. After all the core features and major engine changes are finalized.



    I don't know why you think the config would be a critical file that's expected to be overwritten. If they make changes to it sure, but if they don't then including it in the update just creates unnecessary work for the server admin.  I'm not a game developer, but I do a lot of web maintenance, and when I update a website, I only upload the files that I've actually changed. Similarly when WordPress pushes out an update, they don't overwrite the config file with all your database settings etc.  That would be absurd.


    On the optimization point, I think you're quite lucky not to have noticed.  I have an oldish CPU, but a GTX1080 and 32 gigs of ram which runs a myriad of other games very well.  I have most of my settings in 7DtD on Medium with all the extra jazz like bloom etc turned off, and I get 50-60fps usually.  When someone enters the tower though, it doesn't matter where I am on the map, my FPS goes down to single digits. It's a total slideshow at that point. Horde nights are also unplayable so we switch them off now.


    I'm aware that the bulk of optimization is supposed to happen in beta, which is why I say I hope they have something up their sleeves.



  20. I'm playing on a multiplayer server with a few friends, and I have some brief negative feedback that I hope will be taken constructively...


    1) Updating the game should not overwrite the server xml file

    If you update 7DtD, your single player game settings don't change, so not sure why the server settings xml file needs to be overwritten.  It's quite inconvenient to have to go reconfigure all those settings every time there's an update. 


    2) The T5 towers are unplayable

    Any time someone on the server enters one of the T5 towers, others in a different town on the same map get such a hectic FPS drop that it's like a slideshow.  The towers were always taxing to those exploring them, but I don't remember them being a problem for other people on the server that aren't even near it. Surely this is a serious optimization problem?


    Lack of optimization in general worries me. This game keeps getting more and more beautiful, but the FPS worse and worse. Is it a really a good idea to introduce things like waving grass, jiggling bits, and higher res textures when what so many people are really asking for is more zombies? Maybe TFP have some optimization tricks up their sleeves...I hope so.

  21. The way my husband has been running his Twitch Integrations is to have integrations on, but paused to allow viewers to lurk for points, and then near the end of the stream, he unpauses, and viewers throw what they can at him with their accumulated points.  


    There appears to be a cap on how many points a lurker can accrue (the xml says 1000 for non subs and 2000 for subs). He has edited the xml on the server to be 5k for non subs and 10k for subs. We tested these new settings last night, however, and it seems the 1k and 2k caps remain, even though the xml files show the new figures. 


    Do these settings need to be changed elsewhere to take effect?  

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