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Posts posted by Jeraal

  1. 2 am on day 3 and there was a yellow eyed horde that set me on fire with every hit. Snow biome is covered with lumberjacks. Started a 4k map and checked prefab file to search for trader and class. There were 50 matches for trader and 14 for class. Zombies also seem to have incredible sight and hearing. Is all this normal, or mod still needs some tweaking?

  2. I just started playing this mod last week and I WAS loving it. However when I logged in today I started playing and noticed my level had been reduced to 1. Was there a reboot or reset or something. Not sure why this occurred.


    Check the post 3 above yours. Post #2648

  3. ETA is long due, wanted to release it around Christmas 2018, but life is life... so one deadline missed after another and I'm still working on the mod, but all for greater good, because I don't want to sacrifice quality and rush things.


    New ETA: Sometime soon in 2019 :D



  4. @Aelaid "when i run latest version of mod on default settings, normal zombies do not run even at night. tested with vanilla game, zombies run just fine"


    @SkipperFrance "yea happen for me too after updated to 4.3.1"

    To those talking about zombies running at night, look at post #2422


    -Changed Zombies No longer Run at Night (Ferals and Feral Radiated Zombies will still run at night)

    -Added Horde Zombies that will Run at Night for Blood Moon Hordes

  5. To add to what Sdgjl2006 said, if it says 'craft' and requires a station(forge, bench, campfire etc) you need to keep the station open while it crafts. 'Gather' is just picking it up or even buying it somewhere.

  6. how do I upgrade to tungsten I have tungsten block frames and I have forged tungsten but when I place the blocks I cant upgrade them with a steel clawhammer or a nailgun is there a skill I'm missing or something please halp


    Don't quote me, but I think I read earlier that you need the HD nailgun to upgrade tungsten.

  7. The first two ships I came across were while running around. Didn't get a bike until week two. The ships are there as distant terrain objects, but when closer they only partially render. I remember other threads in earlier vanilla A16 versions that had this(even had it myself with one wilderness POI).

  8. I've come across three ships and they only partially render. About a 1/3 of the ship is there. I've seen other wilderness POIs disappear completely. According to the previewer, they were NEMA(NEPA?) buildings.

  9. More and more Players on the Server i play reporting missing Items after death. Are there knows issues with the Bigger Interfaces and inventories wieth that ? nothing found on the last sides.... but we have also the Forge lag on our server could be some special only at our Server.


    Are you playing with drop all on death? I've seen Games4Kickz talk about this. The bag that is dropped when you die isn't big enough to hold the things in your bag, your toolbelt and what you are wearing.

  10. 5.2 patch notes: -Fixed Dwalls Bookstore Prefab Beam Loot Crates (Requires new game to take effect but current loot crate it spawns now will not have any Joe Loot...Sorry, I mean Loot.)



    Is this supposed to mean the crates are gone completely? Found a town that had two libraries and no crates. Was looking forward to them since the bookcases in both were not very helpful.

  11. Small glitch, but i'm satisfied with this so far:


    Also, the Master Class papers are super tough to find, forcing you to scavenge for most of your day. It leaves you less time to build your base (I had everything I needed by end of Day 2), so i'm wondering if they are in the Class Vending Machines. I don't mind paying 30k Dukes for a class paper if it means i don't have to wait until Day 16 to finally find a working set of 3 class papers.


    Day 16? I wish I had things that early! I still need some of the papers for Covert, Marksman, Tradesman, Electrician and Survivalist on Day 28.

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