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Al Bundy

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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Hey guys, I'd like to congratulate the team for such an amazing mod, I've been having a blast, the game is hard and exciting all over again, hehe. I love all the different features and ideas, thanks a lot for your hard work. I would like to report what seem to be bugs, although they may belong to the game itself or I may be just wrong, but in the spirit of helping out: 1- Food, tea and other edibles don't seem to spoil on the campfire. 2- There's a quest that involves crafting a Chemistry Station, however, it happened to me that since I wasn't watching it getting crafted on the workbench, it did not count. I crafted a second one, this time watching it, and it worked. Perhaps this could be changed to "grab" instead of "craft"? I know they can be bought, I think, but since they can't be obtained by disassembling anymore, the chances of getting one instead of crafting one from scratch are rather small. 3- I keep running into this issue where zombies hit me and I instantly get Infection level 2. I noticed this only happens after: I had been infected, and I cured myself using honey or antibiotics... even if I have the infection immunity that antibiotics provide for a while, there's a chance of getting an infection again, and directly at level 2. Has anybody else had this happen to them? It's been about 4 or 5 times for me. 4- I am probably doing something wrong, but I can't smelt sand anymore in the forge, but the glass recipe is there. What am I missing? A couple of questions regarding feeding yourself, will the number of friendly animals be reduced? My base is set up near the desert, and it's crawling with pigs, which means a lot of meat and also leather for selling. And, will fruit trees get a disease or pest eventually? I find it's too easy to obtain food from them currently. Just an idea though. Thanks for taking your time reading this.
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