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Posts posted by Sjustus548

  1. 1 hour ago, vonerich said:

    The "Primary Player Log File" indicates an older version of 0-SCore is being used.

    Okay that's a little odd because that's the one that is working properly.  Could the newest version have caused an issue or could it be that since I'm using an older version and she's joining my game it's causing hers to mess up?  Sorry I'm a total noob when it comes to all this modding and such lol.  I'll update mine and give it another shot and see if that fixes it.  Thanks for the help.

  2. Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm having an issue with fire on my server.  It's me and my wife playing, she's going my game to play, and I can see the fire perfectly but all she can see is pillars of smoke coming off blocks that are on fire.  I'm not sure if it's a setting somewhere that is not right or if something else is causing the issue.  We both have the mod installed correctly from what I can tell so I was hoping someone would be able to help us figure out what we did wrong.  

  3. I'm wanting to start a map for 2-4 people using the Rebirth modpack and a few other additional mods.  I'm not sure if I need to use a dedicated server or if they can just join my map?  If I go with a dedicated server how much memory should I get to run the server the best?  Also if you can recommend your go to company to host the server I would greatly appreciate it.

  4. I think it's one of those gaming aspects that is really cool and exciting when you first experience it but starts to become pretty tedious and annoying the longer you play.  I'm up to well over 1000 hours now and have been playing since one of the early alpha builds so they have lost all the appeal.  I still have them on but mostly because I hope to have that enjoyment of them again.  I've changed them to every 10 days now instead though so it's probably not long til I just turn them off. 

    I still remember my first horde night.  My wife and I were in a wooden shack and were frantically repairing the walls so the zombies wouldn't get in and kill us.  We were just praying that our wood wouldn't run out before the horde night ended.  Now we are running around outside on the ground with the zombies fighting them.  We've stopped building horde bases because they feel pointless now.  All the traps break so fast now that they barely make it thru the first hour so we don't see a point in using them.  Plus with the zombies high IQ these days as soon as they make a path thru all the zombies just pour thru that one stop, rendering the rest of the traps obsolete.  The turrets can be nice but they specifically target the Demolishers No-No Button so it just causes them to explode very quickly.  I would rather just take my Auto Shotty or my M60 and fight the zombies on foot.  But all horde nights really do it distract me from things I would rather be doing, like looting or crafting.  

  5. I'm mostly trying to figure out what that censored word in the title is supposed to be.  I'm running thru all the ones I know and none of them seem to fit very well.  Makes me think I'm missing out on a new one lol.


    Okay, had to clean up the thread. No more public speculation on what censored words are, please. :) If people are able to convey the specific word used, to a reader that didn’t come up with it on their own, then it circumvents the point of having the filter.

  6. I hate those things so much.  A big problem I have is that most of the time they don't render in until I'm just about to hit them.  That gives the vultures with jet engines on their backs an easy opportunity to catch up as well.  

  7. I've not understood that change.  Used to you got crafting xp but I'm not really sure why they changed that.  You can still get crafting xp from workbenches, chem stations, and maybe forges if you keep the window open while it's crafting things, but that stops you from getting xp from doing other things.  Also not sure why watching things get auto crafted gets you xp when manually crafting them doesn't give you any.  It's a weird system they have devised so far but I'm sure it will be reworked before the game is fully released so maybe they will add it back.

  8. Besides getting as much clay as you want for your forge I don't really think there is any benefit to having as much dirt as you want. Dirt really isn't useful for anything so I don't see a problem with it being exploited currently.  I'm sure it will get fixed eventually but it's not high on the list currently I'm assuming. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Flycatcher said:


    That is kinda why "Daring adventurer" is a pretty weak perk depending on quest mostly giving you things you already have better of.

    If it changes to an in the field bonus  giving a drop loot chance for killing it will last even if you finish all quest in the map and would have a higher chance to get you more than you would with the current one.


    Its the reason I don't use it, simply because I quest to much.


    As for better barter, Always have more dukes then things to spend it on.

    Not saying that the perk should disappear since a lot of people like it, more that it should be a combined perk adding more value to charisma 

    I feel like your logic is reversed lol.  If you do a lot of questing then getting Daring Adventurer would be a good bonus because then you can choose 2 rewards instead of just 1.  There might not be anything you really need but it's still a nice bonus.  If you have a ton of dukes from questing so much you want to get all the points in Better Bartering to open up better purchasing options thru the secret stash options.  It lets you start getting Q6 Solar Panels since you can't get them any other way in the game.  Especially since they increased the cost of the solar panels by quite a bit.  

  10. 2 hours ago, seagas said:

    Current game, day 46, and still no crucible found of for sale fro any of the five traders I visit. So I at level 3 better barter, I put my .44 in my hand, ate a pumpkin cheese pie and threw 9000 dukes on the ground and and went Creative Mode and gave myself one. Day 49, guess what every trader has for sale. LOL


    Oh well, I had a forge chuck full of smelted iron, 1100 steel ingots worth waiting for the crucible, well at least I had my horde tower reinforced with steel at the critical areas, luckily no Demos had shown up.

    We couldn't find a Crucible either and I finally just put the points into Advanced Engineering to unlock the ability to craft them.  The next day the trader had them for sell lol.

  11. In the past I didn't get the perk because it didn't work.  Now that it actually works I don't get the perk because I don't find it very useful.  The effects of the perk are nice and I would definitely take it if the effective range was tied to the xp share distance but currently the range is too small for me to feel it useful enough to use.  I run around on the ground during horde nights and I would hate for my group to be losing and gaining skill points if I happen to have to run a little too far away while fighting.


    18 hours ago, Flycatcher said:

    For my playstyle its a useless skill, same as better barter and daring adventurer.

    Better Bartering and Daring Adventurer are two of my favorite perks.  I can see them as not being as useful if you completely ignore the Traders during your playtime but if you do quests frequently and are buying/selling often then they are a huge benefit to get.  

  12. The problem I keep seeing with these "RNG is horrible" posts is no one ever mentions how far into the map they are, how much they have looted or how often they visit the traders when they restock.  If you are just waiting for when you want to switch to a 9mm and a crossbow that could be day 2 or day 20 depending on how slow you play.  If you aren't going out looting and checking the traders then of course you aren't going to find what you are looking for.  We are on day 42 and have cleared out 2 towns and have opened up all the traders so we have everything that we want.  Every post about people not finding something we have had plenty of for a while because we go out looting often.  So if you are on day 2 and say you might as well cheat because you haven't found what you wanted in the first 3 houses you visited then that seems like of silly.  If you have most of the map cleared but still can't find what you are looking for then go right ahead and cheat if that's what you want to do.  If the only way for you to enjoy playing is to have those items then just start the map out with them if you are going to cheat them in anyway.  No biggie.  Do what you want to enjoy the game.

  13. I remember back in A19 they didn't allow crafting of Coffee Pots because they caused a huge amount of lag and people were using them to wreck servers.  I'm not sure if that's changed or not though.  I'm on the same boat as you and want to be able to craft everything in the game.  

  14. I was standing on the other side of the open gate to a fence.  Gate was wide open with nothing obstructing the path but Instead of taking one step to go in the fence the zombie decides he need to break the fence to get to me.  Like literally the next step over was the open gate.  I've had zombies try to break down walls to get to me even though I'm standing right behind them on the ground with nothing stopping them but for some reason they decide that they need to destroy that wall.  I don't know how the AI tries to determine what is the "best" path to get to me but it feels like they just go into destruction mode without actually doing that calculation most of the time.  

  15. Whenever you do a Fetch quest or a Buried Treasure quest we always bring back a crate that the trader is wanting bad enough to send us out for.  I'm wondering what could be in those crates.  I thought just supplies like food, medicine, ammo, and the like but in Buried Treasure quests we keep that stuff while just giving them the crate.  My guess is that the satchels we loot from Fetch quests contain intel on the Duke and his operation.  Maybe it contains names and locations of some of the top officers in his organization or key locations that need to be hit to disrupt his business.  The Buried Supplies may contain high priced loot that was obtained from these attacks.  Possibly the heads of these top officers or even crates of dukes as bribes for the right people.  What do you think we are risking our lives for when going out and doing these quests?

  16. In any zombie game or movie it is always the other humans who are the real threat.  The zombies are dangerous but are just background characters in the grand scheme of things.  I'm personally looking forward to the new bandits.  It doesn't make sense to me that there aren't other NPCs roaming around, well technically there are but they are all invisible or much better at sneaking than I am.  It makes sense that if the Duke sent us out here as punishment he would have done the same with other people as well.  Will be nice to see other people populate the map.  I'm sure there will be mods quickly made that will remove the other humans though so I wouldn't worry too much about it if you aren't looking forward to them.  

  17. My biggest problem with the reload animation is that on longer reloads, such as the junk turrets or M60, you will be finished with the reload but if you don't hold it in your hands for another hour, just a second really but feels like forever during a horde night lol, and switch to another weapon or try and put the turret down it will cancel the reload an you'll have to start all over.  That extra time is so frustrating during horde nights where things are going crazy.  

  18. Depends on if you want a wandering horde full of boss zombies or do you just want to spawn a large group of the zombies.  Thru the console you can use the command spawnwh and it will spawn a wandering horde for you but it won't dictate what types of zombies will be present.  You can press F6 and it will bring up a spawning UI that will allow you to spawn whatever types of zombies you want to.

  19. One change I would like to see is a funnel or something put on the forge so I can load it up with material and it will slowly pour into the forge as the stuff currently in it melts.  

    18 hours ago, Kam R. said:

    Ik it's off topic but topics like these always remind me of the one and only qol change related to inventory management I ever really wanted: A filter for what you automatically pick up, mostly prevent harvesting things you don't want to harvest. Accidentally hitting the grass and having that pesky fiber just drop and not clog up a valuable slot. Wrenching a car and leaving batteries of which you already have 100s and never use. That sorta stuff. 

    I think a good change for the plants would be to make it so if you broke a plant with anything besides your fists it wouldn't drop anything.  That way all that stupid plant fiber and cotton would never be in my inventory unless I really wanted it to, I'm not sure the last time I actually wanted to harvest cotton so it would never tarnish my inventory lol.

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