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Posts posted by GrumpyGringo

  1. Honestly, I've been thinking of doing something similar. I don't see a way to make a quest say "Go here and kill these zombies", so clearing out the nearby destroyed trader might be difficult. But I could definitely do quests for "place and upgrade X blocks" and "go fetch food and water."


    I'll look into something like that for the next update. I'm REALLY looking forward to A17 so I can just put the quests on the guard captain rather than making players buy them. :)


    Yes! Will make editing the quest system much easier

  2. Hello.

    Love the mod so far. We had a suggestion for more quests if you decide to add them. We have found that in early game we always end up staying at the trader and modifying the base to live in it. The abandoned traders full of zeds usually spawn fairly close to the working trader we live in. We thought it would be cool to add quests revolving around this mindset that the player will most likely live in the trader early game. Maybe have one where you upgrade the walls, or you clear out the neighboring outposts that have been over-run. Or you can do simple missions where the trader sends you out to retrieve food, water or supplies.

    Thanks again - we owe you a coffee.

  3. We just loaded this up on a home system and have a bunch of people playing on it. Pretty fun so far! We're hiding in the forest and there are naked, glowing Zeds everywhere. The survivors and the bandits are a hoot too. Our explanation for the survivors is they are infected but haven't turned yet. This is why they seem to wander aimlessly and don't speak.

  4. i have w10,I´ve downloaded from 72D2 launcher and nexusmods but it does not work

    Maybe try verifying integrity of files through steam first? I know I had done this recently before installing WoW because I had an unrelated issue with EAC on a server. I'm running the latest version of WoW that is EAC safe and no bbm (backpack) mod.

  5. Installed mod this morning and played around alittle. When I first loaded game, ram jumped to about 6gb for 30 seconds or so (which isn't terrible) and then got a chance to play for about half an hour. It was a blast. I found a group of wandering NPCs when I first spawned and it was fun to watch them fight the Zeds. One of them was trigger happy and ended up getting cornered and killed. I immediately jumped on their backpack. Was a pretty entertaining 30 min to say the least. Good show!

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