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Posts posted by jasonsaffle13

  1.  My wife and I have been playing a B169 version for a few weeks. We were on day 26 and looking forward to our next horde night. After we went to bed in real life there was a large storm and our in house game server lost power. When we went to play the next day our world was reset to day one and we have a lot of grey broken textures.  Our clients work fine when we play on the server with our friends. I have also reloaded all game files on the server. The game with our friends was not running at the time and was not affected.


     Does anyone know a fix or is our world just corrupted now. I had to take the UPS off the server to use with my CPAP.  Will just have to get into the habit of shutting down the worlds I guess.

  2. Any one having a HUGE lat spike? 2-3 seconds then runs fine. Happens when I wife and I are far apart in game. Sometimes when entering a new area. After an hour or so of play they disappear. Ryzen 3800X, 64 GB ram, M2 drive as our server. Network traffic low so not LAN issue. Clients Ryzen 2700X, 32 GB ram, GTX 2080, M2 drives.

  3. Yea we understand the experimental just trying to report bugs as we find them and fixes if the exist.



    StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.

    at MinEffectGroup.ModifyValue (.EntityAlive _self, PassiveEffects _effect, System.Single& _base_value, System.Single& _perc_value, Single level, FastTags _tags, Int32 _multiplier) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at MinEffectController.ModifyValue (.EntityAlive _self, PassiveEffects _effect, System.Single& _base_value, System.Single& _perc_value, Single _level, FastTags _tags, Int32 multiplier) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at BuffClass.ModifyValue (.EntityAlive _self, PassiveEffects _effect, .BuffValue _bv, System.Single& _base_value, System.Single& _perc_value, FastTags _tags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EntityBuffs.ModifyValue (PassiveEffects _effect, System.Single& _value, System.Single& _perc_val, FastTags _tags) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at EffectManager.GetValue (PassiveEffects _passiveEffect, .ItemValue _originalItemValue, Single _originalValue, .EntityAlive _entity, .Recipe _recipe, FastTags tags, Boolean calcEquipment, Boolean calcHoldingItem, Boolean calcProgression, Boolean calcBuffs) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ProgressionClass.GetCalculatedLevel (.EntityAlive _ea, .ProgressionValue _pv) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at ProgressionLevel.IsValid (MinEventParams _params) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  4. We are playing the experimental version on a dedicated server. One our player suddenly had his console open with a scrolling stack overflow error. The fat zombie in front of him would swing at him and was unable to hit him and the animation seemed jerky/odd. He was unable to close the console and had to Alt-Tab out to be able to close the game. During this no one else had any trouble and could continue to play unhindered. Now this player is unable to log back in and his console just opens with the stack overflow error.


    Does anyone know if I have any options short of a wipe of his player info loosing all his progress?

  5. @@ Phoenix the II and jasonsaffle13


    DO YOU Pre-Sync your mod every time before going into game to make sure it is up to Date .. one thought and the other you could have had a Bad load on mod (it does happen sometimes).

    THE OTHER Thing .. I can not tell from the picture (to small) WHICH Version are you trying to run?? …… THE CURRENT one is 5.2 the other is an Older version (Not supported) …. SO You Want .. ** War of the Walkers Bigger Back Pack 5.2 **


    Just a couple of thoughts … the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:


    I fixed ours. I had grabbed the non-back pack server. Plus I had a file stuck from Ravenhearst 21 day hordes it seemed. Both issues are corrected now.

  6. I think I found the source of the no 7 day hordes. In our haste to play we did not fully wipe our server. So now we are playing War of the walkers with Ravenhearst 21 day horde files mixed in. Everything is working but we would like the horde every 7 days instead of 21. Anyone know how I would change this?

  7. The wife, friends, and I are playing on a straight Ravenhearst server and would be willing to test to help find any issues. We have worked with Starvation to find an issue back around Christmas. PM me if we can be of any help.

  8. Has anyone else noticed very little water on the map? We have tried to seeds "Donut" and "patience" and have found little to none. We wiped "Donut" after three 120 minute days. Took 2 days (also 120 minutes) to find a small lake. Just curious if anyone else has noticed or are we just unlucky?

  9. Hello Devloper and Hello Guys,


    i have a 20tb, 32GB Ram Server... i have 26gb Ram free but wenn i want start the Modpack Server he say



    Well... What is the Problem... I dont understand this Bull♥♥♥♥... i work 10 years with rootservers and gameservers and this Problem is unbelivable sick... Can anybody help ?


    Report: https://pastebin.com/3yMdJDPt


    Had same issue due to the 32bit server version being loaded instead of the 64bit. For me using Lionux game server I had to use: executable="./7DaysToDieServer.x86_64"


    In your pastebin the second line reads:

    Found path: /home/sevendtd/7dtd/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86

    So looks like your problem I learned the hard way.

  10. I've had this problem with Pfsense and my sdtd servers, people can click the join friends tab and play on the server but if I am not on the server can not be found. I had a TCP/UDP rule under firewall/NAT but I found if I add 2 additional rules one for TCP and one for UDP then it works fine and friends can play any time.


    Not sure why but it works thought I would share this.

  11. I've had this problem with Pfsense and my sdtd servers, people can click the join friends tab and play on the server but if I am not on the server can not be found. I had a TCP/UDP rule under firewall/NAT but I found if I add 2 additional rules one for TCP and one for UDP then it works fine and friends can play any time.


    Not sure why but it works thought I would share this.

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