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Posts posted by beHypE

  1. 1 hour ago, fallenbox said:

    At this point i might actually believe it as the game is getting closer to a @%$#ty reiteration of minecraft + fallout while gradually losing pieces.

    Must be nice having time to scroll through the forum of a game you dislike so much. Why did I make kids? 😆

  2. 10 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Ahh, so you mean lack of complete loot balance? 7D2D has needed this for years in my opinion. Seriously, just go back to A18 for a couple in-game days and bare witness to the explosion of overpowered loot starting day 1 onwards. It felt disgusting in many ways getting a T5 AK, a T3 junk turret, a T3 steel pickaxe, etc. within my first loot run. What we have no completely removes the possibility of this scenario occurring at any point in the game. But with that being said, hopefully gamestaged biomes in A20 satisfies your tastes. :)

    *now, not "no"


    No, I don't mean a "lack of complete loot balance". I'm sure there is a fine middleground between "the path to greatness is tailored like a 20cm wide staircase" and "everything is handed to me on day 1". I'm not saying finding a level 5 M60 on day 1 should be a thing on a regular basis, but the loot progression definitely can't feel like the iLvl of items in a game like Diablo, for there aren't funky affixes or various bonus effects attached to make the small item pool at any given stage rich and fun enough. I mean, as a whole, yes; your overall progression should be a steady grind. But the odd lucky find here and there could change the course of your gameplay on a handful of occasions, and it would be different in each game. 


    What's wrong about being lucky and finding a Q5 pistol on Day 6 ? Most likely you aren't even specialized in pistols to begin with, thus expanding the realm of choices at one point or another when you'll need to choose between using that lucky drop or a level 2 shotgun you've put points in. Right now ? There are no choices. You'll always find around the exact same quality for all items, thus automatically rendering most of them useless since they aren't of your skill branch.


    Also, equipment quality is one side of the loot table. The other side revolves around recipes, crafting table components and various other items; that got changed aswell and ended that "imminent breakthrough drop" hope I used to enjoy. Sometimes you'd find calipers early, sometimes a beaker. Sometimes you'd start completing the motorcycle recipe before even having your first bicycle schematic. Va-rie-ty. Now you fill your chest with bicycle recipes and wood cutting mods, and sometimes make a trip to the traders to turn that into an easy buck. 


    Luckily, like you stated, it's being worked on ! If I had to choose between only one feature among all of A20, it would definitely be this one. A balanced but linear loot progression just breaks the fun too much in a game that emphasizes on looting so much. The prolonged wait starts materializing in the form of excitment more and more, and I hope it will blow my expectations out of the window 😄


  3. What's the point of starting over with the same character though ? I mean if anything i'd want a fresh start just to see how much better I'll do compared to my first playthrough. Reusing my already existing character to just do the same story over with the added bonus of being both mechanically better AND my character being a beast seems foolish to me.


    That being said I don't look forward to starting a 2nd Valheim playthrough, because while the game is fun it definitely doesn't have much replayability value for now; one of the biggest asset 7DTD has over Valheim (or should I say, had, before loot linearity killed this aspect) is loot rarity and randomness. A18 and prior was designed in a way that didn't ever let you predict what you'd find and what you'd struggle with. Valheim doesn't have any rare items, everything is about the grind to have enough quantity. Also, while it's procedurally generated, there's really nothing special to be discovered throughout the world, POIs in 7DTD make a big difference to the thrill of starting over.

  4. I gotta say regarding the argument about how "Valheim's skill system enhances the player instead of confining him"... I STRONGLY disagree. We all went blunt damage early (not even gonna argue about why you should ever play anything else really), and at some point I was like "dude, I want a sword". It was painful; even though it was the next tier compared to my mace, the damage was @%$#poor because just like in 7 days to die, once you're specialized in something, it's really uneffective to switch to something else. I grinded my ass off for hours before I was merely able to deal the same damage with my T+1 sword than I did with the T mace. I wouldn't say 7 days' system is any better, but it ain't worse, just to clarify.


    That being said, the LBD system in Valheim is a huge asset in my book. It just feels so nice to become steadily better at everything (especially jumping lol). What really makes it great is not only the organic progression but the huge impact dying has on your levels. My character is way higher level than my mates just because I died way less often; if anything, it's good to feel rewarded. 7 days hasn't ever had a decent dying penalty; losing a bit of experience on your current level is ridiculous when you lose 3+ levels of everything in Valheim. And yet, even my noobish girlfriend thinks it's great, because while she definitely rages when she does die, it makes it meaningful when she doesn't for a while (and it's a great motivation not to).

  5. 43 minutes ago, Gazz said:

    Yes, but that's been planned for a while now. Gamestage variation between different biomes is already possible (A19) with a simple XML mod but that's only part of it.


    I know but that "mid to end game content" has been on 7 days to die's roadmap before Valheim even started being under development, not to mention Valheim has a roadmap of its own, so I think it's only fair comparing what the products have delivered as of today without taking into consideration any "will have should have"s.


  6. 7 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Honestly, what you're describing is just the well known difference between a story based game and a sandbox.

    7D2D is not story based, so you won't get different "levels" for each story step. 


    I agree though on the need to add more variety, if possible, but that's already being covered by the future addition of special infected and bandits.


    "Story-driven" is a stretch for Valheim lol, it's more of a system where 1 biome = X monsters + 1 ressource + 1 boss. But you can totally "sandbox" the experience and go visit (almost) all areas on day 1, just like in 7 days to die. The key difference in 7 days to die is that there really isn't a huge difference between say the snow biome and the forest. Blueberries, differently skinned zombies, cold weather and cougars but... that's it. Meadows and the swamps are nothing alike in Valheim, to only name a few.


    Then again all those "story driven" elements and bandits and such are yet to come but... yeah, they have been for years now with not even a glimpse of what it will look like.

  7. One huge asset Valheim has over 7 days to die is that, as some have stated, time is no issue. You could be grinding the starter biome for 20 hours if that's fun to you, just casually hunting birds and deers, or you could try to rush as quickly as possible to the next biome until you finish the game (or get rekt and realise you need to prepare). This also brings a level of flexibility 7 days doesn't have. We've had days with my group where we really wanted to push it and get a challenge, and then there were days of "let's just hunt some meat and feathers and maybe do a low level cave because we need early game mats". You can't do that with 7 days. The way the game is designed, it's basically a rush against the clock to be prepared by the next horde. Sure, you can turn off hordes or just play on 2 hours days with easy settings, but then the whole challenge is gone for the entirety of the game. You can't just hop in and do whatever you feel like depending on the day and your IRL energy level, you'll have to live with the decision you made when you first started playing (unless you constantly change settings which would feel gamey to the point of being close to cheating the game).


    In addition, the biomes really feel different, as in, different monsters, different ressources, different milestones in crafting/building. The biomes in 7 days feel like basic reskins with the odd wildlife difference, but zombies are all the same especially in their mechanics. Hopefully A20 will turn that a bit around, but unless we get special creatures for the harder biomes, just "raising the gamestage" won't give biomes a different combat feel. Oh yeah, combat. Valheim's combat is simple but it's fun and engaging. 7 days melee combat is quite frankly subpar on so many levels, especially compared to how awesome the game is in other areas. 


    Lastly, bosses. We've had crazy fun doing the 2nd boss to the point we're thinking about picking up Monster Hunter. There's a great sense of adventure when you sail off with the purpose of defeating a boss in Valheim, and a great feel of accomplishment once you're done. There's really no milestone in 7 days that is comparable. Sure, the hordes are fun, but the aftermath doesn't change jack to your game besides you having repairing to do and less bullets to expend.

  8. Having lots of zeds in the cities would not only make it more fun but it would also bring some challenge to what is currently a day 1 lootville ! It used to be "logical" in some way, concentrated loot area = hard area. Back in the days we looted isolated houses and small towns, but a hub city ? Better be ready for that. Right now, there's no reason not to head towards the biggest city nearby on day 1, and it kinda kills any sense of area progression and makes all those isolated POIs / smaller towns a waste of time, not an opportunity.


    The best of all would be a dynamic POI concentration spawn filter. 1 isolated house, 1 or 2 roaming zeds. 4 POIs nearby ? A whole bunch of zeds. A rural area with shops and whatnot ? Mirrions ! 

  9. On 11/17/2020 at 12:19 AM, Maxley said:

    I’ve noticed this when playing on servers, but on single player the combat is very fluid for me. Knowing your melee weapons range and using that knowledge to keep the maximum distance from a zombie while still being able to hit them is perhaps difficult at first for new players but you get used to it. How’s it feel in single player to you?

    I'm not sure his issue is latency-related. I think it's more about the overall animations, feel, variety in gameplay. And on that subject, he's not wrong, there's really nothing special about the combat system. It's really binary to be honest, left click or right click with the right timing, rinse and repeat. Quite honestly it's the only thing, along with animations, that still screams "alpha" when I play; it seems like a first pass of something bigger.

  10. On 11/6/2020 at 12:39 AM, RestInPieces said:

    Hope you don't stop at biome modifiers and add stacking town and POI modifiers, plus some extra dynamic modifiers that change with stuff like weather, time, debuffs etc. You've got a wealth of content in the game. Shake things up a bit, give us more varied playthroughs, less inclusive lootlists so that everything isn't everywhere and long-term goals like the radiation zones you are planning. And stop playing Skyrim and play some Rimworld for god's sake MM 😛

    This, exactly this! Make cities the end game not the Day 1 loot fest! 

  11. 40 minutes ago, AlabasterW said:

    Is there a new experimental or update in the works soon? I wanna start a new game but don't want to have it instantly invalidated by a new patch. Making a new map takes a very long time...

    Since the A20 dev diary isn't even up yet, I think you are good to go for several months ;) 

  12. 9 hours ago, Whorhay said:

    I'm looking forward to POI's having bonus loot levels. To keep them from being cheesed as hard as in A18 perhaps the bonus loot levels could scale depending on how well cleared the POI is. The game can clearly already track whether or not all of the zombies in a POI have been spawned and killed, see clear quests. So scale the loot bonus based on the clear percentage. Heck, you could even make the scale work such that the loot room containers all have a negative loot level modifier until some arbitrary percentage of the zombies have been killed and then let that loot bonus go up and hit 100% of it's assigned value once 80-90% of the zombies have been killed.

    That is a very good idea! 

  13. 12 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    I don't know if they ever get more difficult POIs in the game that can't be just exploited but at least more difficult biomes are in the works AFAIK. It might even happen in A20 where RWG will be one of the development hot spots.


    Not trying to nitpick but hasn't RWG been a hotspot both for A18 and for A19 ? 


    I mean... I don't even think the POIs need that much work on the inside. Maybe a mask to raise the gamestage for the best POIs is all that is needed.

    What I can't really understand though is the current focus on slow and steady progression, yet the best way to play the game is to hit the nearest city as soon as you spawn because it's, simply put, a cluster of POIs with 0 drawbacks. I feel the game would play so much better if the best POIs were in the cities, guarded by tough/numerous zombies in the streets, and that you'd have to actually work to get a chance to loot them. Day 1 would be a "let's loot that isolated POI in the wild, it will be easier", Day 7 would be "Let's set up near that small town", and Day 15 would be "Let's hit that huge city now that we can". Steady progression, sense of accomplishment, reward. And not some weird "set up near loot city but what you find is capped until you killed enough zombies".

  14. Haven't played A19 yet but I can echo some of the "grindy progression" complaints, it indeed seems each alpha becomes more of an XP grind than a true risk/reward assesment. Still hoping in my wildest dreams subbiomes for towns/cities make it in the game, even if vanillla does absolutely nothing with it. People like me looking for an appropriate risk/reward challenge will be able to Make Or Do city spawns to be more like the A11/A12 days.

  15. 10 hours ago, CoolJ said:

    Here is the thing. You can spend all the extra points and put the mobility mods in, and you are still losing stamina and slower. You act like you can't wear a college jacket with padded armor, but you can. For PVP though, there are certain considerations. You would want to be able to take at least one hit before you die. In the single player though, I just don't think it is worth it. I'm not the kinda person that is going to let the zombies just wail on me. I eat less, I run faster and farther and my stamina regens way faster. I was able to do four level two quests between two traders today and dig up a treasure map and made 17000 dukes to buy a motorcycle because I didn't see it in his stash until the last day before he changed. We are talking day six. I did all of that on foot and started with almost zero dukes because I have been spending it on stupid stuff like books that aren't even a major benefit to my class.😆  I also bought a grey pistol. Probably wouldn't have been able to do it without that. I was kickin in doors and blasting like it was COD. Managed to only get hit a few times and never got injured.

    You are probably vastly overrating the amount of time you gained from wearing light vs heavy.


    Also, you make the assumption that light armor (especially padded) is the best armor because early game it seems to work nicely. That doesn't mean anything for later stages of the game.

  16. On 5/14/2020 at 3:45 AM, Roland said:

    I don’t know whether they will do a “city biome” again but they are going to do radiated areas and I believe you will be able to make whole cities have a particular level of radiation and I also believe that radiated areas can have their spawn rates increased. If all that comes to be then we will once again be able to have dangerous cities with more peaceful wilderness. 

    That's very sad to hear especially since nothing in what you said seems certain. I wish buildings would have a certain heat associated to them so that "groups of building" would add up and raise the amount of zombies by a substantial amount. The fact an endless forest has the same amount of zombies than a big city is majorly disappointing both for immersiveness and for challenge.

  17. Roland, ironically enough I haven't followed the forums much these past months yet I have been playing more than usual, is there anything in the pipes regarding making towns/cities have their own subbiomes in A19?


    The game definitely feels quite dead if you don't mod it but then again just adding more zombies everywhere gets tedious quite fast. I'd happily increase the number of zombies where they are supposed to be found the most, both for immersiveness and also to warrant for a bigger challenge where the bigger rewards lie.

  18. Hey man, awesome work !


    I wish I could just slam it on my game but i'm not sure i'm not gonna suffer huge spikes from it; therefore, my question : would it even be feasible for you to release small packages of textures instead of one big bulk ? For example releasing all the trees/cactus/green stuff in one batch, then all the terrain textures, the weapons, etc...


    Not sure if it's doable and if it is, it might be a huge load of work, but I think it would be amazing for smaller rigs.


    Cheers and thanks for the passion either way !

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