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Posts posted by beHypE

  1. 42 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I feel you man, I really do. But even if I'm not a developer I can tell you that bandits will be the most groundbreaking thing they'll ever do.

    I really, REALLY, hope they'll be worth the wait and they can pull it off, but adding bandits the "right" way in a dynamic environment like in 7D2D is one hell of a job!


    No doubt, i'm a software developer myself and given the voxel nature of the game, I can only imagine the can of worms it is, depending on how realistic you want them to behave.


    That being said, it's been in the "near future" for many alphas now, which is the frustrating part. I doubt they have been all hands on deck for that long, or it would have been shipped/abandoned by now. Oh well, we'll just skip this Alpha and check back in 2025 for A23 !

  2. <quarterly check for announced end-game features>

    You know the changelog is disappointing when all you did was CTRL+F "bandit" for the past 20 pages...


    It is what it is, I guess the focus is still on making the game look as great as possible compared to current standards because that is going to attract more steam buys than bandits, and from a business decision that makes sense. For more seasoned players like my group and I, some new textures and animations won't incentivize a new playthrough quite enough. I guess they'll look just as good in A23 (or beyond), see you then !

    </quarterly check for announced end-game features>

  3. 8 hours ago, Roland said:


    Yeah, he needs a knuckle rub!


    If i'm being honest the person I remember that gave me hope was you, knucklerubber! 😄


    As a player i'm obviously disappointed by the answer, because indeed it seems it's - at least - a couple months away yet. But as a developer I can only praise the mentality of your company, I wish all my projects were driven by quality metrics and not time metrics !


    Time to disappear in the cloud for some weeks again. 😅

  4. This might have been answered previously, but I remember that during November there was hope that A21 would get released before Christmas. That obviously didn't happen, but we're close to being in April now. 


    Without going into the "when will you release the kraken" discussion, could you guys explain what lead to that big of a planning delay ?

  5. There used to be an external website that was a devtracker. Don't think it's live anymore, which is a shame. I often connect here just to see where things are regarding the release, and I gotta admit it's not always enjoyable nor practical having to scroll all these pages of loosely A21 related discussions.

  6. 1 hour ago, Laran Mithras said:

    If A21 is all about art assets, and it includes new character models, it will be worth the wait. (insert broken-record ticking here)


    That's as subjective as it gets, I've played this game so much that the eye candy doesn't even get registered by my brain most of the time. As a seasoned player, I can't help but feel that it has been quite some time since the last game-changing aspect was introduced. And A21 won't change that to be honest, even though I'm still eagerly awaiting starting over with the new LBL system.

  7. Everyone's guess is different but i'm pretty confident it won't be taking too long to get the experimental out. Then again I doubt it happens before the end of January, as they always release with an associated marketing plan (streamer week-ends etc), and that probably didn't organize itself during the holidays. Development wise they probably aren't too far off but it was surely too risky and hectic to get it out before Christmas time.


    Still enjoying a new playthrough of Valheim and i'm barely into the Iron Age, so take your time Pimps, but don't leave us hanging until Spring. 😄

  8. Definitely the old system. It was poorly balanced because you'd swim in parts after every loot run and the sorting got old real fast, but the constant thrill of upgrading your weapon made it feel like... your weapon. There was obviously room for improvement (there always is), but it felt organic and engaging. Ever since the new system came with the generic parts, that whole subgame was lost and I've never ever felt like my gun was the result of looting and tinkering : "do I have enough parts to craft a Q5 ? not yet, guess i'll keep my Q4 for now. (30 minutes later) screw that, i just found a Q6, i'm set for life"!

  9. 20 hours ago, Roland said:


    Exactly the kind of tough decisions that make a game good. Scarcity of resources means making a choice to make a Q1 or wait for Q2 or Q3 before doing it. Regardless, you'll have an auger of some kind until you can somehow acquire or craft that Q5. As I said, some people will hate that they are using a Q2 auger for longer than 5 minutes. But it is still an important distinction that you will have an auger of some quality whereas before when there was just one rare schematic drop to find you went completely without.

    That is true when the game's loot system actually provides more parts than fully functional tools. I guess the new system will make it less obvious as to "when" you'll be able to craft a higher level item since it's RNG based and not based on experience/point attribution. That being said if you find steel tools in the loot before you find any significant amount of parts, then we'll be back at square one where i'll have to find 3-4 low quality augers before I can finally craft a good one, and by the time that happens i'll probably have found a good quality one before I'm able to craft it myself.


    Any changes regarding the balance of finding parts/functional tools ? 


    Other than that I mostly agree that the feature list is lackluster given the timeframe; I guess most developers are currently working on long term A22+ features, while another part of the team works on balancing & assets that make it to A21. Still excited to see how the new LBL system will shake up the predictable progression we have now.

  10. I don't know if that's something that might be revealed but I wonder how the team is split up regarding the development of the game. The new "LBL" system amongst other things seem very interesting but rather small features regarding amount of code involved. As a fellow developer I wonder how much work is being done on stuff that is not on the OP. Specifically bandits which are, I suppose, a nightmare (or dream) feature to tackle properly.


    Looking forward to all of it, great game that only gets better !

  11. Please let this be the Alpha where bandits or at least some kind of end game content is added. No matter how better the game got overall, these past alphas really felt like more (or a better version) of the same, and the mid/end game still gets stale fast. 

  12. Can't say Acid is the issue in our game, but we have yet to find ANY recipe for a vehicle on day 25 and still driving around the bicycles we got from completing the Tier 1 quests. Overall if noone plays intellect it feels like stoneage for a looong time, besides being better/good at combat.

  13. It feels bad but I also see why they decided it's better than waking up the whole building with one bullet, and then dispatching them all at once and having 'free loot'. It would probably be better having some kind of middle ground, like visible zombies being 'soft sleepers' while closet scare jumps staying 'hard sleepers'. It would feel less gamey at least, and would probably re-enable jump scares if you thought you woke up most of them but some remained hidden and caught you by surprise. As it is, you just know that every room contains at least one sleeper just waiting for you. 


    If you could wake up zombies from multiple volumes, maybe a mechanic could be added so that the more zombies you wake up at once, they tougher/faster they come at you. Some kind of chaos multiplier so that clearing most zeds at once comes with some drawbacks, while being stealthy-ish lets you fight 'normal' zombies. 

  14. I agree with the issue. Multi-player alleviates the problem quite a bit and we often end up crafting a temporary chest to stack all of our loot during runs. 


    Not only would it be comfortable having more slots but I have been advocating for 3 tiers of backpacks for quite a while. Would make it thrilling upgrading from a basic satchel to a backpack and then a military backpack or something along those lines. Basically a convenience issue becoming a feature. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Roland said:

    Mega is right that healing injuries and eating and drinking is mundane. Sure...changing up how those things work WOULD be more fun....at first. But within a few weeks of playing with the new way they would become mundane too. How to make it fun? Change it again. 


    Other than changing how these things work to make them feel fresh and new again, there is no way to make them feel interesting long term. No matter what you do, healing, eating & drinking are common repetitive tasks that become mundane and rote pretty quickly. This doesn't mean they are hated tasks or that we should remove damage, hunger, and thirst-- but unless the developers want to change things up every update to keep them fresh, whatever it is they land on (which if it is different than what we have now will sound cool and fun) will eventually become just as mundane to what we have now.


    Same with scavenging. They could add a minigame to opening containers that would definitely feel fresh and fun compared to the timer we watch right now. Would that minigame still be fun and amazing in 6 months or would we wish we could just skip the minigame and get the crap we actually want out of the cupboard....?


    While true, this can be said for anything in the game; why bother updating the game at all if everything eventually becomes "the same ol'" anyways ?

    Not saying the system is perfect or couldn't be enhanced but Valheim nailed the food mechanism pretty well if you ask me. You can just ignore it and run around with 25hp or you can use junk food for easy locations, but at the same time when @%$# hits the fan you better have robust meals in your belly. And quite frankly they could (and probably will) add many more recipes with more buffs than just total health/stamina values.


    This is probably what is missing in 7 days to die. You can get by with bacon and eggs the whole game and there's really no incentive to diversify your food intake unless you're running out of eggs (or meat, but we all know that doesn't happen).


    8 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    - no bandit npc


    Yes, this is precisely what I want them to add sooner rather than later. I have a different perspective on the matter to be honest; polishing and balancing everything before adding such a gamechanging feature like bandits might force you to do so twice. I understand there's a lot to do yet but there's going to be a lot to rebalance/fix after the bandits are here too so... yeah, i'd gladly try to lay my hands on them within the current POIs and with the current items, rather than adding dozens of elements and then realising you need to change up a ton of stuff when adding the bandits regardless.

  17. On 4/24/2021 at 7:00 PM, Matt115 said:

    They just need time , know we have something like 1 year terraria . They need first to make early and medium stage "stable"


    What ? Praises for everything accomplished, 7DTD is a masterpiece of a game and one of my all time favorites, but it's been 8 years of EA. I enjoy the process of iterations but it's only fair to expect some kind of end game content at this point in time. Sure, you can always argue that one can "forget about the game and come back in 2 years", but then again I don't think it's unreasonable to be thrilled about what's coming and not wanting to just "put the game back on the shelf until it's done". We've heard and discussed bandits for half a decade now, it seems pretty normal to me that some folks me included start voicing their concerns and doubts about it making it in the game in the way most people hope it does.

  18. Bandits have been on the roadmap since the inception of the game and should be that 'end game content'. It's been years without even a glimpse of what it could eventually become besides some pipe dreams, so I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up with a  'sorry, we need to finally go gold and they will be in the sequel' type of ending. Hope I'm wrong but I'm not holding my breath. 

  19. 3 minutes ago, fallenbox said:

    Cause i actually liked the game back then and the overall idea behind it, genius.

    That's the thing. You bought into an idea and got disappointed that it didn't exactly go the way you fantasized it. Unless you like being surprised by change, which you seem to be resistant to, you might wanna stick to buying finished products in the future. Just something to think about. 

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