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Posts posted by leaderdog

  1. 1 hour ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Well... how would YOU have solved those issues?
    Sure there might have been better ways, and I am surely nobody to be a TFPs lackey, but these issues had to be adressed someway or another.
    The most important thing is for the challenge to stay viable. And as I said you can't have a viable challenge if there are exploits.
    AFTER that you should be allowed to play however you like. But that doesn't mean every way should be just as valid. There is just no way to have everything be exactly the same. Things have benefits and weaknesses. Sneakbuild is awesome at clearing pois but bad at hordenight. Melee is ammo conserving but dangerous, M16 is a hordenight-zombie-shredder but uses more bullets than you could count.

    But if the options are:
    give up 10 seconds of your time to get the most awesome loot and be able to do that like 10 times per city
    take 20 minutes clearing the poi to get the same


    there is just no comparison. And with the stone age these exploity behaviours are reduced, ESPECIALLY in the earlygame where you can cheese this the most, having Q5 shotty and ak in Week 1.


    Steep slopes - No one walk up them, and or have zombies attack them, see my last post.


    swimming zombies - I can't tread water worth crap. I can swim just fine.  make it so stam drain is sensible in water so you can't just tread water all night.  you might be able to float on your back - I can't dense bones, but still simple solution and doesn't require a cheesey zombie change.


    Digging zombies - as a developer accept that some people don't want to deal with the horde (since they removed horde night as an option) why have zombies chewing up the landscape.  This just could have been left alone.


    and people will always find exploits... it's what they do when they're trying not to die.

  2. 1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

    I disagree, if the player can do it relatively easy I think its a fair change.  You forgot to mention how the player was 100% safe on top of a platform surrounded by steep wedge blocks which is game breaking...


    I guess they could have gone the other way instead, make both the player and zombies be unable to go up a steep slope... but at the end of the day its basically the same thing.


    not allowing humans up the steep slopes would make the most sense for a fix. and have zombies attack and break them. I made one on a day 7 and they did zero damage to the wall because they figured they could climb up it. 


    Simple solution that wouldn't look so bad.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    You got it the wrong way around.
    A challenge is only a challenge, if there is no easy way out.
    If there is, it makes the whole challenge meaningless.
    This is the same discussion as safe bunkers, hordenight-exploits and all the other exploits people used to do that got fixed.
    Sure you can get joy out of a challengless game.

    But I have a pro tip: activate cheat-mode and press 'U' and you can have all the easy loot you desire.

    As long as this game is a survival game, I expect survival beeing a challenge.
    And beeing rewarded with weapons for doing the "frame up"->"frame down" move is not something anyone can call a challenge.


    I agree with Liesel Weppen,


    when you say got challenge, does that include turning off horde night in a zombie game where they advertised horde night as one of the important challenges. 


    Build a good game, let people play it the way they like. 


    Changing it so zombies could walk up the steep slope tiles was bad.  They should have just made it so the zombies attacked them like a regular block.  Watching them jump up the steep slopes just looks wrong (saw it on some of the streams when they tested it).


    Making zombies walk fast in water and then able to swim... no


    Digging zombies so underground bases aren't safe... terrible.


    Zombies on the north side of a structure with no line of side to the back of the building shouldn't traverse around to the back to find the easiest way in.  (Hopefully they fixed that from the previous alphas).


    A challenge in a zombie game would to have a world populated with zombies... or at least cities crawling with them.  But as it is, you see one lone zombie in the wild.... but with the terrible stamina drain I guess having a city of zombies to navigate would be literally impossible, at least from a melee/stealth point of view.


    Modding in zombies in the wild doesn't work well apparently it's too much drain on the cpu.  The good old days the cities were crawling with zombies and respawning them fairly quickly to make it look like the city is infested.   I like to "claim" the town/city so the spawn locations should have 3-5 instant spawns and then have a week or so respawn to make it look like you're taking back a city.  Now there's a challenge I'd enjoy.  But walking slowly everywhere because of encumbrance or fast stamina drain isn't what I find challenging... at least not in an enjoyable way.


    Those people can turn off horde night. Which is their choice to do so, so let the rest of the people play how they like.

  4. 1 hour ago, RolandDT said:

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one experiencing this! My FPS will start out fine (locked at 60 FPS), but the longer I play sooner or later I will just hit a spike that dumps my FPS into the 20s or less, without warning, and will not go away without a restart (not really possible when hosting a MP game). I have an i7-9700k (OCed, but OC vs non-OC makes on difference), RTX 2070 (OC model, but not OCed currently - again, no difference in the FPS issue whether it's OC or not), 32 GB 3200MHz CL14 RAM, and running both an NVME SSD for the system and a standard SATA6 SSD for the game. This issue has persisted since at least 18.4, and possibly earlier. The only "fix" I've found is with the new dynamic resolution system. Enabling that allowed me to regain my full 60 FPS without having to restart. Being a MP game, I did not experiment further at the time.

    I experienced this yesterday when in the snow biome, it started to snow and my frames when looking outside went down to 13fps but when I spun around and looked inside they're were a solid 60fps.  I watched as the snow started to fall then a fog rolled over and then it got really stormy, at that point looking outside was fine again, back up to 60fps.   thankfully I wasn't in combat when something like that happened, it was unplayable.


    ryzen 3700x

    32gb Ram

    gtx 1070


    playing ultra with bloom, occlusion, and motion blur off.


    As for the stone age tools being found in locked tool stiffy boxes... this is possibly one of the worst ideas I've ever heard of.  I opened a box and saw 3 level 2 stone axes.  oh boi!  If you want to level/gamestage gate something like metal tools and weapons, make it so thoey don't drop but don't give me garbage I can make.  Give me metal frames, repair kits, lumber even is fine.  Something usable.  Right now it's just scrap stone no one wants.


    And the constant stam drain I hated in alpha 18 is worse in 19.  I was stuck in the snow biome and did a bunch of looting and then when the environmental protection wore off it was way to cold to stay in.  Surprisingly no one in the snow areas had puffer coats or reasonable clothes... anyways, so I loaded up what I wanted to bring with me and headed into the forest following the road.  It was sooooooooo slow because of stam drain and encumbrance. I don't have any interest in making multiple slow trips so I made one really slow trip.  It's boring. this isn't what I want to do when I play a zombie game. 


    I'll likely be making some modifications to the gamestage loot and stam or just wait for a mod.  I find this terrible as far as game play.


    Having a "stone age" loot is just dumb for this game.  The reason you're looting containers is for something useful.  There is no way a store is selling stone axes, stone spears, or stone shovels.  Primitive bows, you could make an argument some stores sell them.


    As for graphics and the changes.  Not excited about how the zombies look, the bright colors on their clothes make it look like they just turned, (which makes the stone age loot even less reasonable, but aside from that and the above there is many good changes in the game.


    And THANK YOU!!! for fixing the melee combat!  It is sooo much better now than it was.  Much praise for that!


    Oh, aslo, I did use khaine's 60 backpack to increase carry space.  There is so much loot and different foods and drinks.  To keep them in the tiny backpack we're given even with the 60 slot bag it fills up so fast.  This isn't enjoyable. I'm all for bag management.  I do enjoy that.  but the current system is terrible.  Subquake's weight based system is so much better.   that way a 10 stack and 6 stack of pills doesn't put you over the encumbrance mark.  But of course you can't carry a stack of 500 flagstone blocks either.  So there is give and take in that but it does make way more sense.

  5. Hi Khaine,


    Because of the "glancing blow swing mechanic" hitting the guard. I decided to kill all the guards and move them slightly further out as I filled in that area with blocks. (initial design was too far our for them to hit). However, after I spawn in the guards, they all despawn when I reload or move out of the area.


    Is there a way for me to anchor them in their new spots? or am I starting over?


    Also, out of curiosity, same scenario, but my hit points are at 110ish rather than 150. is this wellness? and where do I see wellness on my character as I couldn't spot it in the character sheet. And how does it work? How many wellness food points do I need to get it back up to the 150?

  6. A word of warning to those fortifying a trader with guards.


    If you try to break the catwalk type rails in front of the guards. The lovely glancing blow mechanic with melee weapons (fire Axe) hit the guard. The guards don't appreciate it and return the favor by killing you.


    Any way to turn off friendly fire? Them dumb iceholes shot me up pretty good one time shooting through me to get to the zombies as well. :)

  7. Hi Khaine,


    I took the Survivor Eve quest, finished it, but pretty sure she died from zombie attacks. So She spawend some where else. I get pointed to a different rally point than where she is. So I abandoned the quest, when I was at her new location because she wouldn't acknowledge I did the quest. So took it again. But the old Rally point is still there. It doesn't want to go away. Anything I can do about this?


    17.4 stable.


    Also, asking for a friend, ;) is there any way to play without Compo pack? It just makes the game far to easy.



  8. Well, RNG is always an important factor and changes the experience for everyone. Around Day 40 and I still didn't find a welder torch (so no Steel Age for me at the moment)


    I even looted the big Crack'a'Book and I am round 90 papers, so not even a class book craftet yet.


    I play 2 hour days. So if you're not, that limits your time to do things per day.


    Speed at which you loot also I guess makes a difference, I use the spiked club unless I need the gun, I'm in and out and moving on to the next one as quickly as I can. I dunno how long you've played for. me, a lot 1600ish+ hours, so other than the new terrible pinpoint melee attack, that I'm sort of used to, I move rather quickly through each building.


    The welding torch I actually cheated in. I couldn't find one for the longest time either. When I did find one I threw it on the ground. ;) Have found many since that though. I don't like when you can't make the minibike within a reasonable amount of time. And with the compo pack, Those buildings can be a boon, or just take up space. And I had sooo many of the just take up space type buildings that it became to much of a pain to run around to get to new towns.

  9. As I said, you are running in circles with the silly debate "demand/request", as modder/developer I sugest you learn to read between the lines, I am very frustrated with this "feature" and still I wasn't harsh or mean in my feedback.


    I like lot of things in your mod, Vanilla should never be released with the absurd change to skills leveling, your mod is an interesting common ground. But with a lot of things set I have hit a wall, hard, I don't know if it's different in your experimental branch but in stable build is 120 papers in the writing desk. I didn't start as civilian, no better barter, and my farming of books is slow like a snail, so I am stuck in a slow grind to get access to the content of the mod.


    Strange. I had so many mod recipes that I just scrap each one I see. I had tons of paper and very little ink. It was rather difficult to find ink, but then someone mentioned you can make ink... and well it kind of took the fun out of the whole process.


    The no ink was a reason to go looting. Once I could make it, it was over in a day. So shrug. Somethings should be left to RNG because otherwise it's to easy and removes much of the need to go loot.


    As for finding schematics, there is one in almost every bookshelf you look at, and there are several libraries and houses with them. I suppose with random world Generator it may alter how many you find.


    Next time I play I think I'd want to remove the compo pack. Those houses can be... neat, but soooooo much loot. That casino was a jackpot of loot and Sirilion's old folks home/research facility(I believe it was Sirilion), as cool as it was, was again an insane amount of loot.


    Most of it I just scrap of course, but still.


    OK, so I quoted this instead of the huge post just because it'll take less space on the forum then.


    What I'm actually looking at doing is changing raw food, so instead of giving you food poisoning it just makes you actually sick. Let's be honest, eating raw meat and uncooked eggs is absolutely going to make your stomach bad regardless of food poisoning. :D There are some things your body just doesn't like.


    Normal food that anyone can cook won't have any special properties.


    Then I'm going to completely change the Near Death debuff, because I HATE the fact it nerfs your crafting ability and makes players feel like they can't do anything while it's there. Instead I'm going to look at a version of the wellness system, something like your health and stamina are reduced to 50 for X amount of time...


    And better food/drink will increase this cap while you have the near death debuff.


    So looking after yourself with good food and good drink will help to mitigate the effects. Not totally remove... just reduce. :)


    Is it possible to put back the old wellness system and ignore the silliness the pimps added with the stamina system?


    I always thought the wellness system was genius. And with losing the 10 wellness per death it was more than enough punishment to encourage you not to be foolish with your choices in game


    Because at that point the food you ate did matter, and the canned food would not help you gain any wellness.

  11. Khaine,


    I still haven't updated to the latest version of the mod, so perhaps this is irrelevant:


    Food - the new system the pimps made is. well stupid, before with wellness there was a reason to eat better foods. I have the use less food/water perk maxed out and I rarely need to eat. Drink more, but still hardly anything.


    I just got the farmer perk maxed out, I have zero reason to make a farm because I have 8-10 stacks of 250 meat that I have no use for. I can eat the garbage food and because I have the maxed illness reduction perk, I don't get sick. So farming is pointless as well.


    I think the pimps made some massive errors with these changes, but some obviously like it.


    Day 42 (just before horde night).


    farming - unnecessary

    food - mostly unnecessary



    The % improvement for wrenching a car is as goofy as the food/water system. I have those maxed out as well and I'll get 2 or 3 batteries and/or engines from one vehicle and often 2 or 3 radiators as well.


    These aren't your fault obviously, that's the pimps error in judgement.


    But these make the game far to simple and utterly removes any reason to go and adventure. When I didn't realize I could make ink, each day I wasn't working on the base I was out trying to find some so that I could master all disciplines. I found a mess of farmer and mechanic mastery books, and of course was able to find the others as well before I found very much ink. ;)


    But that gave me a reason to loot houses. Aside from that, as always with no end game content (again pimps' fault) we're back to other than building a base, there isn't much else to do in game. Other than use your imagination of course.


    I didn't think I'd like the behemoth's and those giant women people, but they pack a punch and certainly give you a spook when they come barreling in on you. So those are quite fun. I often do night runs to enjoy that.


    So great job. :)


    Not sure if others find the same result I do when it comes to farming, food, and wrenching. I am curious what you and others think of this.

  12. @Leaderdog


    "Day 38, 2 hour days. Quite enjoying the mod. hell of a thing finding ink. "


    Just checking.. you know ink can be crafted right?


    /facepalm I did not know that. I thought I checked and it wasn't possible. I will look again later today when I get a chance.


    I've been running through buildings looking for filing cabinets as that's pretty much the only place I've found them... and the odd desk.

  13. Hi Khaine, I have a couple questions.


    1) just to be sure, I haven't updated darkness falls since I installed it a few weeks ago. Can I just download the files from github again and overwrite the existing without it messing with my current game?


    2) Jumping. 4 blocks high. is both great and bad:


    Bad, I have a hell of a time getting into spaces since character jumps to high most of the time.

    Great, when you get attacked by 20+ feral radiated zombies if you jump real high they mostly scurry off and hit a wall or something giving you a chance to breathe.

    - In one sense it's bad because it's training me to fight wrong since well it's an easy reprieve from the fight, but on the other hand 20 feral radiated zombies pouring out of a house with the melee system the way it is (crappy - ya ya) lots of misses with all those running zombies.


    I guess number 2 is more of an observation ;)


    also I can't make the rad away mod (I assume that's fixed in newer releases)


    Day 38, 2 hour days. Quite enjoying the mod. hell of a thing finding ink. :)

  14. I haven't done any farming. With the survival food perk, you need eat but once a day it seems. Might be overpowered, but I don't mind ;)


    However, you do have working sinks, is there a way you could hook up a water sprinkler, or something rather than having to have water near by, So each sprinkle would water a certain amount of space. just modify the wire tool to make it a water hose coming from the sink.


    Would be neat. But not sure if it's doable of course.


    I remember doing the watering in Starvation. It was a lot of time to keep it growing.

  15. Gas Barrel only contains 300 units of gas? That is 1 and a half fills for the auger. the little auger should be able to be refilled many many MANY more times than that from a barrel.


    Not sure if that's a vanilla change or your change.


    It's disproportionate to the way units of fuel work.


    I thought default was 1000 units. which is still probably way less than it should be however, just checking if intended and I just mod that part myself.


    Thanks, enjoying the mod. Need more welding torches though, still can't find one. :)

  16. There are a few recipes locked under working ovens in Undead Legacy, that can't be made on the campfire, but I try to make recipes follow a certain logic, that is based on what tool it can use. For example, you can't really use a fry cooker on a campfire :D


    well you could use the oil in the pan in the campfire, but I probably wouldn't advise it. ;)


    Glad to hear. Logic breaking concepts just drain fun from a survival game as far as I'm concerned.

  17. Hi Subquake,


    Just a quick question, I know you said you weren't going to mess with much other than adding items for now, but when you go to change game play/quests/whatever, please don't follow ravenhearst's example where you are required to leave your brains in your other pair of pants before you can follow the logic of the game.


    Like if you have a whole bunch of packages of ramen noodles, despite having an "Advanced campfire" which has a pot hanging from it, you're not allowed to cook the ramen noodles in the advanced campfire, you have to wait until you've built a microwave or working stove.


    I'm not trying to rag on their mod, I already posted in their thread thinking this was some massive oversight, which it wasn't. It's designed that way to extend game play.


    My logic centre broke on that and I just couldn't keep playing the mod.


    I realize I didn't actually ask a question, but you get the idea. :)



  18. 2) Cheese-it's give you more fullness (+6) and better stam (I believe) than boiled meat (+4). Protein is ALWAYS more filling than carbs. just the way it is.



    cheese is considered a fat/protein with very little carbs.


    "The longer a cheese is aged, the lower its carbohydrate content will be. ... Blue cheese and cheddar cheese have around 0.4 grams of carbs per ounce, and Parmesan cheese has about 0.9 grams in the same serving size. Foods containing less than 1 gram of carbohydrates per serving are considered to be very low in carbs."


    "Different cheeses have different amounts of fat and protein in them.


    100g of cheddar has 26g protein and 36g fat

    100g of feta has 16g protein and 20g fat and 2g carbs"


    Just wanted to correct that assumption.


    Very nice information. :)


    Unfortunately, cheese-its are a box of crackers that is cheese flavoured, thus a carb very low in protein. If it was a block of cheese you'd get less of an argument, but the simple fact is a steak will be more filling than a box of crackers. And much healthier.


    And considering that piece of steak was 1/3 of the cow... apparently as all I got was 3 pieces of meat, you'd think it would be fairly filling. More than +4 anyways. :)


    Just so you weren't reading what I wrote incorrectly.


    But I've read the previous comments and understand why the modders did it the way they did, and that's cool.


    So, enjoy the game!

  19. Axebeard,


    I didn't post to start a flame war. I, just as you said, couldn't wrap my head around the non logical steps. But if others are cool with that, then hey who am I to judge. I thought maybe this was just oversight on the mod creators part.... or at least hoping.


    Hydr0, I have over 1600 hours in the game. I was bored of Ravenhearst after a few days of play because it made no sense. My suggestion can't be done until the fun pimps can optimize the zombies. There used to be waay waaaay more zombies before the mocap zombies came in, but now it eats memory like a fat kid on his birthday, and it's not doable. HOpefully one day. ;)


    and as Lictor70 said, go play a different mod, and he's right. That's what I'll be doing.


    Those who love it, play it. Those that don't let's just move onto something else, leave this thread. It's for those who have questions, suggestions and not for arguments.


    take care all. :)

  20. Thanks for your comments.


    Please look at this mod from a different perspective. It meant to make things difficult without any concern for realism, but not stupidly grindy (hello spam crafting). This mod is not an extension of vanilla game play. And is heavily balanced around late game.


    To sum it up:

    Focus on the journey, not the destination. Savor every skill point, every great scavenging find. Don't expect impenetrable fortress for day-7 horde.


    That's fair. My brain just has trouble working that way, probably the same way I can't enjoy some movies when you need to leave your brain at the door to watch it. I see it as a survival game/situation, and gating just hinders survival.


    When the fun pimps added the skills I was fully against it, it was refreshing having a game that didn't require nonsensical skill leveling for things that work the way they should, a shovel is a shovel regardless of the store or house you steal it from.


    For me the skills would be gone, quality levels mostly gone, recipes could remain within reason, and stats like


    strength, for damage

    accuracy for shooting

    endurance for the obvious,


    would be all that was needed. Since any gun, such as a sniper rifle, will yield the exact same damage with either a noob or an expert using it, the only difference is the strength to hold it steady, and the accuracy to fire the weapon. The gun never changes... except with lots of use, obviously it would require cleaning. Well kept weapons even used frequently last for decades and beyond.


    And the sheer number of zombies would be the dilemma with other quests of course.


    But I'm not a modder so I'm at the mercy of those smart and creative enough to build them.


    Regardless, I don't want to derail the thread/mod, it is what it is, and it's a great game for the people who love to play it this way.


    Have fun :)

  21. Congrats on such a successful mod.


    I really wanted to like it, but I just couldn't.


    Constructive Criticism, as obviously, I'm the one that can't suspend enough belief for game play to enjoy it.


    Single player, warrior difficulty.


    1) 300 level spiked club, blunt weapon class chosen, takes 4 hits to kill a zombie in the beginning. Even after getting two pummel pete's it still took a min of 3 hits.


    2) Cheese-it's give you more fullness (+6) and better stam (I believe) than boiled meat (+4). Protein is ALWAYS more filling than carbs. just the way it is.


    3) Shooting a cow with a sniper rifle(low level) took around 15-20 shots. seriously? Then only 3 or so meat from it, which as mentioned in two is pretty much a waste of resources.


    4) cooking, holy sweet cheesus really? I Have a crap load of ramen noodles but heaven for fend my character is too colossally stupid to boil the hot water in the fire pit I have a POT HANGING OVER and put the noodles in, he'd rather wait until he has a microwave. oi vey. it's a survival game for goodness sake, he'd eat them raw but screw it I'm not cooking them unless I have a microwave or a stove?!


    5) cooking continued, I can't cut white meat into slices unless I have a butcher knife?? It's the end of the world, I'm all alone, I'm hungry, I've got white meat and eggs, but shoot, I don't have a butcher knife, this damn katana is too unwieldy, this knife well... nah I'd rather use a butcher knife, oh, I have the bone shiv I got the meat originally with but it's dirty. I could make a new one! On second thought I'm just not that hungry I'll wait for the butcher knife. sigh.


    6) mortar and pestle for making seeds??? the idea of having to unlock levels of seeds is beyond frustrating to begin with, and you don't use a mortar and pestle for making seeds it's for destroying seeds. Unless you're the preppiest city slicker going, most people have a pretty good idea of how to make a seed from a plant.


    Many other issues that I just find too frustrating to enjoy the game.


    I love the quests, those are great, the different vehicles and zombies are awesome. Lots about the mod that is incredible, it's just the skill gating, the level gating, and sheer frustration of not being able to eat food simply because you haven't unlocked the skill or found an item to make it with.


    Adding tedium to a game simply to make it "last" longer doesn't add enjoyment to it. In my humble opinion.


    But then perhaps it's just me, you have a good following and people are playing it, so hey have fun. I just wanted to love it but I couldn't get past the tedious nature of the skill system.


    I apologize if tone or comments offend. It's one man's opinion and I tried to add levity to my frustration. And really, it's kinda sad that I got that frustrated playing the mod. So take these comments at your own discretion.


    I hope people continue to love and play your mod, it's just not for me.

  22. Hi Subquake,


    I think you misunderstood what I wrote. It takes almost 8 minutes to scrap a single barrel. I set 14 barrels to be scrapped and noticed nothing happening, looked down and saw 105 minutes to scrap. Then tested to see how long one barrel took. 7 minutes 50 seconds. Noooo thank you. By the time you run out of gas you still have minutes to wait. I ain't got time for that. ;)

  23. just made the steel auger blade. very low gas so decided to scrap me up some. 7:50 to scrap one barrel? That can't be right?


    goes to add the gas recipe again. That's just way to long for me to wait. ;)

  24. Hey, sorry for the delayed response, but the recipe was removed, because now you need to scrap the oil barrels to get gasoline. Same goes with found loot "Gas Canister", also scrap it to get gasoline. This is to clean up recipe list and it would allow me to add various gas canisters to the game in loot of car trunks etc.


    Oil Barrel Block material was changed to:

    <property name="Material" value="gasCan_barrel" />


    My apologies not mentioning that in the patch notes.


    aw ok, I'll put your recipe list back in. I would never have thought to scrap my gas barrels haha


    Thanks for the reply.

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