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Posts posted by Claymore

  1. @Gouki Thanks for the tests :) I'm currently a bit busy to check my mods, if they're still working for A19 or not. I'm sure, at least some have to get a fix. No ETA from me, but it's planned to get them ported to A19.

  2. @open6l: Not locked. Just a leftover from the other mod. No requirements to unlock the recipe, since you can only find it via loottable :)

    This was intended, because I wanted it to make it hard to get. I'll publish a version without the leftover.

  3. You're very welcome, buddy :) Glad you liked the option and yeah: It does make it feel more scary than having a sunny bright warming daytime most of the day. I have to admit: I never played with it that much. I created it just for shenanigans, to be honest :D

  4. Night turns into a green hell, if you're in a city or forest - for example ;) That's for the tweaked spawning to brutal. Saw someone playing around, but no running and oneshot kills. But even there, the mod managed to kill this person twice in one night.

  5. Jesus Christ. Must have been drunk publishing my 1st mods. Fixed and again thanks for finding it :). Also a simply redownload is necessary. But you have to get the recipe from creative and read it again, because the unlock was for the schematic before and not for the recipe. I'm really sorry that happened :(

  6. @MrSamuelAdam: The more HP a zed has, the more XP you'll get. Correct :). And thank you very much for finding this bug. Missed to port the repair material too. Simply download the mod again - the fix is included.

    Upgrade isn't possible, since there is no model of an upgraded version. Maybe if I find the time for it, I'll add a version for playing with my polished steel mod.

  7. No "Sorry" needed. Reports are needed - even if I play with all my mods by myself. But since I currently had no need to upgrade to polished steel: I'd never could have known, the mod was broken. So really: Thank you very much, and have a nice time :).

  8. @zmax32: Thanks for the report. Yes: The Pimps again changed something, so the common method of appending the upgrade to the masterblock, isn't working anymore. Was working fine in 18.2. So the workaround was to append the upgrade to each and every block (48 in total) itself to make it compatible with every version of 18 for now. Enjoy :)



    @SingleSidedPCB: This was kinda intended. Whilst making it easier to store and carry stuff, at some point you have to deal with the other things. But for people wanting it really easy: There's a 30k variant out too :)

  10. LootDropProb = Probability, a zombie drops loot.

    LootQuantity = Amount of unstackable items, found in each container. Not only lootsacks.

    It took me quite a while to figure out the values for 100%. So if you want to decrease it:

    6.67 = 20%

    33.33 = 100%

    I think, the math isn't too hard anymore to do, is it? :)



    Reason: Machines got no full reset after each day. Fixed.



    Reason: Script didn't apply for reasons. Fixed.

  11. @Skrillion: Wow. That's really an honor to welcome you in my tiny thread. And then also the official including into your mod? Dunno what to say, but thanks :o




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