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Posts posted by jerseyetr

  1. any chance server tools get alpha 18 update?


    yeah, mine doesn't seem to be working either..


    EDIT: Using ServerTools actually causes my Zombies to Stop moving... idk what it is but its definitely ServerTools.


    I did everything I could think of, then removed ServerTools and my issue with zombies not moving cleared up.

  2. Just put this on my Server, everything works fine, but it said the Wolf was supposed to spawn within 10 blocks... it was 650m away. And the Wolf WILL NOT follow me outside the POI I found it at. It will folllow me perfectly inside, but once I get to the barrier it just stays there.


    EDIT: It actually seems to be that the wolf just doesn't move if there are enemies around.


    I guess the reason the Wolf follows us (the player) is because it sees us as an enemy but doesn't attack, and when enemies are around, it attacks them instead of following the player.


    I could be wrong but thats what I feel.

  3. Not sure if this is intended, but using the Bug out Bags causes you to not drop anything on death.


    Very nice mod, but completely useless to me if players don't drop anything on death.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Tested by removing the mod, and we dropped items on death again. Added the mod back, no drop of items on death..

  4. anybody able to help me figure out why the NPCs do not take orders but can be hired on my Dedicated Server?


    The mod works fine on singleplayer, and I have all other SDX mods like Wandering Traders and Bandits working fine.


    There are no errors in my logs at all and the mod does not fail to load.

  5. For some reason not a single order is working. I see that the order is set in the console, and there are no errors that fire.


    I have all dependencies and mods up to date as SphereII suggested I do for another issue I had.


    EDIT: Its working on SP but not Dedi

  6. Still can't figure out why the heck I can't play with your mod. Tried on Dedicated and Rented server. Both times I get the same issue, that other people have gotten and seem to have never fixed.


    This is the error I get.


    like I said, Rented and Dedicated Linux VPS. Both same issue. It seems i cannot get any mod working that requires a modified AssemblyC# dll. Always missing Anti cheat.


    Anti cheat is also disabled both Locally and on the Server.


    Very frustrating. I just want to play your mod on my Server!! The guys would love this. Got a good 15 people waiting on it.



    Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Client.Hydra.Runtime::Initialize(EventHandler`1<LoadCompletedEventArgs>,EventHandler`1<LoadProgressEventArgs>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Client.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
    IP address:
    IP address:
    Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
    Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
    Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/EasyAntiCheat.Server.dll, referenced in assembly /home/sdtd2/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll
    Missing method EasyAntiCheat.Server.Hydra.EasyAntiCheatServer<ClientInfo>::HandleClientUpdates(EasyAntiCheatServer`1/ClientStatusHandler<!0>) in assembly

  7. Yeah, it's going to mess up alot of features :p. We'll figure it out though. I can manually fix the player entries in the database ^^^





    CSMM update - custom discord notifications




    I have been trying to figure this issue out, but I am not sure what Is causing this. Everything does seem to double up, all points given, responses from server commands etc. Yet still server commands aren't working for anybody but me in game.


    I have deleted old server managers to see if this was the cause and it is not, I have also turned off and removed connection to my old CBSM from Envul, but that did not solve the issue.

  8. Hey there, just tested it myself and seems to work fine. Are you sure you didn't have some error in there still? I'll have a more thorough check when I'm back from work. Also, what browser?



    CSMM only reads information about players as they log on to your server. Give it some time and more info will be shown :).


    EDIT: I also see some weird stuff happening with your memUpdate event. (7DTD servers run 'mem' every 30 seconds) Seems to fire double. Any idea why? You're gonna get a bunch of errors because of it, feel free to swing by on discord so we can figure it out


    Good question.


    Maybe that would tell me why i am getting 2 responses for every command I use and why some things aren't working.

  9. Your website has a bug.


    If you improperly or copy paste the IP, you get the notification that you are using the wrong IP. But if you type it correctly after it does not work.


    You have to refresh the page and enter EVERY bit of info correctly the first time.


    At least this is how it seems to me.

  10. I keep getting this error in my command prompt when I try to play.


    Missingmethodexception: method not found: ‘easyanticheat.server.hydra.easyanticheatserver<clientinfo>.handleclientupdates.


    I have tried reinstalling,installing manually instead of launcher,turning eac on and off. Useing disable Unet I tried even both of them on and nothing works at all. If I use eac I just get a black screen so what am I missing lol



    I just had this issue.


    Installing Oxide mod on my Server cleared it up.



    I am however having a new issue.

    I am getting

    ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#TomatoSprout?TomatoSproutPrefab' not found on block with id 1566)


    I have all the DLLs installed, i have all the files installed in fact. both locally and on the server. It just WILL not work.

  11. I can't get the map to work.


    Console says:

    Render map done


    After I'm logged into my steam account on the map page it shows the correct Day and Time but I can't see a map.

    Did I anything wrong?



    Only thing log is giving me is:

    2015-12-30T11:03:46 701.805 INF Steam certificate error: RemoteCertificateChainErrors
    2015-12-30T11:03:47 702.547 INF Steam OpenID login from xxx.x.xxx.xxx:56670 with ID XXXXXXXXXXXX, permission level 1000



    How are you viewing your map? Are you using the CBSM provided by Envul?

    If so, you need to Authenticate your map EACH time you install Allocs server fixes.

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