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Posts posted by xXC.H.U.DXx

  1. Also going to update the MRAP, BRDM2, and the collection mods to give the MRAP and BRDM separate loot IDs to try and keep the errors from happening.


    Nice man - I hope you don't think i was being PITA - i was just trying to help out if i could -

  2. xXC.H.U.DXx


    I made them not float but changing the ModelOffset in the blocks.xml to a value of 0,0,0

    for each

    <property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0,0"/>


    oh yeah nice - i figured - i didnt look in the XML yet


  3. OMG sorry:


    <block name="Nuka Crate">

    <block name="NukaCrate">

    <block name="Nuka Safe">


    Each items root item is placed then broken open, the error happens when i then try to loot each of those items.

    This is in 18.1.b8


    I noticed the placement of them seems off also -




    i got same error confirmed - i didn't think to check the other included modlits before - maybe this will help me locate the other issue i was having....

  4. Darn i guess i was wrong Hehe - i ignored it when i left the area the loot table error'ed out and i fell threw the world lol

    will try to see if i can get around it


    yeah - i guess its something to do with the Loot container for the Vehicle BRDM2

    its all good - i just pulled the one vehicle for now - the resat are fine -

  5. Ok pulled MRAP and BRDM2 and everything loads properly

    This only if i Put each vehicle in the folder on its own (its own modlet)


    if i use the Prepack of all the Vehicles it throws a progression file error


    what should i change the Loot table ID to - its 82 on both MRAP and BDR2


    From my understanding - the loot container is the Storage container of the Vehicles for MRAP and BDR2

  6. What exactly is the error?


    2019-11-25T15:51:57 132.811 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'progression.xml' failed

    2019-11-25T15:51:57 132.811 EXC The given key was not present in the dictionary.

    KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48>:0

    at ProgressionFromXml+<Load>d__3.MoveNext () [0x0013b] in <9d3ce62bccb44fc0b638ccdfcdc35c56>:0

    at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <9d3ce62bccb44fc0b638ccdfcdc35c56>:0

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)







    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


    (Filename: <1f0c1ef1ad524c38bbc5536809c46b48> Line: 0)


    I trried installing them individually and 2 of them BDRM2 and Mrap have some Conflicting Loot Id 82


    - - - Updated - - -


    i am still trying to figure out where the errors are starting - sorry

    that's what i got so far


    the First progression error comes whern you use the Folder with all the vehicles


    the next set comes when i use them individually

    the BDRM2 and MRap seem to be conflicting with each others loot list


    - - - Updated - - -


    ok pulling Mrap and BDRM2 and see what happens

  7. I am having a problem with your progression file - it errors out - i tried to see whats going on but it doesn't really tell me anything in the Output file





    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name=perkGreaseMonkey]/effect_group/passive_effect[@level=2,5]/@tags">,vehicleGolfCartaccessories,vehicleGolfCartchassis</append>

    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name=perkGreaseMonkey]/effect_group/passive_effect[@level=4,5]/@tags">,vehicleWorkTruckchassis,vehicleWorkTruckaccessories,vehicleNovachassis,vehicleNovaaccessories,vehiclePickupchassis,vehiclePickupaccessories,vehicleGNXaccessories,vehicleGNXchassis,vehicleUAZ452chassis</append>

    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name=perkGreaseMonkey]/effect_group/passive_effect[@level=5]/@tags">,vehicleBRDM2chassis,vehicleBRDM2accessories,vehicleMRAPparts,vehicleMRAPaccessories,vehicleMarauderchassis,vehicleMarauderaccessories</append>




    I tried Changing the <append xpath> to Set xpath - didnt work either

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