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Everything posted by thescarydude

  1. I just tried, it seems better suited for making a whole map rather than a single mountain texture as far as I can tell.
  2. Hi, long time lurker here. This is such an amazing tool, I've been messing with the resource image files for the last few days trying to get more natural looking height maps. I used the software Wilbur, to help me generate the textures. I also redrew then scrambled up the biome borders with Gimp's pick filter so there isn't such a harsh line between biomes. I'm quite satisfied with the results. Here's what a typical 4k height map looks like with them. Some pictures. This is all default smoothing by the way. Here's a zip with the files if anyone would like them (always be sure to backup the original files). Also as far as I'm aware the textures TEST_512_ABS_Mountain255 and TEST_256_ABS_DESERTPlateau_top don't seem to ever be used (maybe Damocles can clarify). But I still made replacements for them in case.
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