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  1. Toxic Fog / Radiation damage = Potatoe / Potato in my opinion. I would not like Radiation either since you cant see it and its just taking pills against a timer. But a toxic Fog would really affect your experience since you can´t see far, dont know which dangers are nearby, zombies can ripple off your connection to the oxygenbottle, you need to drive slow and carefully. Imagine beeing on a foggy street, bleeding, 20hp left, searching for a shelter to hide and hearing zombies around you but you dont know where they are.
  2. Some easy Idea to bring the game to a new level: Fog - imagine a toxic fog in the Wasteland. Where you cant see far and you need a mask and a Oxygenbottle to survive. Zombies should then have a, (for example), 20% chance to tear off the connection to the oxygenbottle when hitting you, so you just have a minute left before you suffocate. Im not a programmer but I cant imagine its that hard to create a fog that deals damage and 2 more items to craft. Oh and @faatal with the new streets coming to 1.0, is there any chance that we get grass breaking trough the street in some places and more destroyed asphalt to make it more immersive / realistic? 🙂
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