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Everything posted by Chadderall_30mg

  1. They are just PROPS made out of shapes in-game. Meant to add some intimidating flair to your base or POI. hope you enjoy them! ZIP folder is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vKP6EzX0LlS10FQ this is my first prefab share, please let me know if something isn't working! I'd love to share some photos of them but cant figure out how to do that here. you can view my post on reddit for pictures here:
  2. Hello all, im hoping for some support with some issues im having with my first POI attempt. Im getting several and im not sure what to do for each of them. Some of them don’t appear to be affecting anything while im editing but when i try to copy and paste or reload into the editor half my prefab is missing or things or values aren’t where they’re supposed to be. Here’s some of what im getting… 1. WRN [EOS] [LogEOSRTC - Warning] RTCAudio The specific input device id has not been found. The default device index will be used instead of it. I’m not having any audio issues at all. So this one is confusing. I will listen to music while I’m editing and sometimes I used my headphones and sometimes I use my sound system. Neither one is having problems. Seems completely normal. I often will play music after I’ve already loaded into the game well after I get this message so it can’t be something with the music service I’d assume. 2. WRN Could not find[“ ID of 1 of about 40-50 different items I’ve placed in the prefab] in entity mesh cache for prefab: [ name of item] this one is a little more invasive I believe. For instance, I’m trying to update impostor for the prefab. It’s very large, but mostly flat. I “ctrl c” the selection, create new prefab, ctrl v into blank world to make a copy of it so I can do the impostor and figure out how that works without messing up my actual one and when I paste half of my prefab is gone with some items floating in space or not fully rendering. Additionally, when I go up to some of these blocks, and press f3, it says they are "air' when it is very clearly a block or item of some variety. Im also apparently doing something wrong in this forum as I am not able to post the screenshots i took either from google drive URL or the file itself so im sorry, but here is the direct link to my google drive if you'd like to view them https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fnkY3F4zW3ekmUfDKU6Wi9iCoVLARTNd/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fdkIRquPF28Q28BE5GMXK1sUR4-adbgP/view?usp=sharing
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