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Everything posted by Plexius

  1. i barely touched this after making this post after looking at it though... duh i didnt even try to give them a seperate currency in their own code.. for some reason i was thinking id have to make a whole new trader section lmao
  2. So as the title says im working on making a new trader and using another item for a currency but im not having any luck adding something like this <traders buy_markup="3" sell_markdown="0.2" quality_mod="0.4,8" currency_item="casinoCash" quest_tier_mod="0,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3" > tried just appending traders not much experience besides creating new loot groups and adding stuff to existing traders and loot tables. So my question is how can i make a new set of traders that require a new currency. I made a casinoCash to use that is worth alot more than the coins think of your dollar to the penny. I wanted to create a seperate trader that is stationed at the lobby always that uses this other currency mainly Ideally afterwards id like to create a vending machine for both rentals and playerowned that uses it as a currency Im going to continue to mess with it until something changes
  3. Now this from my standpoint i didn't even think of this but i suppose there are malicious people around so maybe it wouldn't be a good idea i suppose
  4. good point its just an idea i had that potentially could grow the servers easier
  5. this is exactly it. The files are still client side but it takes the work out of putting it in the folder since it seems most people hate doing that when they play multiple servers. all im saying is someone with knowledge in C++ could probably easily make a code to download from the server files upon load up of a custom launcher. If something like this is made 7D2D could really transform in terms of modding. i am not asking for something that is already made i should add that the main focus was has anyone TRIED to make something like this if not, why not?
  6. Bump. Does anyone have knowledge on making a custom game launcher that can be updated from an outside source. I played WoW private servers years ago and many servers had custom launcher that would update so players didnt have to install a new pack and replace the old one the launcher would do it for you. Does anyone know if this is possible or has anyone attempted something like this?
  7. they are found in the XUI xml files heres an example i did with my mod idk how to get it exact but it took me changing the numbers around to get what i wanted. <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/@materials_accepted">iron,brass,lead,glass,stone,clay,copper,zinc,tin,bronze,tungsten,mithril,adamantium,orichalcum,necronium,aluminum</set> <setattribute xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/panel[@style='header.panel']" name="pos">0,-185</setattribute> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content']/@pos">0,-231</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/sprite[@name='backgroundMain']/@height">228</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/sprite[@name='backgroundMain']/@pos">0,-231</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content2']/@height">223</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content2']/@pos">78,-233</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content']/grid[@depth='7']/@rows">3</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content2']/grid/@cols">2</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content2']/@width">294</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content2']/grid/@rows">8</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowForgeInput']/rect[@name='content2']/grid/@cell_height">28</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowOutput']/rect[@name='content']/grid/@rows">4</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[contains(@name,'windowToolsCampfire')]/rect/grid/@rows">3</set> <append xpath="/windows/window[contains(@name,'windowToolsCampfire')]/rect/grid/@required_tools">,toolAirFryer,toolPressureCooker,toolPropaneTank,toolElectricIgniter,toolFoodProcessor</append> <set xpath="/windows/window[contains(@name,'windowToolsForge')]/rect/grid/@rows">3</set> <append xpath="/windows/window[contains(@name,'windowToolsForge')]/rect/grid/@required_tools">,toolTungstenLinedBellows,toolAuto-Hammer,toolOrichalcumAnvilCoating,toolTungstenAnvil,toolHighDensityToolkit,toolForgeHighCarbonTooling</append> <setattribute xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowFuel']/panel[@style='header.panel'][last()]" name="pos">0,-150</setattribute> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowFuel']/rect[@name='content']/@pos">0,-196</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowFuel']/@height">120</set> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowFuel']/panel[@name='buttonContent']/@pos">0,-271</set> <setattribute xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowOutput']/panel[@style='header.panel']" name="pos">0,-250</setattribute> <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowOutput']/rect/@pos">0,-296</set> this is just an example of the forge window i actually had to look at other mods to figure out how to change the interface but im not very good at it yet
  8. Ahhhh.... sorry for late reply been working alot. That would explain it as i've redone every single perk since im working on a serverside overhaul mod idk how i managed to do this, was probably rushing when i first added this. i fixed the top one the bottom was the original for both <passive_effect name="BarteringBuying" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" value=".05,.1,.15,.2,.25,.3,.35,.4,.45,.5"/> <passive_effect name="BarteringSelling" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" value=".05,.1,.15,.2,.25,.3,.35,4,4.5,5"/> but no there was no errors so thats why i made the post Yep works good now
  9. every single one thats in the trader template has a value i've triple checked *Edit* Infact every item has a value that doesnt have a property of <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/>
  10. nope which is why im confused <append xpath="/traders/traderstage_templates"> <traderstage_template name="EliteTier1" min="110" max="999999" /> <!-- Elite Items --> <traderstage_template name="EliteTier2" min="130" max="999999" /> <!-- Elite Items --> <traderstage_template name="EliteTier3" min="150" max="999999" /> <!-- Elite Items --> </append> <!--Create trader group for Elite Items including rare guns--> <insertBefore xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammoAll']"> <trader_item_group name="Eliteitems"> <item name="gunBronzeShotgun" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunBronzeDesertVulture" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunBronzeSMG" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunBronzeM60" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunBronzeRPG" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunTungstenM60" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunMithrilSMG" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunAdamantiumDesertVulture" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunMithrilShotgun" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunOrichalcumRPG" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunNecroniumM60" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunOrichalcumSMG" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunUraniumDesertVulture" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunUraniumShotgun" quality="1,4"/> <item name="gunNecroniumRPG" quality="1,4"/> <item name="Diamond Bit" prob="0.2"/> <item name="Carbon Bit" prob="0.15"/> <item name="Titanium Bit" prob="0.1"/> <item name="Obsidian Bit" prob="0.01"/> <item name="Diamond Harvester" prob="0.2"/> <item name="Carbon Harvester" prob="0.15"/> <item name="Titanium Harvester" prob="0.1"/> <item name="Obsidian Harvester" prob="0.01"/> <item name="modResistanceList" prob="0.1"/> <item name="modArmorPlatingMithril" prob="0.15"/> <item name="modArmorPlatingAdamantium" prob="0.06"/> </trader_item_group> </insertBefore> <!--Asking traders to sell Elite Items--> <append xpath="//trader_info[@id='1' or @id='2' or @id='6' or @id='7' or @id='8']/trader_items"> <item group="Eliteitems" count="1,2"/> </append> That is the pretty much the whole thing theres another group of code for ammo aswell but nothing that changes prices
  11. As i just started messing with adding new item groups to traders and such it adds in great but now everything in the trader costs negative money so i can buy for free and sell it back for money? ive added stuff to traders before so im confused why all of a sudden its messed up.
  12. Sorry for the late response but im glad to come back to this and see these responses i was making 6 new upgradeable blocks but it stops working after the 4th one. im fine with just cutting out the last two and doing them a bit different thanks!
  13. ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed EXC Index was outside the bounds of the array. i keep getting this error i am making more upgradeable blocks and have a few that work fine the codes on everything seem to match.. is there a limit or certain stats for blocks or why would this even pop up in the first place?
  14. So i got to thinking and maybe this isnt possible i do modding myself so this would be AMAZING since im working on a server with a few friends. My train of thought is wouldnt there be a way to make the server download custom item icons and unity files for blocks and such like it would when you download a new map when loading into a new server? Im just really curious whether this was possible at all or if anyone else has thought about this.
  15. Thank you for the help! i managed to get everything working so far so i should be able to continue on with finishing my mod! This small thing held up the majority of the project and if you were curious here are some of the metals that were being added in the mod Copper Zinc Tungsten Mithril Adamantium Orichalcum Necronium Chromium Niobium Vanadium Aluminum Uranium
  16. Yeah ive gathered so far that theres no way to color the texture of the terrain itself which is fine for now. I actually did start creating prefabs for it and havent gotten around to testing it out fully i will update as soon as i can!
  17. I appreciate the time you've taken to respond to me currently im trying to create prefabs by using the blocks ive made so it has a reference to spawn in instead of having to use a deco model thats in use by another block
  18. yes that is what the second batch of code is from directly from config dump of that save there are no errors when starting the server so im confused as to why it just isnt spawning them in
  19. i have a biomes xml which showing just the tungsten in the wasteland this does not include the xpath since theres way more to it above tungsten <subbiome prob="0.195"> <!-- Ore Sub Biome: tungstenOre --> <layers> <layer depth="2" blockname="terrDestroyedStone"/> <layer depth="2" blockname="terrDirt"/> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreTungsten" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrStone"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/> </layers> <decorations> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_lead_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".01857" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treePineBurntLrg" prob="0.03" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treePineBurntMed" prob="0.03" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treePineBurntFullMed" prob="0.03" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntWastelandRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.010" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="scrapMetalPile" prob=".015" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="brickShapes:brickDestroyed01" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="brickShapes:brickDestroyed02" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="brickShapes:brickDestroyed03" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rock04" prob=".004" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cinderBlocks01" prob=".006" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cinderBlocks02" prob=".006" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="cinderBlocks03" prob=".006" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeBurntMaple01" prob="0.0012" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeBurntMaple02" prob="0.0012" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeBurntMaple03" prob="0.0012" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treePineBurntLrg" prob="0.0006" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadTree02" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.010" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_remnant_stone_01" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_remnant_stone_02" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_remnant_stone_03" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_remnant_stone_04" prob=".002"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_remnant_stone_05" prob=".002"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_01" prob=".0065"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_02" prob=".0065"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_03" prob=".005"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_04" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_05" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_06" prob=".0065"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_07" prob=".0065"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_08" prob=".0065"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_09" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_rubble_stone_10" prob=".003"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="carWrecksRandomHelper" prob="0.0005" rotatemax="3"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="treeBrownGrassDiagonal" prob=".05"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="mineCandyTin" prob="0.00015"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="mineHubcap" prob="0.0001"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="hubcapNoMine" prob="0.0011"/> <!-- *** New_Destruction_Blocks --> <decoration type="block" blockname="rubblePileBricks" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rubblePileBricksLong" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rubblePileBricksSmall" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> <decoration type="block" blockname="rubblePileCement" prob=".0004" rotatemax="7"/> </decorations> </subbiome> Here is the config dump that shows it is infact doing the changes correctly in the biome.xml <resource blockname="terrOreCopper" prob="0.3100" rwgGenerationType="all"> <!--Element appended by: "Plexius_Mod_Kit2"--> </resource> <resource blockname="terrOreZinc" prob="0.3500" rwgGenerationType="all"> <!--Element appended by: "Plexius_Mod_Kit2"--> </resource> <resource blockname="terrOreTungsten" prob="0.2700" rwgGenerationType="all"> <!--Element appended by: "Plexius_Mod_Kit2"--> </resource> <resource blockname="terrOreZinc" prob="0.3" rwgGenerationType="all"> <!--Element appended by: "Plexius_Mod_Kit2"--> </resource> <resource blockname="terrOreCopper" prob="0.28" rwgGenerationType="all"> <!--Element appended by: "Plexius_Mod_Kit2"--> </resource> <resource blockname="terrOreTungsten" prob="0.3500" rwgGenerationType="all"> <!--Element appended by: "Plexius_Mod_Kit2"--> </resource>
  20. here is what i have for tungsten <block name="terrOreTungsten"> <property name="MaxDamage" value="300"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="terrOreOilDeposit"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="b5b5b5"/> <property name="TintColor" value="b5b5b5"/> <property name="Material" value="Mtungsten"/> <property name="Shape" value="Terrain"/> <property name="Mesh" value="terrain"/> <property name="Texture" value="316"/> <property name="ImposterExclude" value="true"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceTungsten" count="20" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceRockSmall" count="15" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/> <drop event="Fall" name="resourceTungsten" count="15" prob="0.5" stick_chance="0"/> <property name="CanMobsSpawnOn" value="true"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="5"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/> <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="fterrain"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="d0l0"/> <property name="SortOrder2" value="0050"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="blockTerrain" /> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="terrOreCopper"/> <property name="Tags" value="ore,deepOre"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceRawDiamond" prob=".005" count="1" tag="artOfMiningLuckyStrikeHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceSilverNugget" prob=".01" count="1" tag="artOfMiningLuckyStrikeHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceGoldNugget" prob=".007" count="1" tag="artOfMiningLuckyStrikeHarvest"/> </block> <block name="oreTungstenBoulder"> <property name="Extends" value="oreBoulderMaster"/> <property name="Map.Color" value="70,110,120"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="oreLeadBoulder"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="b5b5b5"/> <property name="TintColor" value="b5b5b5"/> <property name="Material" value="MoreMetal"/> <property name="Model" value="Entities/Resources/oreLeadBoulderPrefab"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceTungsten" count="50" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/> </block>
  21. I figured out the forge issue now i just need to figure out how to recolor the ore veins
  22. Hi so im right at the end of this mod im making essentially im adding more mats to the game and a large portion of that is new smeltable metals. i have everything working correctly except two things. First question in the forge menu i need to make a second column for the input materials so they dont go out of the UI for the forge. im abit stumped on how the code itself should look when making a second column. Second question i want to recolor an ore vein i applied <property name="TintColor" value="b5b5b5"/> which works fine with the boulders that sit ontop of the nodes am i missing something? I want to add that i am fresh to mod making
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