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Distinct Soul

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Everything posted by Distinct Soul

  1. I've been trying to fix this problem for a while now; but I just don't understand what the problem is, as I see nothing wrong with the modified spawning.xml: https://pastebin.com/zqa5ynjS I've also tried verifying game cache, reinstalling the game, and cleaning game data, followed by restarting my PC; but while in a world, I will still randomly get this error that says: EXC ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Name cannot be null EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object It can take a couple seconds to pop up, or over 30 minutes. I can continue playing after closing the console; but it ruins the fun, especially when it happens seconds later. As this error doesn't say much, here's more details of it 1/3 a way down my game log: https://pastebin.com/tGyDvtbM I know there's quite a few mods in there; but the error only appears when I add a mod that alters the spawning.xml. I will also get my console spammed with the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" upon leaving my world after receiving the error while in the world, which you can find half way down my game log. I don't understand what it means, so I really need anyone's help.
  2. Here's my game log: https://pastebin.com/tGyDvtbM And good point. Meant to send it with my last post, my bad. The errors appear around a third way down, and half way down.
  3. Ok, so thanks to all you two's help, there are no longer any problems with the loot.xml; but I apologise, because it turns out, the original error was actually being caused by my spawning.xml. I had assumed it was the loot.xml as it was the most recent one I had edited, and I haven't modified the spawning.xml in a while. Here's the error again so you don't have to scroll back up: EXC ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Name cannot be null EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object After some thorough testing, I have found that the error occurs when I change the respawndelay to less than one, more specifically, the error started appearing after changing the value of night time zombies in the pine forest that have the notags: "commercial,industrial,downtown" to less than 1. Of course, this makes no sense, because there are already values with a respawndelay of less than 1. I actually was first testing this on a21.0; but updated specifically to see if that fixed it; but still get the same error.
  4. Was literally thinking about pastebin as I was writing the post; but somehow forgot about it once I finished, my bad. And omg, knowing about that is so helpful, and allowed me figure out the problems almost instantly! Thank you! However, now I'm getting a new error, and I've looked through the ConfigsDump; however, I'm still just as confused. It tells me exactly where the problem is; but I don't see what's wrong about it: https://pastebin.com/41478XSV Error in-game: ERR XML loader: Patching 'loot.xml' from mod 'Living_Wilderness' failed: EXC XML.Patch (/config/remove, line 30 at pos 6): XPath evaluation failed: This is an unclosed string. Here's the modified loot.xml, which I just noticed has an extra </lootcontainers> at the end, after I saw it in pastebin; but I don't understand what's creating it: https://pastebin.com/3wsypu7P Edit: somehow spent about 3 hours without updating the page, so I didn't see your post BFT2020 until I posted this one.
  5. I'm trying to essentially completely change the loot that zombies drop; but despite trying a lot of different things, while playing I'll get this error that says: EXC ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Name cannot be null EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object When leaving the world, the console will then just spam "Object reference not set to an instance of an object", however, only when I get the error in-game. Here is what is shown in the logs: https://imgur.com/a/9uUsvhM As the loot.xml I've created is quite big, I'll shorten the list of items within the lootgroups while hopefully retaining all that is important to spot the problem. <config> <insertBefore xpath="lootcontainers/lootprobtemplates/lootprobtemplate[@name='veryLow']"> <lootprobtemplate name="extremeLow"> <loot level="1,999999" prob=".02" /> </lootprobtemplate> </insertBefore> <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackReg01']" ></remove> <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackReg']/item[@group='groupAmmoMedium']" ></remove> <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackReg']"> <lootgroup name="prioritySkillMags"> <item name="harvestingToolsSkillMagazine" count="1" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupWoodOrStone"> <item name="resourceWood" count="24,75" loot_prob_template="medHigh" force_prob="true" /> <item name="resourceRockSmall" count="24,75" loot_prob_template="med" force_prob="true" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg01"> <item group="prioritySkillMags" loot_prob_template="medHigh" force_prob="true" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg02"> <item group="groupMedicalCustomS" loot_prob_template="medLow" force_prob="true" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg03"> <item name="resourceSpring" count="1,2" loot_prob_template="medHigh" /> <item group="groupRareToolsTiered" loot_prob_template="extremeLow" /> </lootgroup> </insertBefore> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackReg']"> <item group="groupWoodOrStone" count="1" force_prob="true" /> <item group="groupZpackReg01" count="1" /> <item group="groupZpackReg02" loot_prob_template="medHigh" /> <item group="groupZpackReg03" loot_prob_template="low" /> </append> <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackStrong']"> <lootgroup name="groupZpackStrong01"> <item name="resourceElectricParts" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="medLow" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackStrong02"> <item name="resourceScrapLead" count="349,540" loot_prob_template="medLow" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackStrong03"> <item name="drugSteroids" count="1" loot_prob_template="low" /> </lootgroup> </insertBefore> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackStrong']"> <item group="skillMagazines" loot_prob_template="med" force_prob="true" /> <item group="groupZpackStrong01" count="1" /> <item group="groupZpackStrong02" loot_prob_template="med" /> <item group="groupZpackStrong03" loot_prob_template="low" /> </append> <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackBoss']"> <lootgroup name="groupForgeAddons"> <item name="toolBellows" count="1" loot_prob_template="medHigh" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss01"> <item name="resourceForgedSteel" count="7,12" loot_prob_template="high" force_prob="true" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss02"> <item group="groupMedicalUncommon" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss03"> <item group="groupForgeAddons" loot_prob_template="med" /> </lootgroup> </insertBefore> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupZpackBoss']"> <item group="groupAmmoLarge" count="1" loot_prob_template="high" force_prob="true" /> <item group="groupZpackBoss01" count="1" /> <item group="groupZpackBoss02" loot_prob_template="medHigh" /> <item group="groupZpackBoss03" loot_prob_template="medLow" /> </append> </config> I believe it's the loot.xml from my modlet, as I've played without it, and I've never gotten the error before. Other than this error, I also notice that I'm getting multiple crafting skill mags for whatever reason from the zombie drops, despite not putting a count on the groups lootgroup, making it seem more likely that it is my modlet - ignore the misaligned lines, they're fixed in the file.
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