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  1. has anyone noticed that the items are costing more then it says i made a coil shotgun and it claimed 1 oil but took 14 as i had a stack of 50 in my inventory, and a helicopter that was 120,000 cost 147,000 as there was more coins in the inventory
  2. or reload the game with a fresh copy and mods see if that fixes it first @KhaineGB happy new years brother, have you made any progress on the thick mission? and have you noticed an issue with the animal snare? ours doesnt seem to work we are on 5.0.1
  3. im sure you have figured this out but when i get it its an issue with the world or a spacific chunk, seems like a corruption and i had to remake the map
  4. @KhaineGB good luck bud i have had dental work done but mostly one or two at a time, cant imagine from that how you feel, hope you have a speedy recovery think the new update will force me to restart, something corrupted with my base location after b22 and now cant enter the block without spam error codes
  5. Apologies all my forum decides to not update in a timely manner, so i may respond later then other posts
  6. @H7dek7i believe its more meant that a trader is like a tier 1 poi and not shelteted from demons, the crops can be made near a lake, or a player irrigation pipe, and for the WRS all the jobs we have done have been all basically the same direction and distance, so i believe its just bad luck that you guys are right at radiation
  7. @KhaineGBi know in your stream you said a restart would be recommended as poi had been tweaked. Will it cause a conflict if we dont restart, i have over 60 hrs in this one currently lol have a great game stage
  8. @KhaineGBthe forum hadn't updated your patch notes before i asked, ty sir, ill hop on and go for her again, have seen the succubus but not an incubus unless there are 2 succubus models but only seen one so far. Havent seen a hell lord yet though @H7dek7Demons spawn depending on difficulty, radiated zombie aswell but will always spawn at night, crops need water/irrigation to grow, my WRS kept putting us close but not in radiated zone on tier one, either version of a21 was working, and i believe light armor doesnt require quietness as its cloth, could be wrong
  9. @KhaineGB have you found the bug with the caitlyn trader in radiation zone, can not access her it just spams errors
  10. I did try the super charger mod on the buggy and charger, but it kept the same speed, even after a reset and removing and replacing it kept vanilla speed, havent had an issue with clothing just made titanium loot stages, as far as water or food, i base that on how active you are, have left the world on for my wife to play her character for hours and my character needs little maintenance, but if your more active you restore less and need more
  11. is there going to be faster vehicles in this version?, i have used multiple and they are vanilla versions, I do like the switch from flaming for radiation and embers for demon to glowing green and orange, but did have an issue with accepting eve's first mission it does glitch but still works, and the reward bunker does mass produce alot of errors, but still functions, all in all it is a blast to play this mod and ill be on it for many more hours
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