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  1. Not at first. Khaine uses a customised version he made for Romero Mod. I ended up updating Khaine's S-core by copy/pasting only the updated files from the latest version of the original. This seems to have worked but at least will do till when (if) Khaine officially updates for A21.1 here is a link for the new S-core i made so you can try it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/16rpooLlxp_fza8PYvBU8LRisyS77lzC7/view?usp=sharing
  2. Ok, The issue was with S-Core not liking A21.1 This has been updated on Spherell's Mods page and i've installed and tested and all seems to be working again. https://7daystodiemods.com/sphereiis-mods/
  3. I'm also unable to upgrade or repair blocks with the same error message. Game updated to A21.1 (b16)
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