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Everything posted by orgthatguy619

  1. I wish I could go as well but I'm hoping to hearing more amazing news on when the actual release date is I can't wait
  2. Well it's looking promising that console will be released with alpha 22 here is the newest tweet fresh from their Twitter page around 4pst
  3. Well we are back to stay tuned like if it's going to happen soon here is the newest tweet
  4. I heard sept oct they came out said q4 or q1
  5. Well here is the update for the console stay tuned lame keeping us in the dark
  6. No they still do console players keep bugging them after they sent a tweet out trust me I read their Twitter feed every day to see if there is any new information
  7. The latest on console edition is to guess what stay tuned 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 that's all they can tell us we can't wait to bring it back to console its being worked on stay tuned sounds like a broken record player
  8. Yes they have confirmed it will be new Gen of everything goes well and it of it does go to their liking it will be released as soon as alpha 22 is released
  9. They haven't ruled out old Gen yet but I think there pushing for new Gen we shall see what happens
  10. Yeah cause we are getting the new game soon ok you keep telling yourself that I will not hold my breath because there is no release date just hopefully it goes well it will be released stop giving console false hope but we shall see when it gets released have a good day
  11. Welcome to the outdated version of 7 days to die console they will never fix that game but we have a glimmer of hope for the new console version to come out this year but most likely it will be out next year for new Gen consoles the first part and when pc goes gold they will add cross play so in hopes or dreams of them releasing the new version I personally wouldn't hold my breath Rick is dragging his money bags with pc no love for console players I have proof they lied about a video here is a picture screenshot that's supposed to be ps 5 version
  12. They said for the console version it will be alpha 21 when alpha 22 drops that's if everything is good to go so it might drop with alpha 22 it might not there is a lot of complications but like I said over and over time will tell and let's see what we get when alpha 22 drops if they drop the console
  13. True but when alpah 22 drops supposed us console players will get alpha 21 and yet an alpha behind pc players but however if u have old Gen consoles they aren't making any promises for that upgrade only new gens will get the new game when alpha 22 drops if console players are lucky if that still holds up I heard it might be pushed back so we shall see
  14. Yeah I know but I called Microsoft and Sony and all they said is they have to call and ask 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. Lmao reality you thought of what you wrote how cute they said there targeting this year so obviously your not up to date on the news 🤣🤣🤣
  16. But yet don't give a release date just keeps telling us to stay tuned what are we waiting for the next episode of lies from the fun pimps stay tuned so we can never tell you when the console update but it does sugar coat big pile of crap by saying we are aiming this year stay tuned
  17. Well I agree with you many levels but what I ment they forgotten about us is that we are almost in March which has been a year since this team been working on it and we haven't even gotten a release year or anything unlike pc so it's been almost 4 months since they talked about console is what I'm getting at they need to give us an update but will they the answer is very simple and easy and that is no because they have no interest in doing anything but if it's pc they already gave a 2023 release year but nothing for console is why I said that they forgotten about us
  18. It means you been hit by the md5 error and what can you do about it just like the creators nothing there is no resolved issue you might as well delete the world cause if it crashed once it will keep crashing just like our hopes and dreams of a console update
  19. I know I'm correct about it thank you for finally admitting that I'm right now that wasn't hard to admit I'm right about it
  20. But still there had nothing been confirmed so my saying goes with all evidence proves I'm right thank I take the winning bow
  21. I thought you gave up thank you for making my point correct see I knew you can prove me right thank you and also thank you Rick and his brother and the entire staff for still not caring about console they are not going to drop anything besides alpha 21 sometime in 2023 console no news at all besides a brode interview cause if they did they would of said console we can expect a drop in 2024 but did it come out of their mouths no and I'm willing to be alpha 21 drops and then alpha 22 drops before console gets any news at all they might as well shut console down and go back to PC instead of waiting console players time and hopes of a newer version
  22. It would be 9:43 seconds in the video Rick the co founder said we will release an interm realse and then when it goes gold release another drop and the interview is by guns,nerds and steel point proven all lies they have yet to say or give us any update about when that release is supposed to happen
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