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Posts posted by Smegzor


    I'm not sure if this just changed in today's A19 update but they finally fixed that spawn animation, blur effect and noise so that that only happens when you respawn after a death (which is how it should have been done since they added that years ago).  Now if you teleport none of that happens.  This is the case for players and admins.  This means that the bot's in-game tracking system works without those annoying effects happening.  You see clearly instantly and teleport silently.  HURRAH!  I told them to fix that years ago.


  2. I have released a bugfix update to the a18 and a19 code branches which should fix a desync issue that has been reported between the panel and the bot.  I confirmed that I fixed it for donor waypoints being set via the panel and I found about 4-5 other things that were potentially effected by the same issue and applied the same fix to them.


  3. I have released a bugfix update to the a18 and a19 code branches.  There was a minor issue with a 1 block wide line at 0,0 both north-south and east-west that was excluded when north of 0,0 is different pvp/pve rules from south of 0,0  (just one example).  Now that 1 block line is included with north of 0,0 and excluded from south (and included east but excluded west).


    Another bug fix concerned some cooldown timers on locations.  It was reporting crazy long cooldowns to players when the real cooldown was 30 minutes or some other delay that definitely wasn't 18 hours for example.  Now it is reporting correctly.  The actual cooldown was working properly.  This was just a display bug which was causing some players to ragequit.

  4. I have updated the A19 Botman mods zip with important bug fixes.  Please update your Botman mod dll.  It fixes issues with some of the prefab commands such as resetting a prefab and fixes some default values for a few settings.  The fixed Botman mod is version 2.1  If you have 2.0 you need this update.


    I have contacted a few game hosts so they can update it in their mod managers.  They are Pingperfect, Hosthavoc and LogicServers.  They should have the update available soon.



  5. Hi guys!


    I have released an important update to the a19 code branch and I am preparing to backport some of it to the a18 branch.  It fixes issues with the shop and also massively boosts bot performance when starting up, fixing the shop or doing any shop maintenance or use of the shop.  This is a significant improvement as it completely removes a major performance bottleneck that occurred when the bot read and then processed all items known to the server.  It no longer saves or reads them to/from the database.  It was using a memory table but it caused the bot to 'freeze' for several minutes.  Now there is no observable delay at all. WIN!

  6. Thanks to SylenThunder I now have a working copy of Allocs mod.  I have created a zip for the A19 Botman mods which currently does not include the updated Botman mod 😮 but that will change as soon as I have it myself.  The new zip is here  https://botman.nz/Botman_Mods_A19.zip


    The map is working again which means the bot can be in API mode again.  If yours is in telnet mode you can switch it by typing /use api or on IRC just type use api, or on the panel just switch it over.  The panel rocks! ^^


    I have released a dummy update for a18 that checks the version of the server.  If it is 19 the bot switches to the a19 code branch.  A second update will be required to actually install the a19 code.  That happens automatically but might not happen early.  You can force it by typing update code.

  7. I have created an a19 code branch.  I am currently fixing stuff.  So far I have found that the admin list console command output has changed and the bot isn't reading it successfully atm.  Fixing that now.


    I have already updated the new a19 code branch with its first fixes.

    The bot correctly parses admin list again and also if Allocs mod produces the error I am seeing atm, the bot switches automatically from API mode to telnet mode.

  8. The bot is working on A19.  I currently get an error from Alloc's web map and his map isn't working, but bot chat works and ingame commands work.  I have a lot of testing to do but I am able to teleport so yay!  To get the bot working I did have to restart it.  Other than that I have temporarily removed the harmony dll from the managed folder and the only mod I have is Alloc's mod for A19


    I am waiting on an updated Botman mod and I have messaged Alloc with the error I am getting from his map.  Hopefully I'll be able to release an A19 mods zip later today.


    Looking promising so far.


    Oh yeah forgot, since Alloc's map is erroring and the API is also the map, I had to tell the bot to use telnet.  I did that via IRC with the command use telnet.  You can also do that via the panel if you have that. 


    For the impatient the latest Alloc's mod can be downloaded here  http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/server_fixes.tar.gz

  9. SWEET!  The bot finally supports international characters (foreign stuffs) in chat to and from IRC and will also display foreign hen scratchings in game correctly.  I won't be able to read it but that's tough xD  Beforehand it was a bunch of garbage anyway so its an improvement! :D


    It requires the latest Mudlet and must be set to UTF8.  I am in the process of upgrading all hosted bots.

  10. I have released a bugfix update that fixes a bug where the bot would sometimes spawn traders or other wrong entities.  This had previously been fixed but there were still 2 occasions where that fix wasn't being applied.  It could spawn wrong for some gimme prizes and for the admin command /hordeme.


    To test it I had it randomly select 20,000 entities and sorted that in Excel.  I was able to confirm that it was not selecting traders and other entities that are flagged as do not spawn or that were not even on the bot's zombie entities list.


  11. I have updated the command help on the botman website.


    To save you trying to guess what's changed, here are all of the changes..


    /set map colour FF0000 (red is the default colour)
    Set the colour of reset regions on Alloc's web map.
    Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

    /enable/disable anticheat
    Enable or disable the anticheat feature in the Botman mod.  Default is disabled.
    Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

    /enable/disable mapping
    Enable or disable plotting reset regions on Alloc's web map.
    Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

    /make maze (default maze 20 x 20)
    /make maze wall {block name} fill {air block} width {number} length {number} height {number} x {x coord} y {y coord} z {z coord}
    The bot also accepts wide, long, and tall instead of width, length, and height.
    The maze will generate with no roof.  If you want a roof add the word roof.
    If you want a multi-level maze add levels {number}. Note: it will include a floor.
    You will need to cut holes or make rooms yourself.
    Generate and build a random maze.  Someone must stay there until the maze completes or it will fail to spawn fully.
    Default values: wall steelBlock fill air width 20 length 20 height 3. It uses your current position for x, y and z if not given.
    Note: width and length are multiplied by 2.
    Restricted to owners, admins and mods in-game only

    /enable (or /disable) pvp visit (default disabled)
    Normally players cannot visit friends in pvp. They can if you enable this.
    Restricted to owners, admins and mods in-game and IRC

    /set p2p access {access level}
    Restrict the /visit command to players at and above a bot access level.
    Levels are 99 (everyone), 90 (everyone except new players), 10 (donors), 2 (mods), 1 (admins), 0 (owners).
    Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

    /enable/disable linked waypoints (default enabled)
    If disabled, players will not be able to link waypoints.  Also any non-admin existing linked waypoints will be unlinked.
    Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

    /enable/disable waypoints
    Donors will be able to create, use and share waypoints.  To enable them for other players, set waypoints public.
    Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

    /enable/disable bot colours (default enabled)
    If you want something else managing chat colours you can stop the bot replacing them by disabling that feature with this command.
    Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

    /set pvp temp ban {minutes}
    Set how long to temporarily ban a player after a pvp kill.
    This is only used in PVE when there is no prison location.
    Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

    /setup map
    Optional extras after setup map: no hostiles, no animals, show players, show claims, show inventory
    eg. /setup map no hostiles no animals show players show claims show inventory
    The bot can fix your server map's permissions with some nice settings.  If you use this command, the following permissions are set:
    web.map 2000
    webapi.getlandclaims 1000
    webapi.viewallplayers 2
    webapi.viewallclaims 2
    webapi.getplayerinventory 2
    webapi.getplayerslocation 2
    webapi.getplayersOnline 1000
    webapi.getstats 1000
    webapi.gethostilelocation 2000
    webapi.getanimalslocation 2000
    If setting no hostiles and/or no animals:
    webapi.gethostilelocation 2
    webapi.getanimalslocation 2
    If setting show players, show claims, show inventory:
    webapi.viewallplayers 1000
    webapi.viewallclaims 1000
    webapi.getplayerinventory 1000
    Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC


  12. I have released several small updates recently and have also updated the github repo so you can see what's new.


    Here's the changelog..


    Fixed map permissions which were too high.

    Fixed typo in inventory scanner that prevented banning for certain items. It was sending players to timeout instead.

    Added auto fix for when the IRC alerts channel and watch channel get accidentally swapped (happened in panel).

    Added terrainFiller and terrainRemove to the bad items list set to ban if found in player inventory.  It is a favourite tool of hackers lately.

    The bot now reads the anticheat report every minute as a fallback method to catch hackers if live reporting fails for some reason.

    Bans were not being loaded into the lua table bans after reading bans from the server which caused disagreement between the bans table and the in-memory lua table.

    Improved handling of the anticheat report when the bot reads it.  It wasn't catching them all.  Do not invite the bot to play Pokemon.



  13. More hackers have been caught by the anticheat system and just by recent fixes and changes to the bot's inventory scanner.  Here is one from today with all identifying details removed.


    2020-06-22 00:18; ALERT! Unauthorised admin detected. Player ######## Steam: ##### Permission level: 1000 has opened an unauthorized locked sign.
    2020-06-22 00:18; Day 140, 18:21 [BANNED] Player ##### ###### has been banned for 10 years hacking


    The sign he was trying to alter was later checked and he was unable to alter the sign before being banned.  In testing the bot often bans within 2 seconds of the hack occuring.

  14. Super stoked!  The anticheat feature finally caught and banned its first 2 hackers that weren't admins testing etc.  One did destroy bases first but only because that bot wasn't checking for admin items.  I'm rolling out an update today that changes the default action in the bad items list which includes admin tools from timeout to ban.  I will also have the update do a one time fix where it will change that bad item to ban if it is in the list.


    [Edit]  3 now xD

  15. Just a warning, the hacking group that was very active a few months ago has surfaced again.  If you have the latest Botman mod and have installed the harmony dll that comes with it, you should enable the bot's anticheat feature  /enable anticheat.  So far every time I've had reports of these guys hitting servers that feature was not enabled.  Don't let your server be their next target.


  16. I have updated the github repo with fixes, changes and additions since the last big update.


    Here's the changelog..


    Fixed /stuck command so it works immediately and also only sends the player up a few blocks.

    Added command /enable pvp visit.  Allows the /visit command in pvp rules. Normally visit is not allowed.

    Fixed oops in function loadGimmePrizes.  It was mixed up with the shop table.  I had to allow for the stuff up when reloading the shop from backups too.  Fun times.

    The nightly data purge that the bot does on old tracking data now includes the performance and events tables which are both rigged to keep only the last 90 days of data.

    Fixed an issue with the persistent queue used by the bot for future dated commands so that commands wouldn't block other commands that were added later but were timed to run earlier.

    Some other minor tweaks to the daily logging so that write permissions on the log folder or the complete absence of the log folder doesn't cause problems.

  17. I have released an emergency update to the bot.  We are still investigating but on at least one server the anticheat was detecting a hacking incident which wasn't legit.  If you are aware of anyone getting banned by the new anticheat system in the last day or so please contact me so I can take a look at the ban.  It may be the same thing in which case the player should be unbanned.  In this bot update the bot now ignores that report and won't ban for it.


  18. Hi guys!  I am releasing the update to the a18 code branch shortly.  I have just finished writing the changelog and have updated the bot's github repo

    Here is the changelog..


    Replaced the bot profile.  The main changes are some new buttons to control stuff such as hiding or displaying the telnet stream.  Its needed with this bot update but will work on older bots and older bot profiles will work still but won't be able to display the telnet stream without some code.


    Donors records are now stored in a dedicated donors table rather than in the players table and the bot will automatically migrate that data out of the player records.  If you go back to an older version of the bot, you will 'lose' your donor records.  Technically they are still there, just no longer in the players table.


    Command help on IRC now reports the command restrictions of each command, eg.  admin only, etc


    The command /reset player {name}  is now /reset player record {name}


    The bot's claim scanner has been replaced with a much better feature in the Botman mod that does the same job, but better.


    The bot's lag check feature has been disabled as its not really needed anymore.  Instead the focus has been on more efficient use of commands and moving some features onto the Botman mod.


    The base command cooldown now applies no matter how far from the base players are.  Previously it was ignored up to 200 metres away from the base.

    The /make maze command has been improved.  It renders nicer and a bit tidier.  Also you can now create multi-level mazes or add a roof to your single level maze.


    Here is the updated maze command help..

        /make maze (default maze 20 x 20)
        /make maze wall {block name} fill {air block} width {number} length {number} height {number} x {x coord} y {y coord} z {z coord}
        The bot also accepts wide, long, and tall instead of width, length, and height.
        The maze will generate with no roof.  If you want a roof add the word roof.
        If you want a multi-level maze add levels {number}. Note: it will include a floor.
        You will need to cut holes or make rooms yourself.
        Generate and build a random maze.  Someone must stay there until the maze completes or it will fail to spawn fully.
        Default values: wall steelBlock fill air width 20 length 20 height 3. It uses your current position for x, y and z if not given.
        Note: width and length are multiplied by 2.
    The /who command displayed more info to admins and donors than it did for everyone else.  Now only admins get that extra info.


    Added some new easter eggs somewhere in the code, and more silly code comments (don't judge me!) xD


    Replaced the built-in telnet logger with my own code due to changes in how the official logger handles stuff. Also the bot now hides all telnet traffic from the main Mudlet window in an attempt to fix some performance issues and also to fix an issue with Mudlet running for extended periods in virtual desktops (a buffer overflow possibly).

    The new Mudlet profile has a button to show/hide telnet traffic for debugging porpoises.


    The bot's handling of the web API has been improved. It should work much better than previously.


    The bot's log handling has been improved for some of the bigger logs. Others may get the same treatment later.


    There is a new slots system to replace the old reserved slots system. Its not quite 100% working yet but the remaining issues should be easy fixes.  This

    new system also forms the basis of a new online players list that is coming to the panel so you will be able to see a list of servers and who is playing on them.


    The bot has better monitoring for when it is connected to the server and loses the connection.


    With the new donors table, the donor expiry has been moved from when the player joins to a nightly event at midnight server time.  This way donors are properly expired when they are supposed to be.  Donors are now backed up along with other bot tables.


    Added new database tables and fields and fixed some typos.


    Cleaned up some of the language used in the daily lottery. No more potty mouth.


    The bot no longer spams the server regularly to keep track of the server time.  Instead it reads it once then relies on an internal clock to track that. Occasionally telnet traffic will also update it.
    The bot's reconnect logic (timer) has been cleaned up.


    If the bot has been told to be quiet (less chatty) it won't announce itself when it joins the server either.


    Added more panel support.


    Removed a spammy message about removing claims from reset zones.


    Tweaked logic in the bot's player joined code. Amoung other stuff it doesn't allow players to have in their name to block a server attack.


    Doge mode has been updated to strictly conform to doge mode as defined on the internet.


    There is some new PVP commentary which might be COVID-19 related.


    New commands:


    /enable (or /disable) bot colours (default enabled)
    If you want something else managing chat colours you can stop the bot replacing them by disabling that feature with this command.


    /reset player profile {player name}
    Make the server delete a player's profile.


    /reset prefab {player name}
    Reset a prefab where the player is standing.  If doing on yourself in-game you only need /reset prefab.


    /enable (or /disable) anticheat
    Enable or disable the anticheat feature in the Botman mod.  Default is disabled.


    The anticheat feature requires that you have installed the 0harmony.dll in 7daystodieserver_data/managed (not in the Mods folder). Other advanced features such as resetting regions and prefabs also require that dll.
    With anticheat enabled the Botman mod will report to telnet when it detects any player including admins enabling dm, god mode, spawning entities and more. It also keeps temporary records that are lost when the server shuts down.
    You can view the report in the console with the console command bm-anticheat report.  The bot reads that report and also monitors for the live anticheat alerts.  If a player who is not an admin is detected using god mode etc they are immediately banned for 10 years.
    The bot will ignore admins that are using /test as player so you can safely use that bot feature without getting banned the instant you fly.  You can test the anticheat feature by enabling dm then removing your admin status.  Just make sure you are able to restore your admin status independently of the bot before doing that.


    There is a new daily hackers log file that is only created when a hacker is detected.  Anticheat bans are also recorded in the shared bots database where other bots can see it.  Currently they do not do anything with that information.


    /set reset delay {days}
    Sets the delay of days between resets. 0 for every reboot. This setting is for the Botman mod's region reset feature.


    /set map colour FF0000 (red is the default colour)
    Set the colour of reset regions on Alloc's web map. This setting is for the Botman mod's region reset feature.


    /enable (or /disable) mapping
    Enable or disable plotting reset regions on Alloc's web map. This setting is for the Botman mod's region reset feature for those who modify Alloc's map themselves and don't want the bot messing that up.


    /set pvp temp ban {minutes} (this used to be hardcoded at 1 hour)
    Set how long to temporarily ban a player after a pvp kill.
    This is only used in PVE when there is no prison location.


    /set p2p access {access level}
    Restrict the /visit command to players at and above a bot access level.
    Levels are 99 (everyone), 90 (everyone except new players), 10 (donors), 2 (mods), 1 (admins), 0 (owners).


    New irc bot command 'map' that just gives you the url to your server's map.

    Fixed bugs: (probably not a complete list as bug fixing has been an ongoing process over months).


    There was a bug that caused gimme to not work, constantly saying you were in a base no matter where in the map you are.  This was caused by the setting of a flag that could never be unset if a certain feature was disabled.


    If you set a cost for locations and later changed the name of the bot's money, the bot did not allow anyone to teleport to locations with a cost.


    Fixed some issues with the lobby and spawn locations.


    Fixed a maths bug in the /bail command.  Math, not even once.


    Fixed a bug where the bot would reboot the server twice (oops).


    The /mend command is working again.  I mended it.


    Fixed a bug in /visit map. I was visiting large areas outside of the map and as a result it took forever and would break sometimes.  I don't know what I am doing *mashes keyboard*


    Fixed (well hopefully) some shop issues with validating items.  Also applies to zombies and other entities.


    Fixed a bug where the bot was resetting the bot's name to Bot in the Botman config. If that happens to anyone's bot it should only ever mess up once due to adding a new table to store the Botman mod's config settings.


    Fixed a bug with setting up teleports.


    Fixed issues with refreshing the bot's record of who the admins are.


    Fixed bug in irc bot command 'who'


    Fixed bug in irc bot command 'donors'


    Fixed inconsistency between the bot and the panel's handling of donor expiry dates.


    Somehow some bots are missing inventory and tracking tables.  I have added code to check for and recreate any missing tables.


    There are other changes to the code that are far less glamorous but were needed anyway and I've probably forgotten a few.  Its been a long time and a lot of coding since the last update.  Onwards to new features!

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