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Posts posted by Gronal

  1. 1 hour ago, ltbrunt said:

    This may sound strange and annoy the 7DTD community. I would love for TFP to cancel A21 putting all their effort into A22.


    Interesting take, but I don't think it works like that. There's kinda no reason for them not to release a21 at this point. It's not like it's holding back a22, it's stuff that they need to do anyway. Besides a21 is pretty much ready now.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    Unless I'm mistaken, streamer weekend is purely live-stream. No one is getting the game on Friday, recording a bunch of content then taking hours to edit that down to be released as VODs within the same weekend. That's a complete waste of time.


    Also, as side note, I wouldn't call content creators who typically pre-record their content (i.e. JaWoodle, GunsNerds&Steel, etc.) streamers. They're just content creators. Streamer implies live-stream. That being said, I don't know about JaWoodle, but GNS will be live-streaming during the event.

    It's not *just* for streamers, as I understand it youtubers are welcome to make videos too. They just need 5k+ subs and to apply, and they get access.

  3. 2 hours ago, Aldranon said:

    -Next I'd focus on being extra careful in the "Infested" POI's as they will be where 90% of experienced players will die (IMO).  Again, I'd ask anyone who has played them already and ask for general tips.


    I higly doubt the infested quests will be anything but a nuisance for anyone really experienced. Kite zombies for longer, that'll be it imo.

    edit: I'll be happy if I'm underestimating them

  4. 2 hours ago, Roland said:


    All infestation quests add an "infestation crate" of loot to the loot room so in that sense there would be different loot.


    All infestation quests show up in the trader dialogue as their normal tier. A tier 3 infestation is effectively t4 as far as enemies go but it is a T3 as far as the trader is concerned.


    There is not a t6 complete reward because there is no t6 quests from the trader. The highest tier quests the trader gives is t5 quests. The t5 infestation quests count as t6 quests in terms of difficulty and number of zombies to kill but as far as the trader is concerned it is a t5 quest.

    Thanks Roland, I was just trying to work out what makes them worth doing. So the extra crate in the end loot, and better quest reward.
    If t5 complete rewards are still as good as they are now, it will be very tempting to just do t4s to get t5 complete rewards.

    Do you know if infested give more points compared to their non-infested counterparts?

  5. 21 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    All of which are also configured to infestation quests as well (T6)

    Very curious about this. Does it spawn different end loot when a "t6" vs a t5?
    Does it show up in the trader dialogue as t5 or t6?
    Is there a t6 complete reward?

  6. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    I'm lucky, I only wasted 10 seconds reading yours. 😉


    Seriously, for any topic there are millions of people not interested in that topic and I don't much care to know what topic forum poster X doesn't care for. The internet is stacked to the hilt with uninteresting topics for each individual, if you can't filter for your interests you should not go there.




    To be honest the fact that the discussion is allowed to meander so loosely in a thread named "Dev diary" is getting a bit tiresome at this point.
    It was my understanding that's what the A21 discussion overflow thread should be for. Many of us come here for any bits of info that have been released and it's annoying having to read through so much I don't care about in order to not miss something.
    Is this a dev diary or a general a21 discussion thread? Of 242 pages, I would optimistically say 10% of it is relevant to be included under the title "dev diary"
    If it were up to me I'd have this thread locked so only actual information can be posted by devs and mods, and everything else should go in its relevant thread

  7. Just now, RipClaw said:

    A woman would only wear this in the desert for a photo shooting. If you look at the clothes of nomads, they cover as much skin as possible. On the one hand to protect from the sun and on the other hand from the cold nights.

    True, I mentioned practicality but didn't even think about it in terms of keeping the sun off you xD

  8. I can understand the problem with the desert costume difference between male and female.
    It seems the equivalent of emphasizing the dude's bulge giving him super tight shorts.
    The female desert clothing looks real, don't get me wrong. I could see an IRL woman wearing something like that. In a zombie apocalypse though? Just seems needlessly skin-prominent. I think it needs to be a bit more practical looking and a bit less sexual.

    Edit for perspective: I asked my gf what she thinks:
    "well they obviously sexualised the woman more, more skin showing but idc at this point lol"
    "the shorts are cute, the bralette is a bit much"


  9. 4 hours ago, Jugom said:



    Does that mean avoiding the BM horde by building in the middle of a big enough body of water is finally over?

    I would assume not. Placing sleepers underwater in a POI is a bit different to the game spawning them in on horde night. 
    Maybe though.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Mumpfy said:

    well.... he first called the helipad a "teleport" and thats when prime made that face that to me realy translated to "damn he @%$#ed up" then he corrected himself and called an helipad but again he said that it had some feature involving alpha 22 and they werent going to talk about that quite yet.


    Also i noticed the helipad has a nice little "station" near it which would make sense if that is some sort of teleport thing.


    I could be wrong tho, but i guess that helipad is a teleport station somehow. maybe even thats why i saw some trader POIs having a T flag on them and some others dont and just had a white flag.


    again.... just my thoughts from what i saw.... i could be wrong. lol

    That uh... makes a frightening amount of sense. Fast travel between traders? Costly, at least in some regard, I'd hope.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Code6 said:

    I'm all for having pretty assets in the game, but I don't think the forge needs to be portrayed with all those tools and such.  Who only has a single forge in their base?  It is going to look really busy to see a bunch of those forge accessories repeated for each forge.  Plus the waste of space to require them to be 1x2.


    I have been building my forging area like this picture for years now.


    I've always avoided stacking forges and cement mixers personally cos it looks so bad imo.
    A better looking forge model is greatly appreciated from me.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    Would it really be that big of a change, though? We already have weapon models that are dynamic based on what mods you have installed. This is exactly the same principle. I would be extremely surprised (and disappointed) if the model wasn't dynamic. Sure would be a waste of the new design.

    Well I was kinda just covering my ass by assuming it won't be dynamic, as I don't know that much about the game's inner workings and how big of a job it would be to make blocks' meshes change dynamically.

  13. Wow that forge looks great :)

    Looks like it will be 2w x 2h x 1d in dimensions but the scale isn't immediately obvious.

    What I'm very curious about is... and this would require a fairly fundamental change so my guess to my own question is no - the crucible, bellows and anvil... will they be dynamic? It will be somewhat torturous if you have bad rng looking for a crucible, for example, and visually there's one just sitting there on your forge.
    My guess is that yes, the block will still be just static and the appearance will not be tied to the tool slots. But how cool would it be if I'm wrong.

  14. 24 minutes ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    Humor is when you don't update your community with any news on an early access game for over a month and then to add insult to injury you break the silence with a guy making brrrrr noises and show us a microsoft paint danger indicator apparently.

    TFP needs to learn to read the room, no infact TFP needs to actually try being in the bloody room.

    Was anyone meant to be excited by the danger meter feature? I'm so hyped they teased it. (/s)

    They could have accidentally shown so many more exciting things in that silly little video.

  15. I consulted a healthcare professional today and he confirmed I am dying of impatience. The only remedy is dregs of information about A21.
    It has been a problem for me in the past but my doctor said it probably flared up because of the radio silence since the holiday period. Hoping the devs just have their heads down hard at work and I might get my fix soon.

  16. 2 hours ago, Crater Creator said:




    It seems like one of the game's perennial debates, which can be phrased many ways but one way is: should the zombies be effectual? There are (at least) two camps, and it's difficult to satisfy both of them.


    People in the first camp, which has included me at times, bemoan the structural engineer zombies that know the weaknesses of a base, sometimes better than the player that built it does. The usually offered solution is zombies that just beat on random parts of your walls, because, y'know, they're just zombies and we don't expect them to behave overly analytically.


    People in the second camp accept the traditional "tower defense" mentality that zombies will take the path of least resistance, and build their bases accordingly. They make funnels, mazes, choke points, kill zones, and what have you that specifically depend on the zombies taking a predictable and "exploitable" path.


    This strikes me as a possible zero sum game.


    For every step towards zombies that just beat on random parts of your walls, you annoy someone in the second camp. This is not theoretical. Already, one can find plenty of forum threads where a user describes this thoughtful path they constructed for the zombies to march to their doom, only for the zombies to ignore it and beat on something else seemingly at random. I don't know what Vedui is calling tower defense but it requires enemy pathing you can rely on. That is to say, predictability. Otherwise, if the zombies were dumb and just beat on random blocks, base design would be pointlessly trivial. Any blocks you lay down in any configuration would be as good as any other, in a world where zombies beat on blocks at random.


    And yet, for every step towards zombies that can reach you and take an efficient route to do it, you annoy someone in the first camp that, again, thinks such zombies are conceptually "too smart for their own good." Immersion is lost, because it's not very zombie-like behavior to them. Maybe I'm not describing the grievance some have here well, but suffice it to say this conflict is not easy to resolve to the satisfaction of both camps.


    I can see why, if you're the AI programmer, you'd go with maximally effectual zombies, at least as a draft before making further refinements. You want it to be possible for the zombies to reach the player, which (current bugs aside) they definitely couldn't do before A17. And zombies that deliberately go to sub-optimal places to attack unimportant blocks - that, compared to structural engineer zombies, are there for show, to create the appearance of danger - are wasting resources that could be given to a zombie that's going to do something that matters.


    So my thinking on this has evolved. I don't like structural engineer zombies, but I accept the premise that they must be generally capable: effectual at their goal of eventually reaching the player, if the interventions the player puts in the way are insufficient. At least until we get bandits, I see it as a necessary evil.

    The thing is, for me - these 'intelligent' zombies are actually just kinda dumb still in a way. Predictability is the biggest downfall of the current zombie pathing, and is what makes them actually LESS effectual. In my opinion.
    More variability to the zombie pathing would decrease the predictability and add more challenge. Say 50% of zombies take the current pathing, the other 50% are "dumb" perhaps. POI zombies should definitely be smart for reasons already discussed.

    Why can't we have both? (disclaimer: I am not a programmer and have no idea how hard it is to develop the game)
    From my perspective it seems like a gameplay choice to have ALL zombies be smart. Could it not be a simple dice roll whether a zombie is spawned in smart or not? That can't be that resource intensive a change.

    Is it better to choose something that pleases one camp and not the other? Or to choose something that pleases both maybe slightly less?

    p.s. I do actually respect whichever direction TFP want to go with the zombies. Even if I don't like it.

  17. 2 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    FYI - in a21 shift + "+" will display new chunk grid markers.

    This pleases me greatly. Chunk grid will be very nice for base design and managing heat, if one so desires to break immersion for technical knowledge

  18. Sexy t rex becomes orders of magnitude more important when playing with zombie speeds higher than default, on higher difficulty settings. It basically becomes mandatory if you don't wanna have a bad time on insane nightmare.
    I've been playing a perception only playthrough on insane recently and honestly haven't felt too much like I've needed it. Or flurry of blows.

    It simply means you have to kite enemies a little bit more.

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