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  1. Do the poi trigger improvements take in to account stealth stats? like lower chances of zombies triggering in a POI if you have a certain level of a certain perk?
  2. true true, i could probably also make diagonal walls going out from the corners to block the pathfinding if in doubt, but they might be a pain to get around lol, thanks for the help!
  3. oh cool, better than just making a wall of spikes too then i might try have a look at that once i get some free time, best worst case scenario with that i see with that (if it works) is zombies detecting you but not being able to path towards you from further away, not too bad if i could set it to only enable on horde nights and get them spawning closer (although it would probably only work with a base design stopping them from re-pathing around corners) unless i disable the horde nights omniscience and just set them to head towards a waypoint/large heat source in the base until they see me and just set up a bunch of torches or campfires in the base especially during later horde nights that might be a lil tough to get around in time unless i have lower zombie spawning/damage or attempt it with a group oh cool, i didn't even realize those were issues in previous alphas, much less that the log spike still did damage upside down, i always wondered why those got removed
  4. Thanks for the clarification! I’ve been on the Reddit a lot and it seems over there the view is that the change was made to prevent cheese bases, the new ai makes the game harder and more fun in some ways. but, to me at least, you can’t beat the old feeling of that chunky house with defences like mote+spike and mine fields being more effective where the zombies came from all directions and didn’t take the weakest route and you could have a roof or multiple balconies you’d have to dart between to kill off zombies before they did too much damage to one side of the base or too many built up (the new ai is definitely better for path finding in stuff like POIs though), ah well, unless someone manages to integrate the old ai as a mod or at least work an ai task in that charges towards the player attempting to break blocks in the way if there’s no clear path change within a few blocks that it’s never happening. looking forward to the bandit and other npc integration though! Saw the old bandit and survivors with the debug menu of a previous alpha and they seemed like fun new enemies/allies.
  5. option to use the old ai to make fun bases viable, rn we are forced to use cheese bases or have our heavily fortified base get one section swarmed with the rest untouched, instead of anti cheese ai have anti cheese zombies like gas clout/explosive spitters or chargers that charge towards players potentially hitting a post and heavily damaging/destroying it, or at least if they want anti cheese ai make them take another path if lots of zombies die on a specific path
  6. So I've seen a lot of people when talking about zombie AI and other stuff that TFP has done to "stop cheese bases from working", mainly about how TFP has changed the AI in a way where if you want to have a realistically fortified or bunker base it is highly un-viable as zombies just plow through the weakest route (instead of the fun old days where hordes would try plow straight towards you), now having toggle able AI to switch between fun and anti-cheese base may take a lot of effort (unless the AI is purely weight based and the weights are stored in a file and not hard-coded in the AI) so i wont go in to that much. But why not just add new zombies, horde specific or not, for example spitters that instead of a normal projectile, spit one that produces gas that penetrates blocks and damages only players for area denial, or a zombie that charges directly towards the players location and on a block hit does large amounts of block damage (which would have more of a dangerous affect to cheese base supports than a big thick wall) or maybe even just by fixing spider zombies so they climb the posts and if they cant climb any higher due to hitting their head they attack forward (meaning they climb the post then start destroying it from the top) or maybe even have zombie meat-pile work so if too many zombies die on a specific path they try to get under the player, and if they can they tower up on each other and break the floor from under the player
  7. late game you get timed charges which are literally reliable lockpicks that also work on doors anyway (destroys most doors in 1-2 charges and eg: takes 6k health off a locked treasure chest with 1)
  8. another cool thing may be more bosses (potentially something like in a bunker under a military base POI a large tanky zombie that "the military may of experimented on to see if it could be used as a weapon" or with some other lore behind it like grace)
  9. if you destroy the bottom of a skyscraper (or anything really) whatever guides the block gravity mechanics seemingly picks random chunks of it to update instead of updating the whole structure (which for most things would be impossible due to the way it is coded and resource demand) or by prioritizing the bottom of the structure, it may be less resource intensive and more realistic/satisfying if it worked from the bottom up, and when a certain amount of blocks are falling in an area, instead of bouncing around and turning in to individual blocks they switch to one of a few set falling animations (as people who are trying to have fun wont be analyzing individual falling blocks) and then turn in to a structure looking like generic building rubble that grows when more falling blocks land on it (up to a size) and just deletes blocks that would be in the way of its growth (as they'd be getting crushed), when mined it could slowly shrink and give random scrap iron/broken glass/wood/stone. just a random thought i had before getting off for the night🤷‍♂️
  10. A sound overhaul for some items (chainsaw tree hit, AK 47 firing sound, molotov light, truck and gyrocopter sounds maybe more) A Contrast slider in the video settings Customisable aiming reticle Volume sliders for zombies, robots (turrets and drone or at least a mute function for drones in the dialog) and ambient Distance options for drone (hover distance) Slightly cleaned up UI Atmospheric sound 'overhaul' (Eg night and outside noises muffled when in a building, random floorboard creak when moving on wooden floors etc)
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