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Posts posted by pahbi

  1. 2 minutes ago, Drazil said:



    So, I actually tried making the changes I suggested to my game, but my exm editing knowledge is pretty limited (I am not sure how to edit two values on the same string), and I haven't been able to make it work even by editing the game files themselves.

    There is definitively something else to consider regarding tier 6.


    I did notice though, how there may be another value to edit, like the level in the "passive_effect" 1 and 2, as it also refers to the max level (75), but once again, editing it made things worse, so I am not sure.

    Another thing to consider, is the message that says how "X item - quality X has been unlocked" that would need to be added, and triggered, for tier 6 when reading the right amount of magazines.

    I hope this is of any help, because as it is, it looks like a headache to figure out instead, lol.


    Don't sweat it, I'm just a hack at it as well, and a lot of it is greek to me.


    I need to setup a new test game to try and recreate what your seeing so I can see how to fix it.


    I did update the file though with the new level information, try that out and see if it helps.



  2. On 6/22/2023 at 1:28 PM, TheRealKrash said:

    I can not for the life of me figure out why the craft-books mod does not work on my host havoc server but works fine in SP. The readme says... Set parameters in recipies.xml to allow players to craft recipe and skill books. Where the F do i set the parameters? And what should it look like?


    Apologies, I will update the readme to clear up the confusion.


    I updated the modlet, if you re-download it, the books, schematics and magazines should show up under the science tab.  At least it does on single player, I'm not sure about server, but I suspect it will work.  Give it a try and let me know.


    Sorry about the confusion.  :doh:


    - Pahbi



  3. 12 minutes ago, Archael said:

    But even having guaranteed item from crafting, im still depending on RNG.
    I cannot learn to craft stell and mechanical gear, or better armor other than by looting and RNG. I cannot gather resourcess for crafting other than through looting and RNG. I have to deal with RNG to gather materials and recipes for crafting AND i have to spend point for skills i need to craft those (in A21 i dont have to, but i still have to deal with RNG to learn how to craft, and even more than in A20) and yet, i still cant get lvl 6 gear. I just have to scavenge a little more, ignore schematics and parts and find what i need. Hey, its faster to actually find lvl6 auger than to find schematics and parts to craft lvl 5 auger.
    I dont want to have things for free, what i want is that if i already iovested so much in skills, i would like to use that skill, crafting in this manner. ESPECIALLY that learning crafting is THROUGH RNG.


    Totally agree.  However, with the rabid fans and mods that inhabit these forums its 110% pointless to post anything here.  It will never see the light of day to the devs, and the entire time your trying to bring something to light you will be relentlessly attacked by the rabid fans who feel its their duty to protect the game, and mods who will inform you of why you are wrong.


    The only available solution is to put rabid fans and mods on ignore, and then mod game to your liking.  I'm not a programmer by any stretch, but I was able to learn to make some mods by looking at what others did, and using a xpath tester to eventually figure stuff out.


    The learn by reading thing isn't bad as a concept, but its just to much.  75 books to master a skill is really just silly when you think about it.  So I'm making a work around mod that will allow players to just craft books from paper, glue and leather.  The better solution would be to just not require so many books, but my programming skills just aren't up to that.  



  4. On 6/3/2022 at 5:24 PM, Matt115 said:

    I agree about mechanics. But enemies, vehicles etc are diffrent  - let say 7dtd mods don't exist but still people asking for more content  so that could be done by DLC. Well there is usually two option - 1. finish game totaly  and maybe sometimes make fixes  , start making new game or stop making games ( like gothic devs)  etc 2. Make one dlc few or until dlc income will be no longer profitable  in like conan or ark situation


    I vastly prefer DLC



  5. Not a big fan of the screamers either.


    Obviously, its the apocalypse and a dangerous world, and things should be trying to kill you, and no place should be 100% safe.


    But the screamer mechanic is just silly, monotonous and annoying.  Please let it be a placeholder for something better down the road.


    Give us random waves of stuff to deal with.  Packs of zombies, birds, bears, wolves, killer chickens and vicious zombie rabbits or whatever.


    I'd like to rig up sticks, strings and cans to get a warning of an attack.



  6. 7DTD is good stuff, but eventually it runs out of steam.  Maybe its a symptom of its incredibly long development time.


    Once you've looted everything, been through the POIs, killed the same zombies over and over and over again, and mastered blood nights, the last thing left to do is build stuff, but even that gets kinda meh after a while.


    At that point its either get one of the overhaul mods for the game, or put it aside for a while until the next alpha.



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