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Everything posted by Radford

  1. Yes I get that - though difficulty levels could enable or not so again not an issue I can see. Moving away from full sandbox to another story based zombie deal would be a pity in my view, but appreciate good for many players so all to the good and gives potential tools for modders probably. The lulz are the only reason I play games 🙂 but seems mods would be the way then so if remains highly moddable and great and creative community no biggie so you’re probably right enough for the devs to do… Love that apache will check that mod for sure.
  2. As I mentioned I don’t see how that is an issue in a sandbox where you can set resources to infinite and be invincible if you want - most sandboxes are designed to be potentially overpowered if you want the server to be so or absolutely nightmarishly difficult if other way inclined. Settings and player set limitations define this so I don’t see this as an argument against having the options of powerful things in the game
  3. I thought Boidster was being sarcastic? Weaponry on vehicles sounds fun to me. Damage chance of magazine explosion and levels of vehicle degradation could be options for balance - military vehicles being a high resource maintenance and having less storage due to more armour /wep options so convoys are a thing with cargo vs protection or even a mobile base set up ( or bases involving armed or armoured vehicle tracks as part of their set up - the bus as a gate idea or circus maximus type zombie death arena) The idea of game breaking in a game you can control server settings and a lot of limits are self imposed seems moot. Fun or near crushing realism can be your aim and for me and mates mayhem is fun. So for me armed vehicles means more interaction types, options and simulation which is capacity for more fun in a sandbox.
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