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Everything posted by quord

  1. log1 7d2d - Pastebin.com I think this is the link. If I am correct there are three more if required.
  2. log1 7d2d - Pastebin.com I think this is the link. If I am correct there are three more if required.
  3. Please bear with me I am not computer savvy. I have been playing 7 days for years now and have never had a problem until a week ago. When I start up the game as it loads character it crashes with the above title in red. I have checked the things asked of me before reporting Launch without anti cheat re create the problem Validate files (all 10774 files successfully validated) restarted after validation I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times. The second time I was able to play and save for three sessions then problem happened again. I have read that log reports are to be added via paste bin. I have the log on pastebin but have no idea how to get it onto this thread. I have seen people say link it to us for example but they might as well say 'kjhbrjfdfhghfvid' for what that means to me. All I can say is that the problem appears to be connected to the character. As I tried to start a new game I was given the choice of choosing a character. As I did it immediately crashed. If I could be given advice how to get the logs too you I will send them. Here's hoping.
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